78 Replies to “The Putin Handshake”

  1. Thank YOU, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper for giving the Russian “bully” the stern message regarding the UKRAINE!
    I AM with YOU, Harper, ALWAYS!

  2. Methinks Harper may have been unnecessarily blunt to the point of rudeness.
    “Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.”
    – Winston S. Churchill

  3. Or Canada will accelerate its pipeline project to the east coast and supply Europe with our gas and oil. Russia depends heavily on Europe buying its oil and gas and this is its major money maker. Cut this out or down and it will cripple Russia. Russia is an economic basket case with a declining white population and a rising muslim one. Not a good future for them unless they focus on the corruption and rejoin the international community.

  4. To which Putin replied …
    It’s impossible, since we are not in the Ukraine.
    At least, that’s how radio stations are reporting the pointless incident.

  5. being plain spoken and blunt to a dictator trying to start WWIII? that is not idiotic, it is the mark of a true statesman and lover of freedom. Only by confronting the devil can you show him that you are not afraid of him and that there are people who will not bow down in submission. Obama anyone?

  6. I really, really REALLY don’t know anymore but I haven’t rejected this out of hand. I’m lost now to the white hat-black hat dichotomy on display here. And clearly Harper is a neo-con a utterly corrupt rotten failed ideology.
    Putin Demonized for Thwarting Neocon Plan for Global Domination
    Also read Paul Craig Roberts on this subject. He’s too pro-Russian but it’s still good to get a better idea of the massive neo-con agitprop we are all exposed to. Recall the west broke its promise to not expand after the collapse of the USSR. To me, NATO seems the greater villain in the conflict.

  7. Snake Eyes Putin did shake hands with PM Harper as he told him he needed to get out of Ukraine. It will mean nothing to Snake Eyes but a gutsy move on the part of PM Harper proving he walks the talk. If Putin values Canada as trading partner he may get to thinking it may be to his advantage to listen.

  8. Thank God for Prime Minister S. Harper.
    I also think it’s time for Canada to have a few nukes of her own.
    Best offence is a strong defence!!

  9. 100 Huntley St. (Crossroads Christian Communications TV) had a programme devoted to Ukrainians which is being repeated today on YES or can be seen online. There is a beautiful orchestra and choir for those who like Ukrainian music.
    They are accepting donations to provide aid for the displaced people who are suffering and will suffer much more this winter.
    Crossroads is a ministry that is totally trustworthy and the money will reach those in need.

  10. Since NATO has been irrelevant for nearly a quarter-century, their bureaucracy needed to find a way to perpetuate itself.
    What better way than having the Obama administration start a rhetorical Cold War than to get into Russia’s face and cry foul when Russia pushes back?
    This is no huge secret and more people are catching on to how the US is using this to further weaken the EU. Or has anybody here noticed that Russia is signing more and more deals with China to find a friendly market for its oil?
    That, and the fact Ukraine owes $12 billion to Russia.
    Put yourself in the position of the people living in east Ukraine, who are fed up with the out-and-out thieves in Kiev who are saddling the Ukrainian taxpayer with a huge debt.
    Much better to affiliate yourself with debt-free Russia and pay just 13% income tax, I would think, than paying off the debts of corrupt regimes in Kiev that have been stealing from the people since 1991.
    Anybody have any other facts?

  11. “Put yourself in the position of the people living in east Ukraine, who are fed up with the out-and-out thieves in Kiev who are saddling the Ukrainian taxpayer with a huge debt.”
    Traditionally penalty for treason is one and the same everywhere.
    At the very least these are remnants of Soviet/Tsarist occupation. They should be marched to the border at bayonet point. Clothes on their backs is all they should be allowed to carry. Their property distributed to the victims of Russia.

  12. You are saying “neo con” as if it was bad thing?
    You are saying “Russian” as if it was a good thing?
    Sorry, it is exactly the opposite.

  13. Ah, I see.
    It was the Soviets and Tsarists that incurred the debt.
    FYI. After the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union, Russia agreed to take on ALL the debt of the 15 republics which were granted independence.
    Therefore, any debt racked up since 1991, when Ukraine was debt-free, seems to me to be the responsibility of successive Ukrainian leadership.
    Once again, do you have any facts that contradict facts of the pathetic financial record accumulated after Ukrainian independence? They’ve had 23 years to figure it out.
    Blaming Soviets and Tsarists is even more pathetic than Obama blaming Bush.

  14. I’m sure Harper and Trudeau’s response to Putin would both include the F bomb. PM Harper would likely tell the Russian Weasel to F off. PM Trudeau would likely drop his pants grab his ankles and ask President Putin to F him now. Trudeau has a thing for communist dictators you know. Just ask ‘Uncle’ Fidel.

  15. Backbone, guts, leadership..PM Harper has it all.
    Hope BO hears about this and cries himself to sleep.
    Waiting for the drama queen to come out and shake his curls and lisp thru a statement to his fawning media.

  16. Oh I see, the resident pro Pootin demagogue goes back to his usual pathetic tricks. Pootinista invasion has nothing to do with debt, neither do the actions of the fifth column.
    Besides, Ukraine would be in much better shape had the Siberians left her alone instead of constantly meddling in her affairs. Russia is a malignant cancer in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and everywhere else it spreads.
    Regardless, debt is not an excuse to partition the country.
    And the fifth column deserves to be treated with all the courtesy traitors are traditionally threated.

