Oh, Shiny Pony

Have I mentioned yet today that I think Trudeau is a fool? No? Trudeau is a fool.
“Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau says it was Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s “ego” that led him to send six CF-18s to participate in airstrikes in Iraq, rather than a concern for Canada’s long-term interests.”
The flake doesn’t get it.
It isn’t about ego or Canada’s long-term interests. If it were for those reasons we would have sent a lot more than six fighter jets, a tanker and surveillance aircraft.
It’s about working with our allies to try to stop stuff like this.

72 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony”

  1. I can help JT with the “root cause”.
    It is a barbaric belief system supported in the west by a progressive social system.

  2. Yes, the rerun is a charlatan – but one whose handlers poll tested his statement before he made it.
    The forces commitment isn’t about working with allies (after all, if we worked with today’s American leadership we’d be on the other side, right?), it’s about doing the right thing. And it isn’t any bigger because, well, because that’s about all we have available to send.

  3. This is the time when good people have to push back, and it is easy to do, no violence no protests in the streets, we all know what our pathetic media is trying to do we need to turn the tide against the educated idiots of the press. The media is so horny to crown this turd we need to contact advertisers in print media radio etc and tell them you will never buy their products and you will tell others the same, it works. Any media, CBC CTV Global Star Globe radio etc when their revenues decline, will have to reassess that shoving this Forrest Gump of Montreal into the PMs chair is possibly a disasterous and dangerous thing. He is probably a real nice fellow to share a bong with, if thats your thing, but hardly capable of leading a campfire sing song let alone Canada.

  4. No, Trudeau isn’t a fool, he’s anything but a fool. The Liberal party of Canada cannot differentiate between the Canadian values that used to be held in esteem by the Western world of a generation ago and the multicultural values that they have imported into Canada in exchange for power. The Liberals see no difference, so no Trudeau is not a fool, a con-man, charlatan, grafter, whatever but no fool, the fools are the Canadians that have voted for the Liberals ever since the Adscam fiasco.

  5. Not Harper’s ego, his naive neoconservatism.
    What allies?
    The EU for example has turned decisively against Israel, the front line.
    50 countries, including the U.S. and many EU countries, recently participated in a donors conference for Hamas.
    Hamas was oversubscribed: got a billion more than they asked for.
    How does Hamas differ from ISIS?
    AND some of our “allies” are now recognizing the non existent state of Palestine.
    And this after the social worker rout in A’stan. An unconscionable waste of blood and treasure.
    JT is right, but for the wrong reasons of course. Sorry!

  6. My wife is well aware by now that any time Pony’s name is mentioned around me, I go red with rage at the fool’s utter incompetence and basic unfitness for the job he seeks. Lately I have been trying to express this in a rational fashion, with phrases such as “He is at his core an unserious person; he simply does not take anything around him seriously and thinks he can run the country that way,” or my new addition, “He’s not really a politician, he just plays one on TV. See, he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.” (she didn’t get that reference though)
    It is starting to take root; she’s starting to make some noise that she realizes he’s a fool and a charlatan. She won’t vote Conservative; that’s a lost cause (she is a public sector union employee after all). I’m at least making it my mission to steer her vote away from Pony.
    I won’t win them all (one of my sisters is a complete left-wing loon, a total lost cause; I don’t know what went wrong there), but I’m not losing my own wife to this fool.

  7. Would you prefer that they grow and develop into a nation-state? Because that’s the consequence of your isolationism.

  8. No, Trudeau is no fool, anything but a fool. The Liberal Party of Canada’s new leader cannot differentiate between the Canadian values that were held in high esteem by the Western world of just a generation ago and the multiculturalism that they have imported into this country in exchange for power. So no Trudeau is no fool, a con-man, charlatan, grafter maybe but no fool, the fools are the Canadians that have voted for the Liberals since the Adscam fiasco.

  9. Unfortunatly PM Harper best legal advisore are Israeli or one of jewish lawyer who are nlt to look forall truth nothing except truth . You know jewish deny BIG fact that jeses is not prophet of god when. Some one his brain can not analyse. All facts or smart to know jeses was prophet when you asked legal advice from jewish lawyer always one fact is. Missing. Sorry ido. Not want to bother. With good jwish communityy but jewish lawyersor judge are stings! How you can deal with terorrist is not bombing. Civilan in palestine or iraq. You need to have ear and eye and good freind tell you who get radical I do not believed radical muslim I belived those people are mentally ill and hate wrong environment make their brain sick. Whenbalck community involve crime or indian aboriginal bite up theeir wives with drug addiction some sick make other around tthem sick when we deal al world politician sick country people get sick when saudi arabia are sick radical born from them see roots cause of action.

