29 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Sweden Criminalizes Objections to Displacement of Population Through Massive Muslim Immigration

    A new law will come into effect in Sweden after Christmas 2014, that will allow people to be prosecuted for criticizing immigration or politician’s unwillingness to tackle the issue.
    The Constitutional Committee’s report has been voted for in parliament, seen in a letter from the Parliamentary Offices. Member of Parliament Andrew Norlén, member of the Constitutional Committee, has been pushing the issue and he says it will rapidly become a deterrent.
    “I do not think it takes very many prosecutions before a signal is transmitted in the community that the internet is not a lawless country, the sheriff is back in town” Norlén said during a one-sided ‘debate’ on the issue in Swedish parliament.

  2. “Facebook marks Yahoo story on crowd walking out of Obama speech as spam“.
    It’s probably more accurate to say that scores of Facebook-using progs marked the report as spam.

  3. The requirement is for an estimated 4 million cards annually with the potential to buy as many as 34 million cards total
    U.S. government solicits tender for cardstock for ID cards to issue illegals, while fighting challenges to States’ requirements for voter ID.

  4. I suspect that the USSA under the Obama regime fully intends to use the ID cards issued to illegals as voter ID.

  5. I’m guessing the shiny pony doesn’t have journos watching his interactions with his kids at screwl dropoff.

  6. Same as the ISIS leader. Americans had the guy, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in custody(he was a member of (Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq under Abu Mus‘ab al-Zarqawi) and then released him to the Iraqi government who then released him into the wild.
    Hope he kills the people who released him.
    Abu Mus‘ab al-Zarqawi, Abu bakr al-Baghdadi’s mentor, was known for the same brutality and beheadings before the so-called ‘Surge’ in Iraq.
    Abu Mus‘ab al-Zarqawi has been identified by the CIA as the man who beheaded Nick Berg, an American freelance radio-tower repairman, in May 2004.

  7. The part that is the meat and potatoes
    “46% believe the country is heading in the right direction”
    This is why I see a conservative majority next election. The majority don’t want change.

  8. I would be interested to know how many servants the Trudeaus have. At a minimum a nanny and a maid, possibly a cook. Have to say this takes a lot of strain off a marriage..

  9. Juvenile Trudeau talking about PM Harper’s ego driving him to send help to fight the latest Islamic scourge of evil should look in the mirror, it’s Juvenile Trudeau’s ego that has driven him to accept the job of leader of the LPC and aspire to become PM when he is woefully unfit for either position.

  10. Perhaps this poll was taken after Juvenile Trudeau said he would reverse all tax breaks like income splitting made by the Harper government. That’s right up there with telling voters you’re going to cut thousands of jobs. Wonder when he’ll say he’s going to shut down the Oil Sands and impose a tax on carbon?

  11. Our Enemy: Mohammed.
    “Today in Saudi Arabia, as in the territory controlled by Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, women must wear black abayas, shops all close during prayer times, religious police enforce Islamic laws and criminals face violent punishment.”
    “Saudis at War With Islamic State Confront Echo of Kingdom’s Past”
    “All other faiths are banned, and practitioners have been arrested by religious police for holding private services in their homes. Offenders can be flogged, or beheaded for serious crimes.”
