16 Replies to “Pollspotting”

  1. Yes, I think Canada should agree to peak its CO2 emissions at some unspecified amount by 2030. An example for us all.

  2. Gee, Kate, not tied anymore. I wonder what happened? Heh, heh.
    Actually, seeing that Obama is OK with the Chicoms increasing their emissions until 2030, maybe we should agree to to that as well. And, yes, heh, heh.

  3. “Agreement”….yeah sure. Like Kyoto was an “agreement” for the U.S.
    There IS no agreement between China and the U.S. It is nothing but fraud. The hallmark of Obama.
    I guess Obama DOES believe that everyone is as stupid as his dwindling supporters.

  4. ‘I guess Obama DOES believe that everyone is as stupid as his dwindling supporters.’
    A populous can only believe in a foolish leader until such time as its foolish to believe in that leader.

  5. What’s even worse than a Bammer supporter, thinking that “we’re cutting GG cuz Dear Leader says so”, is the news media trumpetting the exact same thing.
    Bammy’s pronouncement is so typical of him, its all about Symbolism, the hallmark of the left. Practical solutions are not what they want, they want surrender.
    So, on that note, please fell free to address the facebook comments at this link, where the leftards and ecofreaks are crying in their spilled milk. Its a pipeline, but ot them, its the end of the world!

  6. Canada produces only 2% of the world’s GHGs, what we do makes no difference compared with the USSA and Asia.

  7. The comments on Jeffrey Simpson’s Globe column are interesting.
    Very few global warming alarmists showing up.
    Simpson’s column is also worth a read – he actually reads the China – US ‘pact’ chances for success correctly – at zero!

  8. When China and the US bring down their levels of coal generated electricity to Canadian levels, then maybe they can talk to us. Until then they and their watermelon rent seekers can shut up.
    OTOH PMSH could, like Obama and Chretien did, make a big deal about signing on to an agreement that binds no one, that no one has any intention of implementing anyway and make sure he calls a biiig press conference to announce the non-measures.
    IOW total BS from hypocrites.

  9. The Lethbridge Herald has probably received more traffic today than they do in a month. A once good newspaper now not fit for lining a bird cage (the bird has more intelligence).
