On Bell Curves, Grade Inflation and Stalking Gone Wrong

Oh, and vegetarian’s sperm:

Vegetarians and vegans had significantly lower sperm counts compared with meat eaters, 50 million sperm per ml compared with 70 million per ml. They also had lower average sperm motility – the number of sperm which are active. Only one third of sperm were active for vegetarians and vegans compared with nearly 60 per cent for meat eaters.

8 Replies to “On Bell Curves, Grade Inflation and Stalking Gone Wrong”

  1. This lower sperm count and the spending of $2984 / deer (in Kate’s prior post here at SDA) to sterilise deer in liberal areas of the north east are probably more related than not.

  2. The vegan diet is a modern self imposed version of the slave diet of Rome. Rome, which was literally built and sustained by slave labor, made copious detailed tutorials on the control and keeping of slaves – the main control was a diet which kept them able but docile – even then vegan diets were known to make slaves infertile and slave owners were instructed to put a slave onto a meat diet for a while if they intended to breed them.
    Personally I think you have to be mentally deficient in the first place to become a vegan activist/neophyte.

  3. This goes a long way to explaining the rampant sissyfication of the under-40, over-credentialed but under-educated, leftist white male population in recent decades. It’s NOT just my imagination that half of these latte-sipping urban hipsters have a lower testosterone count than Bambi, it’s REAL!
