Oh, Shiny Pony

Have I mentioned yet today that I think Trudeau is a fool? No? Trudeau is a fool.
“Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau says it was Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s “ego” that led him to send six CF-18s to participate in airstrikes in Iraq, rather than a concern for Canada’s long-term interests.”
The flake doesn’t get it.
It isn’t about ego or Canada’s long-term interests. If it were for those reasons we would have sent a lot more than six fighter jets, a tanker and surveillance aircraft.
It’s about working with our allies to try to stop stuff like this.

72 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony”

  1. “Did I say Canadian soldiers should die for Muslims?”
    Yes, you did.
    ” I suppose in WWII our soldiers were dying for French, Polish, and Russians? Oh, and Jews too, but we didn’t know that until after, right?”
    I see you equate Muslims with French, Polish and Russians.
    Dangerously stupid indeed.

  2. Mike >
    I agree with you Mike,
    I’m not going to comment about this anymore as I’ve already done so on several threads, and obviously can’t turn SDA commenter’s from being Obamba supporters in this issue. Like “he’s got it right this time, damn gummit”!
    Regardless, the issue of Canada going or not going is moot as they are gone.
    What more to say, people would rather spend millions to literally pound sand over in the desert than take care of ISIS/ ISIL here. They don’t care to be non-interventionalist, they’d rather import ISIS with open border policies and not bother to force our government to stop allowing Islamic extremists to call Canada a sanctuary country.
    A sanctuary country that funds and supplies fresh Jihadist from our streets.
    What’s next? I suppose we’ll be offering government funded PTSD therapy for returning Jihadist like Denmark now does.
    Goooooo Team Obola.

  3. That pretty much sums it up.
    They seem to suffer from willful blindness, as the west imports the Muslims wholesale and gives more land to the jihadists.

  4. The difference is who dies, dingbat.
    What you are saying as that Canadian soldiers should die for Muslims, because that’s who we’re fighting for.
    Also, the USA CiC, who is an obvious MB sympathizer, is in control.
    But hey, as long as it ain’t you on the line, what do you care, right? You can just give yourself a nice smug pat on the back, and say you supported getting the bad guys.
    Too bad the only guy in that theater who actually defended Christians and minorities is Assad. Go get ‘im, slugger!

  5. Yes indeed we should. She was not for half measures, which is why she would be scorning Obama for constantly “going wobbly”. What slaw and Mike and John don’t understand is that there are no perfect solutions to anything in this world. WW2 did not solve for all time the problem of fascism, the fall of the USSR in 1991 did not solve for all time the problem of communism, and any intervention against ISIS will not solve the problem of islamic jihadism for all time either.
    They wave around Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq as apparent demonstrations of the futility of intervention. So too was Norway in 1940 a demonstration in futility. But that did not mean that the menace of German fascism did not need to be confronted. All it showed was the utter futility of half measures.
    It is indeed true that you cannot garrison the ME with our six F-18s is of course ludicrous. And it is indeed true that leadership and resolve really matters, and under Obama both are conspicuously absent. As the present venture is currently constituted, it will not succeed as limited as it is at this time.
    But it’s a start. And there’s really no choice but to engage. And to continue in such an apparently hopeless endeavour until such time as we do commit the resolve and the resources to bring it to a conclusion. And that means doing it the hard way, sorting out the civilians from the fanatics and killing off the latter in job lots. We’re not there yet, but we will be.
    And this is the final delusion of the isolationists. Fortress America couldn’t and didn’t work in the 1930s, and it couldn’t and won’t work now. There’s really no choice in this, not any more. Go after them now or see them coming after us in a decade or less.

  6. Well if nothing else this is a very good air to ground weapons training,i hope all pilots have a chance to rotate through and get a chance to practice!….I hear that isis has a stinger system,F22 Raptors can take care of those im sure.

  7. Just a reminder to the WW2 buffs, this is not a Nazi Panzer type war that we are currently fighting against in the west. This is more akin to the Nazi’s against the French Resistance – only – in this case the enemy ISIS is tactically like the French Resistance of yesteryear, and they are globally entrenched.
    The retards running around the desert are cannon fodder, well armed and supplied by the US. Whether by accident or intentionally.
    We do know that president Obola helped initiate an Arab Spring to allow ISIS to flourish without NA dictators that kept them at bay in the region – Against much protest.
    We do know that Obola pulled troops out of Iraq, giving sanctuary and heavy arm to ISIS in the region – Against much protest.
    We also know that western nations like Canada send hundreds of “Homegrown Terrorists” to aid ISIS in it’s endeavours across the middle east and that they thrive in our sanctuary countries at taxpayers’ expense, while we educate and care for them when “home”.
    The last thing I guess we do is rally our voices and energies to tell our f*ucking government to clean up its f*ucking act and spend our tax dollars cleaning up our own country of this infestation. We’ll just spend it on welfare and University subsidies for the next Islamic terror generation while “accidently” dropping their kin supplies out in the desert.
    And no I do NOT support the little Turdeau douchbag. If he was in charge, there would have been Canadian troops and anything else he could have supplied to king Obola going east as well. It’s just not his shtick to do anything in line with Harper regardless of the outcome.

  8. All it will take is for a politician to get murdered and then turdo la doo will shit himself and call in the army and triple his bodyguards just like his old man did.

  9. Have a look at the videos of the reactions of the zombies who turned up for his book signing today in TO, and tell me again how he hasn’t got better than even chance at fouling up this nation like the Zero has the US?
    Alberta, Sask – be very very afraid – he was talking carbon taxing – you KNOW that’s klepto code for NEP II – funnelling oilsands and Bakken bucks to the commie pogues in Ont and Que. to secure votes for a second term – he ain’t dumb – diabolical, but not dumb.

