24 Replies to “Give Fists A Chance”

  1. We know that community organizers are the scum and dregs of society. In this instance it appears that the scum beat up the dregs. Or perhaps it is the other way around? Curious minds wish to know.

  2. Maybe they meant to call their org ‘Stop the Violins’ but spelled it wrong.
    Some people are just anti-Sympathy Orchestra.

  3. Sometimes AA folks fall off the wagon too.
    But I sure hope they have to give their t-shirts back!

  4. Words fail me.
    Their action sends such a clear message there is no need to muddy the purity of its self evident hypocrisy with comment.

  5. “………..for stealing their property”
    But I thought they didn’t believe in “property”.

  6. If there’s one thing I’ve observed that characterizes lefty activists it’s self-righteousness. They simply don’t believe they can do any wrong. Since they believe they live on such a higher moral plane than anyone else, any action they undertake no matter how, selfish, nasty, violent, thieving, duplicitous, unscrupulous, or underhanded, is morally justified since their cause is “just”. And when one believes one can do no wrong, their is absolutely no need to practice self restraint or even begin to question one’s behaviour. It’s the limbic system in overdrive.

  7. “beat one of their colleagues so severely that he vomited blood and was left unconscious in critical condition”
    Now if the CBC commented on that they would call it “foreplay”

  8. Community organizer,presidential training ground
    Remember when presidents had real jobs like actors and peanut farmers first?

  9. If you’ve ever met any of these people in the flesh, this kind of thing is not even slightly surprising. They are the very off-scourings of the Earth.

  10. “Remember when presidents had real jobs like actors”
    Reagan was Governor of California from ’67-’75. If there was another former actor who became POTUS that I’m missing, then disregard this.

  11. They do appear to lack a sense of cognitive dissonance.
    For instance, you’ve got a large cohort of them supporting the banning of automobiles and another large cohort of them as members of the CAW/UAW who want a job and accompanying pension building automobiles.
    Another example is a large cohort supporting abortion and another cohort which wants jobs/pensions teaching children in schools.
    I think of Leftists as the “Children of Chaos”.

  12. How better to get someone to believe in what you believe in then to beat the crap out of them when they don’t. Discussion and persuasion is just such an old fashioned idea.

  13. When the “sensible” people come to beat you senseless=shoot’em
    oops…I just committed a thought crime!

  14. I recall back in the day, far far away, conducting foreign policy by other means….getting word of a humungus “Peace Conference” somewhere back stateside…that ended prematurely when the participants had a real drag-em-out brawl…..not rednecks against hippies…but hippies agin hippies.
    Word was that the Police intervened casually after they had let the process sort itself out….no arrests…..just making sure any needing medical attention were treated.
    I guess the cops figured it wuz easier to let them beat the crap outa each other…

  15. Sensible policing. These hypocrites are the tip of a big fat scam on human kind.People will always fight its our nature.

  16. Yeah I recall other wise policies from them less enlightened times.
    Like occasional prison riots used to generally take about an hour or two before the guards restored order…..long enough so that the inmates could kill all the perverts (rapists, child molesters)….
