30 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. “The (Gallup) survey…found women were more likely than men to want a male boss…In the 60 years that Gallup has conducted this survey, women have never preferred a female boss.”
    I’m reminded of H.L. Mencken’s definition of a misogynist: “A man who hates women as much as women hate one another.”

  2. Fantastic music selection EBD. I have both Rubenstein’s autobiographies on my shelf. They are some of the most enjoyable autobiographies I have ever read. He was a man who loved life, and he lived it to the fullest.

  3. After reading some of the comments in the ‘Star’ about the incident in Montreal today I fear for the future of this country when these idiots are allowed to vote.

  4. Someone mentioned that in Trudeau’s book that he is saying he was “president of the avalanche rescue centre”.
    Only Trudeau that I heard had anything to do with avalanches was Michael. Nothing on Wikipedia or google either.
    If someone read the book, keep an eye out for that.

  5. Re: Martin Rouleau the convert.
    The Quebec police helped him with his conversion. They converted him from a living soul to dead meat!
    Nice shooting guys! That’s what we call ”getting to the root of the problem.”

  6. Actually they have voted. Look at the majority government Wynne got after all the provincial liberal scandals. If it was a PC party in power they would not have a single seat in the parliament.

  7. Nigeria declared Ebola-free; `spectacular success’
    Nigeria – the most populous country in Africa, with 160 million people – had just 20 cases, including eight deaths, a lower death rate than the 70 percent seen elsewhere across the stricken region.
    Officials are crediting strong tracking and isolation of people exposed to the virus, and aggressive rehydration of infected patients to counter the effects of vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms.

  8. The Media Party Consortium will be having so much ammo with the Fluffy Trudeau get to know me from diapers to Liberal front man and a new book by Michael Harris being billed as a take down of Stephen Harper. Guessing these two books will be popular Christmas gifts with the Consortium and their Liberal pals.

  9. AGW Regress Report.
    “One look at the data and it’s clear why most Canadians live in southern portions of the country.”
    “Government of Canada maps shows the country’s extreme minimum temperature zones”
    “A map featuring the country’s coldest temperatures has gone viral on the content-sharing site Imgur. One look at the data and it’s clear why most Canadians live in southern portions of the country.”
    “Northern portions of the country — like Nunavut and the Yukon — can see lows between -56.7 and -51.1 degrees Celsius. That’s a far cry from Vancouver Island, where lows can hover around the freezing mark.”

  10. O’s sole legacy: massive PTSD.
    “*This is his sole legacy: a massive post-traumatic stress disorder.”
    “Barack Obama’s stunning rejection: (Former) supporters walk out on him during rally for Democrat candidate”
    “WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama has belatedly hit the U.S. election campaign trail amid dismal personal approval ratings that have been reflected in even his own supporters walking out on him mid-speech.
    With just two weeks until polling day and Democrats looking in danger of losing control of the Senate, the depths of Mr. Obama’s unpopularity was clear for him to see in one early rally in the state of Maryland.”
    “*This is his sole legacy: a massive post-traumatic stress disorder.”

  11. If there is any sanity, ability to reason among the voters of this country one would have to believe Trudeau’s vow to take away any tax breaks like income splitting given by the Harper government and taxing carbon would be a vote killers.

  12. O’pariah.
    ““I’m not Barack Obama,” said Alison Lundergan Grimes, the Democrat candidate in Kentucky in a recent television advert which went on to spell out her disagreements with Mr Obama on guns, coal and environmental regulations.”
    “From patron saint to pariah: how Barack Obama became toxic for Democrats
    With midterm elections only two weeks away, Democrat candidates are doing something they never would have dreamed of in 2008: distancing themselves from President Barack Obama”
    “jeffmason1 Jeff Mason
    Steady stream of people leaving Maryland rally continues as Obama speaks. It’s noticeable and noisy. They would have waited hours to get in.
    About one day ago via Twitter”

  13. Truly idiotic article from Andrew Coyne:
    “But it’s when you ask Conservative supporters who their second choice would be that you really get a picture of how things are. According to Ekos, more than 40 per cent of them refused to name a second choice: wouldn’t, or couldn’t. For them, it’s the Tories or nothing. Two-thirds of the public would not even consider voting Conservative as a second choice. A quarter literally can’t conceive of another party governing us. That’s polarization.”
    No, that’s reality, there is no second choice on the ballot and the “progressives” don’t get to add up their votes unless they unite into one political party. As for the over 60% voted “against” Harper/Tories idea – besides the obvious fallacy in logic – let’s take this even further; for instance, in the 2011 federal election:
    70% voted against Layton/Dippers
    81% voted against Ignatieff/Grits
    94% voted against Duceppe/Bloc Heads
    96% voted against May/Watermelons
    IOW, grow up you babies and present an alternative instead of ignoring the accomplishments of the Harper government and clinging to the progressive/mediocracy meme of the mean, power hungry Harper. It is about power, morons, that’s how you get your political ideas done. The mediocracy didn’t seem to have any problem with Chretien having a majority government with similar support to what Harper received.

  14. you know JT’s in trouble when JC rises as cover.
    the anti-harper anti-harper…got it?

  15. *Ici Le Jacques Libre.
    “The party’s Quebec caucus chair, Robert Aubin, says Larose is betraying the memory of Jack Layton,”.
    H/T Chow Time/Citoyen MulcairBloc.
    “MP quits NDP to join new Quebec-only party”
    “New Democrat MP Jean-Francois Larose has joined forces with an independent MP to create a new, Quebec-only party.
    Larose is the fourth Quebec MP to abandon the NDP since its fabled orange wave swept 59 of the province’s 75 seats in the 2011 election.
    The party’s Quebec caucus chair, Robert Aubin, says Larose is betraying the memory of Jack Layton, who died a few months after leading the NDP to its best electoral showing ever.”
    *Ici Le Jacques Libre.
    “He came on a bicycle. I escorted him down and he went away on his bike.”

  16. I just hope his book covered all the hard questions like his favourite colour, favorite TV show etc.
    Then maybe the Parliamentory Press Gallery might investigate why young Mr. Trudeau resembles a love child with the worst attributes of Obama and George W Bush.

  17. What a great piece of music, and what a wonderful performance!! The nocturne was later adapted for a pop tune known as both “My Twilight Dream” and “To Love Again”.

  18. The requirement is for an estimated 4 million cards annually with the potential to buy as many as 34 million cards total
    U.S. government solicits tender for cardstock for ID cards to issue illegals, while fighting challenges to States’ requirements for voter ID.

  19. Loved Rubenstein. He was a soloist with the Pittsburgh Symphony in the ’60s. Sir Thomas Beecham was the conductor, later followed by William Steinberg. I never heard better music come out of a pianoin by life.

  20. To be fair, I didn’t, either, until just before I made the post. I had a memory that the nocturne was the theme song for Eddy Duchin and his band in the 1930s and 1940s (I wasn’t around then, but my parents were, and they had an Eddy Duchin album, made when an album was a collection of 78-rpm records). When I Googled Eddy Duchin, I learned about the pop songs.
    It’s not the only use of Chopin’s music for pop songs, though. His Fantaisie Impromptu supplied the music for “I’m Always Chasing Rainbows”, his etude in E-major, Op. 10, No. 3, became “So Deep Is the Night”, and his A-flat polonaise, Op. 53, was a hit for Perry Como as “Till the End of Time”. Tchaikovsky, Grieg, Borodin, and Rachmaninoff have also written music that was used in pop songs.