  17. Yeah well, first ya have to concede that while this Russia/Ukraine unpleasantness is NOT a Russian internal matter…..that ain’t how the Russians see it.
    The Ukraine regards their overthrow of the Kiev kleptos as an internal matter….and are offended that the Russians are offended by them cleaning up their political house.
    The Russians (and OBOZO) are concerned this could become a trend/fad…..

  18. “I guess I’ll shake your hand but I have only one thing to say to you: you need to get out of Ukraine.”
    That is made of awesome. I’m so proud of Harper right now. Go Steve!

  19. So, when you’re unable to refute the facts as to why the eastern Ukraine populace is rebelling against Kiev, you resort to name-calling.
    Are there any similar situations occurring in any of the other 15 republics in which Russia is allegedly meddling?
    Could it be there is no unrest in any of the other 14 republics because those are being run responsibly, unlike Ukraine?
    It’s been 23 years since the breakup of the Soviet Union and there have been minimal incidents while NATO/US has been expanding and encroaching.
    Stick to the facts. If you want to name-call, just head out to the nearest playground.

  20. Any proof Russian troops are in the Ukraine or are pictures of Russian-manufactured tanks (which are also used by the Ukrainian army) enough to convince you of US/NATO deception?
    After all, the Obama adminstration has been soooo honest. Correct?

  21. The population is not rebelling, the fifth column traitors are rebelling with the generous aid from Spetznaz and Pootinista supplied military gear. That is a fact.
    Similar situations? Like Siberian partitions of Moldova and Georgia? Like saber rattling around Baltic States? Funny you ask. Roosia is a cancer, simple as that.
    The only republics that are being run responsibly more or less consistently are those that have managed to successfully detach themselves from Kremlin and join the civilized world, see Baltic States. Those who tried but were prevented by ruskie invasions are in shambles, see Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine. Georgia, after a late start, was in fact run quite well until Pootinista junta invaded. The rest are kleptocracies ruled by corrupt kremlin connected elites or local despots, see Belarus or the the Stans?

  22. So, if you have an argument with your wife, it’s your neighbour’s fault?
    Seems to me there’s a certain element in east Ukraine unwilling to put up with the, by far, most corrupt political culture of the former Soviet republics.
    Don’t know where you’re getting your information leading to your emotional argument, but my sources include people who have actually lived in the area and still have relatives living in there.
    I guess they’re only entitled to NATO’s opinion.

  23. “So, if you have an argument with your wife, it’s your neighbour’s fault?”
    If the argument is about them screwing behind my back and transferring the family funds to his account? Yes.
    How typical it is of Roosians to justify Roosian brutality by retarded analogies.
    And NATO did not encroach, NATO expanded because Poles, Chechs, Slovaks, Romanians, Hungarian, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians etc, did not want to be invaded, raped and pillaged by the Siberian horde again.
    And spare me the “I know people there” bs line. I know people there too. I am friends with a lot of Ukrainians who have families there as well.

  24. “I guess they’re only entitled to NATO’s opinion.”
    Rope, tree, traitor/foreign terrorist, some assembly required. Deportations would be generous.

  25. Saskatchewan residents may appreciate this story:
    The participants: Chris Axworthy, NDP candidate in Saskatoon & Jack Rudolph, one of the partners in Mansize Men’s Wear in Saskatoon
    The location – a Chamber of Commerce luncheon on the top floor of the PCS building, when it still was the PCS building.
    Jack is on the elevator, Chris steps on, introduces himself and sticks out his hand. Jack says “I know who you are” and shoves his hands deeper into his pockets.
    Not saying Harper should have done any different but there’s no point in feigning friendship where it doesn’t exist.

  26. Just to set the record straight: Churchill had a pungent wit, but he cribbed that quote directly from Benjamin Disraeli.

  27. Nah they’re not lefties.. they’re a slice of the semi-educated disaffected western right who’ve lost the plot. Everyone’s got an opinion. This is still peacetime and they’ve got theirs, and in wartime they’ll get theirs.

  28. set you flee
    so the Kommies get to say what other free nations are allowed to do, if those free nations want to join NATO for self protection, why do you kommies think different
    as to your sources for info, there are ppl every day telling me how great a job obumblechuck is doing. I hope you understand that I’m sayin that your sources have as good a chance of pumping bullshit, as they are of imparting “truth”

  29. Hearing a lot of liberals losing it over Harper because he has Canada “punching above its weight”.
    Oddly Trudeau isn’t available for a comment…perhaps his green cricket hasn’t figured out what he should say.

  30. And clearly Harper is a neo-con a utterly corrupt rotten failed ideology.
    You mean the ideology that has produced the freest, most affluent, most desirable societies that the world has ever seen? That rotten failed ideology?

  31. I didn’t realize that Chris Axworthy was still around. He dates from the ancient times when I was a Dipper.

  32. And was Wellington polite to Napoleon? Or Churchill to Hitler?
    Politeness is for reasonable men; to use politeness with Putin would be to pretend he is not a rogue who presents a threat to the West that grows by the day.