  10. I don’t know…. let’s see, a Sunni-dominated state wedged between Iran and Syria keeping the Persians and their clients in Baghdad and Damascus busy for the next 30 years?
    Oh, right, I forgot, we are working with our “allies” in the region (Assad, the Ayatollahs, radical Shiites in Iraq, Al Qaeda, terrorist Kurdish factions, and the Turks) to stop them from having to fight their enemies on their own.
    I’m sure it will all go swimmingly. Hopefully, it turns out as well as Libya and Afghanistan.

  11. “It’s about working with our allies to try to stop stuff like this.”
    The chances of stopping “stuff like this” from a few bomb drops is ridiculous. Me No Dhimmi is correct. We still refuse to articulate what the f..king enemy is – Islamic jihad, period. We would do more to stop “stuff like this” if we declared Islam a supremacist-fascist movement – motivated, controlled, and protected by mimicking a religion deserving no state protection as if it were just another Church on the corner of Maple and Vine. We wouldn’t need to go very far to do that and it would take up pretty much all the defense resources we have without going to the ME.
    In the ME you can drop bombs virtually anywhere outside of Israel and you will be killing enemies of the West but unless you are prepared to commit nuclear genocide on 1.2 billion wretched Muslims, you won’t stop “stuff like this”. “This” is the sharp edge of Islam. The West is in moral and civilizational decay and young Muslims are enervated by that as much as by their righteous madness.

  12. Trudeau can’t be too concerned about the possible terrorist attack in his home province by a person who is said to have converted to Islam and radicalized. The Media Party Consortium’s heir apparent/chosen one to the PM seat was too busy flogging his “all about me” book to spend an hour in the HOC to debate serious issues. This is what passes for earning the money we pay him to sit as the leader of the third party?

  13. No we’re not going to stop “stuff like this.” You are stating the obvious.
    That’s not the point of all – we must deny Islamists a base of operation to plan and execute attacks on us. It isn’t as simple as saying let the Islamists kill each other off. We must deny them the resources of a state to finance, plan and promote their cataclysmic holy war towards their new worldwide caliphate.
    IOW AQ/IS/Islamists of all stripes cannot be deterred, because they love war and death. States are more self-interested and can rely less and less on plausible deniability (ie Iran and SA sponsoring terrorists). Containment of IS et al is not meant to solve this unsolvable, inter generational conflict, but to keep them off balance to forestall wherever possible their obvious plans for escalation of their violence.
    Another problem is homegrown terrorists like the idiot who killed a Canadian soldier yesterday. This is presumably a French Canadian with no links to the ME or the Arab world, if the reports are accurate, acting seditiously against Canada. We must be very vigilant against this and use the justice system to dole out severe punishments to any Canadians who turn against their country, including any organizations that give comfort and aid to our enemies.
    No we can’t defeat them nor can they defeat us, this war has been going on for over a thousand years – but they can do some serious damage, v.v 9/11 and destabilize the ME, and that could lead to larger conflicts involving Israel, Russia and China.
    Frankly I’d rather take a chance on granting Harper an ego trip or whipping our our big CF18s.

  14. Justin Trudeau is an arrogant little sh– just like his father. While his father at least had some accomplishments under his belt, the Pere had the same arrogance, contempt and dissonance from the average person the Fils has. Justin Trudeau will say and do anything to win whether it is trolling for votes at mosques or saying something stupid and indefensible as this. It never occurred to him that maybe, just maybe, Harper, like the average Canadian (as polls suggest), is appalled by what ISIS is doing. Trudeau clearly isn’t. Hell, even Belgium is taking a harder line in this than Trudeau is.
    Voting Trudeau in, especially after the ruinous reign of his father and of Obama, will destroy this country.

  15. The chances of stopping “stuff like this” from a few bomb drops is ridiculous.

    It’s not just a few bomb drops. It’ll be plenty of bomb drops in coordination with attacks by ground forces. The ground forces will be provided by the Kurds and the Iraqi’s.

  16. reading the comments at huffingtonpost is very discouraging. I can’t believe there are so many people that would agree with JT. I took the time to reply to a half dozen, but the stupidity is astounding. To them, this is all about cheerleading their team: “Go Liberals, down with Harper!”. Doing the right thing and trying to prevent another slaughter of innocents doesn’t register with them.

  17. We won’t stop stuff like this unless we hit the Muslims where it counts, Saudi Arabia, and Quatar.
    Canada isn’t trying to stop stuff like this, in fact, our government is importing these savages by the boatload.

  18. Despite JT’s fondness for all things French, he likely has no knowledge of the writings of Alexis de Tocqueville. His reference to Stephen King is a feeble attempt to make him “one of us.”
    JT continues to display his callowness for all to see.