  10. Some people are conflating a more discriminating foreign policy with isolationism and then throwing out WW2 suggesting that anyone opposed to following the born-again warrior, Obama into another potential ME quagmire is equivalent to sitting-out WW2. World War II was justifiable to the extent that any war is. People who fought and survived it aren’t exactly forthcoming with it’s “glories” largely because there is no glory in Hell. They knew who the enemy was and what constituted victory. Two friends of mine are US Marine Viet Nam Vets (two tours each, both there during TET) and to this day would have preferred isolationism any day to that White House-conducted gong show. They are in good company along with another half million Vets.
    Once again for the hard of reading, if you can’t define what comprises victory, can’t or worse, won’t define your enemy, can’t articulate why your nation’s security interest, and are going to war without absolute advantage and intent on total victory, do you really expect the political class commanding the performance to wing-it on the fly and finesse a positive outcome.

  11. I must be slipping. I read almost a full sentence before I recognized the “style” and skipped this post.

  12. cgh, “We’re not there yet, but we will be.
    And this is the final delusion of the isolationists. Fortress America couldn’t and didn’t work in the 1930s, and it couldn’t and won’t work now. There’s really no choice in this, not any more. Go after them now or see them coming after us in a decade or less.”
    cgh, that is oh so true.
    How many Canadians will have to be killed in “work place violence” before Canadians wake up? The Europeans have not yet fully woken up to the death struggle that is going on.

  13. Obama is not a born-again warrior. He’s just going through the motions to get through the mid-terms next month. A real leader would indeed be able to define the terms of victory in this context, he’s not. But he only has to be endured for another two years. ISIS will still be there and waiting. And if nothing at all is done about them, it will be that much more difficult.

  14. Ken (kulak) >
    There is a difference between Isolationalism and non-Interventionalism, it’s been long debated and established as two different philosophies.
    Globalists like to confuse the two. In my opinion they confuse the terms for either selfish gains or ignorance of the subject.
    “How many Canadians will have to be killed in “work place violence” before Canadians wake up? The Europeans have not yet fully woken up to the death struggle that is going on.” – Ken (Kulak)
    Yes exactly! When will they wake up? “Work place violence don’t happen because you’ve seriously attacked Islamic intervention in the west. It happens because you ignore it and spend your energies PRETENDING to fight straw-men half a world away.

  15. 6 F18s, a tanker and surveillance stuff will make a difference in the middle of a desert. The difference they make will be measurable in civilian lives saved and jihadi lives shortened. Especially since part of the mission will probably be providing cover for convoys of fleeing civilians. It’s the right thing to do and if this isn’t worth doing, nothing is.

  16. We have 6 million low income and poor in Canada including 1 million children and big waiting list of 15 to gain subsidized housing it needs 1 billion to fix exisiting. Old housing some of property of LCBO can sell to devlopeer can gain 10 billion profit business economy is growing recently but money of welfare unbelievable is low. 50 billion war cost cf18 can. Give poor $600 per month extra income bettter home live. And feed. Their children. Canada has small 35 million people story of caughing crminal is Never Ended story movie that is police station. In world. Wide need grow and training locally in muslim country too. Being rich income but misuse your wealth tto buy more cf18 it huft canadian but benefit US factory. Such as group of police chasing criminal and. Small ordinary with. No training chase along with police how US like to take canada wealth to make simple minded. Deal with ME only damage our safty security. Will caused us like rusia had nuclear wepon but inside rrusian country people are hungry and lead divide russian to small countries. We need take care inside first and prevent from outside!

  17. Let’s analyse this.
    Let establish at the beginning that this Trudeau character is an airhead with very little neurons used up.
    Then establish that he is a mouthpiece of a cabal that act as puppet masters that control whatever the airhead utters.
    In this context, the airhead using his part time drama skills practices how to dramatize the script.
    You see, the pronunciations, not unlike the dear leader south of the border, are for the consumption of the LIV. Being uninformed, they swallow much of what the airhead sez (sic).
    It is doubtful that the airhead believes himself whereof he speaks. The cabal consulted and approved the script and a politician pronounces.
    There is certain understanding that politicians (unfortunately) talk mainly bullshit. What is interesting that it more often than not, gets caught by the LIV’s without question or a sceptic thought.
    The informed of course know this.
    The one thing that has to be fixed is this:
    Mark Steyn explain precisely what is going on. ”doesn’t Matter If GOP Win Midterms, Liberals Winning ‘Other 364 Days,’ Culture Wars”
    That also applies to Canada.
    As many of you here know, talking to a socialist is like talking to a wall.
    Nonetheless one must do that on constant bases.
    It can be tiring at times.
    You have got to have a better argument.
    End of story.

  18. Justin is a fool, got it.
    They tell us either we obsess too much about him, check.
    Meanwhile we are told by certain “smart” people to take Justin seriously as though he’s as smart or smarter than his father….although my personal opinion is that Pierre was so much smart as he was spouting popular rhetoric.
    So here’s an idea.
    Treat him exactly the way they tell us to.
    Example; when you happen to find yourself in a debate with one of his supporters, don’t reflexively respond with a comment on the lack of content. Ask them what his position is on anything.They won’t have an answer or they will resort to HDS.
    Trust me word will filter back that Justin has to tell Canadians (meaning his supporters need talking points) where he stands, which means he has to make a statement.
    The beauty is that every time he does he insults the intellegence of his supporters and they know it.

  19. You know how guys like Stephen Harper keep saying if we don’t fight ’em over there we’ll be fighting them over here?
    Guess what? We’re fighting them over here. In the very Halls of Parliament no less.
    Kinda puts a different complexion on things, doesn’t it?
