78 Replies to “The Putin Handshake”

  1. I discount any “photographic” evidence in this conflict. There is no way of knowing who is driving what and where and when.

  2. Canada is not punching above its weight; Canada is in the heavyweight class because it s free, prosperous, and wishes the same for all nations. And for that reason, this utterance by the Prime Minister is a serious, Churchillian blow to the ” Putin is harmless ” meme of most of the leaders of western nations.

  3. another article said Cameron unloaded big-time on Putin and it was so vicious to force Putin to leave the G-20.
    Also the russkies are under demographic catastrophe. heh, sucks to be youz.

  4. I’m not in a position to intelligently evaluate the veracity of claims about a vast neo-con syndicate aimed at Russia, which syndicate, if Paul Craig Roberts is to be believed, includes both Clintons, and their supporters.
    Regardless, I find the Russian naval presence off Australia during the G20 meeting, along with the Russian air and/or ground presence, and in one or more cases, incursions, around the Baltic states, the United States, Poland, Canada, the UK, and possibly others, beyond ridiculous, and seriously injurious to Mr. Putin’s claims of being the aggrieved party.
    Even ignoring the idea of “checker board” or “hop-scotch” “diplomacy” in non-adjacent lands, Russia has had a knack, as we all know, for causing mischief in lands adjacent to its boundaries, including in northern China in the late nineteenth century, where expatriate or transplanted Russian-speaking populations have been or are intermingled with local populations and used as a pretext for intervention.
    In addition to that, Mr. Putin, IMO, has not in the least come clean about MH-17, which opaqueness is also seriously injurious to his case. The tin-pot Russian “fleet” off Australia reminds me for all the world of the 1905 Russo-Japanese War, in large measure caused by Russian behaviour in northern China, wherein the Russian fleet sailed from the Baltic Sea to the Far East, without so much as a port of call, because of the universal condemnation of the Great Powers (re-provisioning at sea by private contractors), only to be annihilated by the Japanese Navy.
    Russian mischief-making in adjacent lands, IMO, has never really ended well…for Russia, or for that matter, Canada. And as Mark Steyn has said, inter alia, the first defence against tyranny is to speak up about it.
    Which Mr. Harper has done, as have Mr. Abbott, Mr. Obama, and Mr. Cameron, apparently. And it’s a rare bird, to be sure, that can make Mr. Obama and Mr. Cameron look good.
    So, I’d say that Mr. Putin got exactly what he deserved, and I like Mr. Harper’s plain-spoken bluntness, which I’m sure many other Canadians do also, particularly those of eastern European descent.

  5. Demographic catastrophe? Yep that about sums it up.
    Extreme differences in life expectancy among males and females. Drinking vodka with mother’s milk apparently has consequences, who would have thought?
    More litter butchered than born? Yep that too.
    And just which demographic is breading and not aborting or drinking themselves to death? Yep the koranimal kind. Already a third of conscripts in pootinista army are mooselimb.
    This will be spectacular…

  6. My advice to PMSH is to stay out of this conflict. Change Canada’s stupid laws so that any Canadians who wish to go to Ukraine to fight on the Ukrainian side can do so without being considered “terrorists” by doing so, but by all means avoid the insane plans of western plutocrats who are determined to start WWIII.
    Ukraine has one of the most corrupt societies that exists in the world today and I sincerely home that the recent revolution can rectify matters, at least partly. I was quite disappointed after meeting Ukrainians who came to Canada after 1990 (in comparison to those who had a hell of t time getting out during the cold war) and found them to be essentially a different ethnicity of a parasite class who expected everything to be handed to them given the efficiency with which socialist regimes produce sheeple. When I first ran into this, I thought the people I was dealing with were soviet stooges but as I saw more of it I realized that they were well behaved sheeple.
    Putin has no interests in Western Ukraine where the population hates Russians to a degree that few people can imagine. Western Ukraine has been the center of Ukrainian nationalist and the source of a great number of Ukrainians who emigrated to Canada. Eastern Ukraine is heavily Russified and, while there are clearly Russian forces operating in that area, I suspect that there are strong pro-Russian sympathies among the Russian speaking population.
    Back in university a Russian friend of mine was a strong exponent of pan-Slavism and we had many heated discussions about whether there was more in common among those of us who were Slavs and whether artificial distinctions such as Ukrainians and Russians were means of foreign enemies to prevent the emergence of a powerful pan-Slavic state which would equal in might the US. The dilema for Ukraine is whether they join the totalitarianism of the EU plutocrats, stay independant with their own corrupt plutocracy, or whether they join with the Russian oligarchs. It’s a lose-lose proposition whatever they do.
    I used to have respect for PMSH, but now that he’s thrown his lot in with the rotten western plutocracy, I suspect it’s downhill all the way from here. One of the strongest exponents of support for Ukraine is Goerge Soros, the statist who’s bankrolling watermelon organizations throughout N. America who are opposed to the Keystone pipeline, a pipeline from Alberta to the Pacific and has ensured that Vancouver has a watermelon as mayor. That makes me very suspicious of the plutocratic propaganda being put out in the MSM. I very much doubt that George Soros has accidentally made the right decision in his support of “democracy” in Ukraine, more likely he sees a way to make vast amounts of money by fleecing the Ukrainian people.
    I choose to step aside from this fight and my battle is not with Putin, and his oligararchs, but rather with all totalitarians everywhere. I have no delusions about what Putin represents, but Obozo represents something that is far more degenerate and dangerous. The battle is between those who belive that hierarchical human organizations are the only way to go (and the bigger the better) and those who believe in a networked self-organizing world. Once TSHTF, the latter approach will be much more likely to be associated with survival. If PMSH should be threatening anyone, it should be Obozo who is far more of an enemy of Canada than Putin.

