16 Replies to “Bin Laden Is Dead And Ambassador Stevens Is Dead”

  1. Brilliant.:(
    “An ISIS-associated YouTube account posted a new video online Tuesday entitled, ‘Weapons and munitions dropped by American planes and landed in the areas controlled by the Islamic State in Kobani.’ The video was also posted on the Twitter account of “a3maq news,” which acts as an unofficial media arm of ISIS. The outfit has previously posted videos of ISIS fighters firing American made Howitzer cannons and seizing marijuana fields in Syria.”

  2. Because of western aggression, ISIS has been isolated from the world. They have no building materials, and the people have no prospects for their future. ISIL is now the largest open air prison in the world.
    If Baghdad gets an iron dome, then the rockets are a moot point. Probably homemade anyway.
    Hey, it works for Hamas…

  3. It’s time for the Arabs to nut up and put boots on the ground. Either that or make plans to incinerate everything from Libya to Pakistan.

  4. “A people that cannot defend themselves deserve to become extinct.”
    GREAT QUOTE by another second amendment fan.

  5. Thanks.
    Here’s another one I made up:
    Freedom carries a terrible price, but still a bargain compared to any alternative.
    Many Canadians, it seems, are unwilling to pay that price, so they cling to their socialized health care, and tolerate all sorts of abuse at the hands of our government.

  6. This is all part of Allah’s plan.
    “The future must not belong to those who insult the prophet of Islam”
    ~ B. Hussein 0bama speaking at the UN.
    There must be a lot of people in the Middle East who are insulting the prophet. They seem to be mostly Shia, Yazidi, Kurds and other vermin.
    In the words of the Sex Pistols:
    No future, no future
    No future, no future
    No future for you
    Remember the good old days when it was “No SOUP for you”?

  7. So, Ms. McMillan, where is the news in this? What did you expect ISIS to do, deliver care packages?

  8. On a more cheerful note, the video could easily be faked.
    Remember ISIS captured lots of armaments from Libya. And Green cammo, well, it’s all over a battlefield…
    Great PR coup though, if it’s genuine, oh well….

  9. It’s the Shias who are wanting a messianic final destructive battle, and then dominate the world. The Sunnis simply want to dominate the world.

  10. “Because of western aggression, ISIS has been isolated from the world.”
    Utter and complete nonsense. Loads of them are coming from western industrial nations as volunteer jihadis. And they’re well funded from lots of different places. None of this is isolation. It’s a disease.

  11. The Inconvenient Truth is that Turkey is probably an ISIS sponsor.
    After a long period on non-intervention, Turkey bombed the Kurds on the slimmest of pretexts.
    The Turks have a real problem with Kurds getting sovereign territory anywhere.
    Logically a Kurdistan would involve parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey….that’s where they are and have been for millennia….probably predating the Turks migration to Anatolia from Central Asia.
    The Arabs seek to turn back the clock to the Abbasid dynasty which was replaced by the Ottomans. The Abbasid dynasty was the third Arab caliphate, the first two occurred in the 1st century after Mo kicked the bucket.
    None of the Arab Caliphates were terribly monolithic…..Saladin being the main unifier….sort of….for the most part civil war was a constant.
    Turkey seeks to turn the clock back to the Ottoman empire….without the demographic base….
    In the meantime IS needs the Turkish border crossing….Turkey is the primary route for foreign recruits.

  12. The Inconvenient Truth is that Turkey is probably an ISIS sponsor.
    After a long period on non-intervention, Turkey bombed the Kurds on the slimmest of pretexts.
    The Turks have a real problem with Kurds getting sovereign territory anywhere.
    Logically a Kurdistan would involve parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey….that’s where they are and have been for millennia….probably predating the Turks migration to Anatolia from Central Asia.
    The Arabs seek to turn back the clock to the Abbasid dynasty which was replaced by the Ottomans. The Abbasid dynasty was the third Arab caliphate, the first two occurred in the 1st century after Mo kicked the bucket.
    None of the Arab Caliphates were terribly monolithic…..Saladin being the main unifier….sort of….for the most part civil war was a constant.
    Turkey seeks to turn the clock back to the Ottoman empire….without the demographic base….
    In the meantime IS needs the Turkish border crossing….Turkey is the primary route for foreign recruits.