  19. “We won’t stop stuff like this unless we hit the Muslims where it counts, Saudi Arabia, and Quatar.”
    Whoever replaces the House of Saud will be far, far worse. Same with the Al Thani dynasty in Qatar. If you think those countries are hostile now, you’ll love what comes after the current regimes fall.
    Plus, hurting the Arabs only helps the Persians and Turks, and the radical Shiites in Tehran and hostile regime in Istanbul aren’t exactly good friends of ours.

  20. “Whoever replaces the House of Saud will be far, far worse. Same with the Al Thani dynasty in Qatar. If you think those countries are hostile now, you’ll love what comes after the current regimes fall. ”
    I call BS on that.
    Destroy Saudi Arabia and annex all it’s oil wealth, and most of the Muslim issue will just disappear. Of course, the west, in it’s decline, couldn’t just go and take land from savages, that would be waaaaaycist!

  21. Shamrock provided you with the practical reply. I will give you the ethical one. You refer to the moral and civilizational decay of the West. If you’re not part of the solution in opposing evil, you’re part of the problem.
    Putting it in even more stark and contemporary terms, Shiny Pony stands with isolationism, and so do you by your statements here. Is that really the company you want to keep?

  22. Currently, all western leaders stand with importing Muslims by the boatload, and allowing Saudi funded mosques to spring up like toadstools.
    Seems Russia,China, Japan and Cuba have the right idea, and see Muslims as a threat.
    We can get involved all we want, but until we name the enemy, it won’t matter.
    The enemy is Muslims.

  23. The average Canadian disinterested voter only hears “Legalize weed” at best and 1/2 of them will vote FOR it.
    He could very well be our next Prime Minister.
    TrueTrust-Fund will undo all the good Harper has done and more in a day because Prime Minister Steve was too frightened to act conservative.
    See Ontario “The Model” for what’s in store for this great nation.

  24. Any Canadian politician who has read Alexis de Tocqueville has no doubt decided that Alexis de Tocqueville is an enemy.

  25. If Harper had done any real good, Trudeau would not be able to undo it.
    What Harper did is throw real Canadian conservatives a few crumbs.

  26. Your ranting in your last three posts is rather aside from the point. Here’s the point: are you a Shiny Pony isolationist or a Harper interventionist?

  27. Justin(e) is nothing an arrogant leftist (_i_)HOLE..like father – like son.
    Islam is the problem as it had been for 1400 yrs.

  28. Neither.
    If we are to intervene, we should do it in a fashion that actually makes a difference, and not place our troops under Obama’s orders, as we have now.
    We are currently fighting for Iranian and Saudi interests, not Canadian interests.
    So, I would leave ISIS alone to kill and maim in the ME, as their MO is no different than the Saudi’s.

  29. I think it will take more than that. Iran and Indonesia are major Islamist players, and let’s not forget northern Africa and the various -stans in Asia.
    We should start cutting ties with all manner of human rights abusing petro-states and stop legitimising them.

  30. This is just BS that saudi arabia is freind with Canada, just opeenyour eyes why not arab choose their own pm every 5 years by election, in fact I don’t believe canada or US has any freind in ME. My advice is: we do not need freindin ME. We only should try to not have enemy reduce anger,hate it will reduce crime too. when we cut freindship with anyperson or country love war itautomaticaly reducee enemy.

  31. We are currently fighting for Iranian and Saudi interests, not Canadian interests.

    You’re so wrong. We are fighting because it’s the right thing to do! You don’t leave serial killers alone just because they’re not killing anyone in your own country. You make an effort to help stop them.

  32. You are dangerously naive.
    You don’t put troops in harm’s way because it’s “the right thing to do”.
    If that were the case, we would have attacked Boko Haram, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia by now.

  33. Well, as you know, my election prediction barometer has not been working, at all, for several years now.
    But, I can report, surprisingly and utterly anecdotally, that someone close to me, who voted quite vociferously Ontario Liberal (and, in so doing, helped defeat an MPP first elected with Mike Harris), has reported in as follows:
    “Just watching Canada AM. Find it odd that Mr. T has to write his memoirs at the age of 42 in order to allow Canadians a chance to get to know him before next year’s election. I thought that was what politicking was all about, selling yourself? Don’t think that he has written a best seller. Can hardly wait for Volume II.”

  34. It seems to me that anyone who charges people $30,000 for the privilege of hearing him speak has no business criticizing anyone else’s ego.

  35. “It’s not just a few bomb drops. It’ll be plenty of bomb drops in coordination with attacks by ground forces. The ground forces will be provided by the Kurds and the Iraqi’s.”
    This is already occurring in the Kobane area, and the Kurds have taken back some of the city. Reported on Fox this morning.
    I agree, we should be sending more men and material than we are.
    We will either fight them there or we will fight them here, and we had an inkling yesterday of what we will be facing here.

