11 Replies to ““They all agree because they only have one data source.””

  1. NASA,
    the space agency’s budget has steadily declined from 1.35 percent of federal spending to less than 0.6 percent. A long-running annual drop in inflation-adjusted funds took a sharp downward turn in the past two years, as budget cuts, including mandatory ones ordered by Congress, trimmed almost a billion dollars from the 2012 to 2013 budget.

    A Global Warming Carbon Tax could create the needed funds?
    Its not a Conspiracy, its just Salesmanship…

  2. Does anybody remember when one of the wise guys said that to talk about average temperature is like talking about average currency?
    The “homogenizing” data sounds as though they are having sex with it, however out of this world that sounds.

    As always – an elegant rebuttal!
    But that is exactly the problem our Warble Gloamers have: if your team is going to cook the books they all have to agree on how they’re going to do it – and still make it look like science.
    Speaking of hucksters and stupid people…where is David Suzuki these days?

  4. Kate. I don’t twit. Maybe you could send him one stating ALL temp data comes from GHCN,one source. Mind you,his religion may not allow him to accept that fact.Could be fun watching the replies!!

  5. They all use the GHCN (global historical climate network) where the temperatures have been ‘adjusted’ upwards to show greater warming than the satellite data shows.
    Maybe not ‘conspiracy’. How about ‘figures never lie but liars figure’?

  6. I told two people, they told four people, they told 8 people, and on and on. Soon everyone thinks that all these knowledgeable entities are saying the same thing so it must be true. That is how many of our fallacies become fact.

  7. Anthropogenic warming is kind of like the lipid hypothesis. Don’t eat saturated fat is the battle cry. Heart disease rises. Well disproven over and over again millions are on statin drugs despite proof to the contrary. Wonder if Suzuki takes statins?
    Both hypotheses have millions of believers on the payroll, truth be damned.