  7. Putin: “Or you’ll do what exactly?”
    We will be very angry with you… and we will write you a letter, telling you how angry we are.
    And please don’t get pissed off and turn T̶o̶r̶o̶n̶t̶o̶ Vancouver into a steaming radioactive crater.

  8. Exactly. B. Husein Ø and his plans for the USSA are a much bigger threat to Canada than Russia. If anything Canada should be forming trans-polar alliances with Russia. Canadians have far more in common with the Russians than the Americans.

  9. Exactly. There are a few on this thread for whatever reason are supporting Putin and his attempted takeover of Ukraine, and have it backwards.
    One year ago the Ukrainians had enough of Putin’s stooges looting Ukraine and kicked out Janakovich. There enough Russians, who are descendants of Russians brought in after the Russian Civil War, in eastern Ukraine that still want Ukraine to be a part of Russia. These are the rebels, many of whom have military experience, against the new government in Kiev and are being supported by regular Russian troops. Eastern Ukrainian (Russian) rebels do not have the quantities mechanized equipment of what appears to be an armoured division that we see on the news coming in. Nor do rebels have the the types of ground to air missiles we have seen shooting down civilian airliners, Ukrainian air force jets and helicopters.
    The Russians are master at infiltrating other countries and masters at lying about it.

  10. I have to agree with almost everything you say and advocate. I still have faith in PM Harper.
    Based on reports that I get forwarded to me by my cousin in Niagara that are from two different people in two different regions of eastern Ukraine. One in the Donbass and one south of Zaporozhia. My cousin worked there on occasion helping them to establish businesses and churches. These reports say that many of the recently elected new crop of government legislators are dedicated to cleaning up the corruption, but a number of the old bunch were also elected, and so will have quite a chore. Both men are happy that Putin’s stooges were sent packing.
    You are also right about European EU apparatchiks not being much better than Putin’s apparatchiks.
    Ukrainians should be left to chart their own course without Putin’s heavy hand.

  11. How anyone can side with anything Putin does considering he ran the KGB for the Communist Party during the height of the cold war is beyond me.

  12. “… What is it with this guy that he enables enemies and attacks friends?”
    Obama doesn’t do that. It just looks like that to you because you are confused about who he considers enemies and who he considers friends.

  13. It may be that Putin was take aback, perhaps.
    It is also possible that Putin will now have more respect for Harper than for the useless drama queens and irrelevant nobodies like the current occupant of the White House.
    Putin has no respect, “0”, for that characterless carbon unit. Putin will poke at his eyes just about every time 0 makes some stupid pronouncement.
    Thinking of way past experience, it can be said that Putin may in fact be isolated from the everyday goings of the Russian life.
    In the communist system the big giant head is mostly ignorant of everyday life.
    However, if Putin keeps going the way he is, he will lose even the little good will that he has left.
    Could be wrong.

  14. I believe Harper’s comment was more about arctic sovereignty than the Ukraine. The Ukraine is a convenient drive-by flip to Putin that puts him on notice. Canada has much more to be concerned about up north than saving either NATO or the Ukraine. Apparently none of the trolling leftards here were alive when Russian bombers were last patrolling Canadian Arctic skies. Putin is rebuilding the Union. And he will defy anyone who tries to stop him. As to energy, the Russians have been cold before; they can be cold again… Putin isushing to fill an huge American void. By the time the ObamaNation figures it out, it will waay past too late.