  36. Irrelevant quibbling, Mike. For all practical purposes, your position is the same as Shiny Pony’s: no intervention.

  37. I see you take the whole “Use the position of my enemy to justify my own” approach.
    Well done.
    JT is right in this case, as he is on pot.
    He’s wrong on almost everything else thoug, but then again, so is Harper.
    Learn to use Venn diagrams, and you will see that there are very few policy differences between the libs and the Progressive Conservatives, aka the CPC.

  38. The notion of memoirs from a 42-year old who’s done nothing of note is a joke. Memoirs are supposed to be at the end of a life accounting up everything that’s been done, achieved or experienced. Shiny Pony has done nothing thus far, so it should be full of blank pages.
    I don’t get into the business of predicting elections any more. If we’ve learned nothing else in the past decade it’s that elections really do matter. The so-called surprise outcome of the last Ontario election is a case in point. Should have been a shoe-in for the Tories; instead they tanked, totally. All this crapola you see on CBC every night about tracking polls and what’s on Canadians’ minds is all rubbish. None of it means anything until polling day.

  39. “If you’re not part of the solution in opposing evil, you’re part of the problem.” – That sounds like GWB redux. Seriously?
    Are you seriously suggesting that we should revisit the idea of garrisoning the ME with our token 6 F18s under the glorious leadership of Obama in some sort of stability-building exercise by another futile attempt at eliminating one particularly effective Jihadi faction. Our (mostly US) “involvement” to date has allowed them to run amok precisely because we intervened based on moral preening rather than strategic thought. We accomplished Obama’s goal only, by eliminating much of the (arguably less) nasty buggers representing the last of the Imperial Power’s boundaries and regimes. Now it’s game-on Jihadis.
    This is a feel-good exercise in token “international justice”. Nothing lasting will come of it. Personally, I would love to see Napalm raining down on all of them but they aren’t stupid enough to give you that opportunity. They embed with “civilians”.
    My point is that if we aren’t prepared to do something about our moral degeneration and Islam’s ascendancy right here than what the f..k are we doing in the middle of the ME where the pathology has been contained more or less for the last 1400 years by the various tribal factions and Islam’s proclivity for developmental stasis. Technology, globalism and multiculturalism has brought it here. Until our glorious leaders will recognize the problem and have the moral courage to name it there isn’t much point in attempting to “reform” the Islamic wastelands even if you thought you could.
    Worldwide, there will always be horrific acts of barbarism to preen over and if we attempted to intervene in all of them we would be extinct. We have to pick and choose wisely.
    I don’t consider myself in the same company of the Trudeau brat as he is fully invested in the multicultural nihilism and welfare/socialist state that has enervated the appeal of Islam to the cultural and imported sludge looking for some meaning in life. He is their own root cause.

  40. It seems there are many who are willing to spend Canadian blood and treasure merely to give themselves a smug pat on the back.
    They are as much symptoms of the decline of the west as the PC crowd.

  41. You are dangerously naive.
    You don’t put troops in harm’s way because it’s “the right thing to do”.

    And you are dangerously stupid. Learn from history. French/British/US refusal to put troops in harm’s way in 1938 resulted in far more dead than there would have been had the leaders acted forcefully and decisively. And we did put troops in harm’s way in Korea. That’s why there’s a free southern end on the peninsula. Why would we attack Saudi Arabia? Are they invading one of their neighbours? And Boko Haram is too small of a target for our military. They’re better handled by a US Navy SEALS or CIA team.

  42. “Your ranting in your last three posts is rather aside from the point. Here’s the point: are you a Shiny Pony isolationist or a Harper interventionist?”
    Why can’t he be neither? It is possible to believe Trudeau is an idiot and still oppose getting involved in the current proxy war between the Arabs/Sunnis and the Persians/Shiites and their various client states. The position doesn’t make someone an isolationist.
    From my perspective, I have difficutly looking at the results in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Yemen and supporting yet another adventure in the ME but I understand many people hold the good faith view that doing nothing will be worse. Based on past results, I think it’s also reasonable that many of us don’t hold the same view.

  43. The difference is who dies, dingbat.
    What you are saying as that Canadian soldiers should die for Muslims, because that’s who we’re fighting for.
    Also, the USA CiC, who is an obvious MB sympathizer, is in control.
    But hey, as long as it ain’t you on the line, what do you care, right? You can just give yourself a nice smug pat on the back, and say you supported getting the bad guys.
    Too bad the only guy in that theater who actually defended Christians and minorities is Assad. Go get ‘im, slugger!

  44. Did I say Canadian soldiers should die for Muslims? Really? Dangerously stupid indeed. I suppose in WWII our soldiers were dying for French, Polish, and Russians? Oh, and Jews too, but we didn’t know that until after, right?
