25 Replies to “I Felt A Great Disturbance In The Narrative”

  1. The grand jury decision has been delayed an additional 60 days. Originally it was supposed to be announced in October. They were hoping the protesters will calm down by Oct. Looks like they were wrong?

  2. I didn’t see any hick farmers disrupting the shot.
    Only some of those perpetually aggrieved, activist-types.
    Of a certain skin colour ….. just saying.

  3. The irony of the protesters’ “position” is that CNN’s coverage of the initial riots consisted of dumbed-down, non-stop racial pandering against whitey.
    The CNN panelists “understood” the reasons for the display of what non-progressive non-journalists understood was just stupidity and emotional incontinence — in other words, hell. Kinda like the video.

  4. They’re waiting until after the election, when President Hussein will have more flexibility. Best to avoid race riots just before an election.

  5. “New details” beDAMNED. An event seen by many people, videoed by several, and there are still NEW DETAILS
    coming out? BS; hang them all.

  6. Sound like some body dun hire mo community organizers, Jack?
    Where eric? He know Ben Frank?
    Sound like some TV outfit forget to hire the “right people” to coordinate their s***.
    You know what I mean?

  7. The sight of one of CNN’s hacks getting shouted down by the same folks they have been pandering to every since Big Mike went down is gratifying. I just wonder how long it will be before one of the “Demonstrators” is sitting next to Wolf Blitzer vetting every word he says. And Ol Wolf going right along because he wants to hang with the bad boys. Or is afraid not to.

  8. CNN – Couldn’t happen to a better bunch. Is this Black America? on’Dt think so, but the others will be silenced by these louts.

  9. Having that fool, who talks like he has a hockey puck in his big mouth,…yacking on TV is not the way to win friends and influence people.
    The fool should stop and consider that his sacred demographic is maybe a whole 12-14%…..a visible minority perhaps but a minority…..politically and militarily….(we got the power…NOT)
    After a point the chimp-outs get tiresome.
    Tolerance only goes so far before a backlash…..the leftist brainwashing influence has limits.
    When the dam bursts the will be little or no warning….that’s how these things go….witness the storming of the Bastille….

  10. Such fine upstanding people in that community, perfect example of Obama’s leadership in action. Common decency, respect for free speech, open media, rule of law, always open to hear others point of view … /
    CNN – LIE better for me or I’ll take you down, zionist bytches!
    Sons and daughters of the DNC.
    Although amusing that this is happening to cnn who’s too stupid to see what they’ve helped create, it shows that their mentality is one and the same as hamas, ISIS and etc.
    These folks not worried about Ebola at all eh?

  11. Van is hanging out with Glenn Beck handing out soccer balls and blankets to all those poor children streaming across the open American southern border looking for a fair and just society …. you know one of those lefty touchy feely causes.

  12. The cop had an eye socket broken, that was out in the first week, but rarely mentioned by the MSM
    There were 2 out of 3 people on that street that knew about the robbery

  13. Sasquatch, I would like to think you are right, that the backlash is imminent and that leftist brainwashing has limits . . . but I’m still waiting for the much-predicted “white backlash” against the urban race riots of the late 1960s, the ones that left a number of American central cities gutted (and from which they have never fully recovered; Detroit is just the most extreme of many such). Insurrection is a young man’s game, and I fear that many, perhaps most, white youth _are_ brainwashed beyond recovery.

  14. You missed the backlash? It was called White Flight, and resulted in the ruination of more downtown canters than just Detroit.
    The current, ongoing backlash against the DemocRats and their creeping totalitarianism can be seen in the record annual gun and ammunition sales every year since 2008. Just like White Flight, it’s a slow motion backlash. People with money and brains get themselves kitted out and situated nicely so they can do something if it all hits the fan. Then they get on with life while keeping an eye on the exits.
    These days in the USA that looks like a very large number of people leaving The Democrat run Northeast and Califonia and moving to the SouthWest.
    That’s how my people do backlash

  15. So apparently the autopsy completely debunks all the claims about how the Gentle Giant was slain by evil cops. Right-leaning media is feeling vindicated and slightly smug.
    They still don’t get it. Facts are irrelevant, all that matters is the narrative. Doesn’t matter what forensic science says, doesn’t matter if high-definition close-up video turned up. This will always be remembered as Innocent Black Choir Boy Slaughtered By Racist Cops.
    Truth is whatever is politically expedient.