  15. “…Canadians have far more in common with the Russians than the Americans…”
    Oh for sure. At least all the important stuff: same language; both Canada and Russia were former British colonies; long shared border; huge trading partners; most Canadians watch Russian TV on a regular basis; our streets are full of Ladas…I mean, we’re practically joined at the hips.

  16. “The dilema for Ukraine is whether they join the totalitarianism of the EU plutocrats, stay independant with their own corrupt plutocracy, or whether they join with the Russian oligarchs. It’s a lose-lose proposition whatever they do.”
    Absurd, utter complete absurd. You cannot equate living under Kremlin’s boot with a Brussels lead socialist decay. There is no comparison here. Only people who have never experienced true violent totalitarian oppression can produce such bullshit. These options are different by an order of magnitude.
    Let me use your logic: there is no difference between living in Ontario where mooselimbs attacked pro-Israeli protesters in Mississauga and got away with it and living in Nigeria where pre-teen Christian girls are kidnapped into sexual slavery by AK wielding subhumans. Really no difference?

  17. Thanks for the information from your contacts in Ukraine. It’s encouraging that some of the corruption is being cleaned up, but I’ve found it very aggravating in dealing with recent emigrants from Ukraine whose first response to dealing with a problem that comes up is “who do I pay and how much to solve the problem?”. Whether the damages caused by almost 100 years of communism in Eastern Ukraine can ever be repaired is an open question. Since Western Ukraine didn’t get absorbed into USSR until 1939, there’s more of a tradition of freedom there and UPA continued its anti-communist fight until 1950. Putin likes to put out the big lie that UPA are “Nazi’s” whereas they fought Germans as much as Russians in latter part of WWII. Good to see them coming back in W. Ukraine.
    As Sasquatch noted, Ukrainian popular revolution must be most unsettling for Putin as evidenced by marked increase in repression in Russia following this move. Nevertheless, US actions against Russia are simply stupid and counterproductive. EU is a more oppressive dictatorship than what exists in Russia today (Colonialista’s protestations noted). I had a lot of Russian patients when I practiced in Vancouver and their one huge complaint was about the excess bureaucracy and regulation in Canada to get anything done. If they needed medical tests done fast, they flew to St. Petersberg or Moscow. They were obviously rich enough that they could place the right amount of money in the hands of the right people to facilitate whatever needed to be done. Russia offers anyone with $20 million to spare a flight to the space station. The US likely “diappears” as many perceived enemies of the chimp in chief as does the KGB. All that the current financial war against Russia waged by the neocons (who are all “reformed” “ex” Marxists) and banksters is doing is facilitating the economic collapse of the western economies and destruction of the petrodollar. It’s created a new Sino-Russian alliance which, given current economic trends in the US, will likely surpass the US and NATO militarily in a few years. This alliance, with the huge Chinese problem of excess males, obviates the Russian demographic disadvantage.
    It may be that the current decline in N. America was engineered by the USSR decades ago as they set about to destroy the west from within and Obozo is their chief architect of this process. While the current crop of young sheeple graduating from school in N. America are dumber and more innumerate than any generation before them, in Russia and Ukraine a conventional education remains the norm and people who emigrate from there are appalled by the innumeracy of the “educated” young people in N. America who have their heads filled with self-esteem BS, feel-good crap and have been programmed to depend on the state for everything.
    I’ve spoken to individuals working in high tech industries who have to import their hardware engineers and programmers from E. Europe as they are far more skilled than the mediocre products of N. American universities where political indoctrination on a scale exceeding that of the former USSR is considered the primary function of the institution.
    If PMSH was smart, he would bring all Canadian forces home and greatly expand the military for dealing with the potential threats of a disintegrating USSA. Russia won’t overtly attack; they’re the students of the Mongols who were masters at infiltration into the enemies country undermining from within before attaching a weakened enemy with massive force. Putin is very smart, decisive, ruthless and there’s no-one that comes close to him among the girly-men than inhabit the halls of power in the US. Little wonder that Putin worship appears to be endemic on otherwise Libertarian sites such as zerohedge.com.

  18. Well, we still have the ex-KGB agent claiming sanctuary in a Lutheran Church out here on the Left coast, perhaps we can trade him for pin-ups of the shirtless Putin (but they would have to throw in a case of their best Vodka) so we could bear to gaze upon his hairless breast(s).

  19. Never been prouder of our Prime Minister. In this era when politians are afraid to take a stand on any issue until they check the polls or check with the currently “in” special interest groups. Mr Harper was willing to call a spade a spade. I guarantee that PET Jr or angry Tom would never have had this level of courage.
