39 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Civilian gets celphone stolen while livestreaming Ferguson riot, Tweets “I believe it was a police agitator that stole my phone.”
    Directly related (trust me on this one):
    “Why are Political Discussions Between Left and Right Futile?

  2. And the crowd chanted Barabbas, Give us Barabbas…

    This my friends, is nothing less than a loaded gun pointed at the head of America with the none to subtle threat, Impeach Barack Obama, and we’ll burn America to the ground. Wake up and smell the burning rubble America. The Fifth Column Treasonous Media, the Whitehouse and the Department of Injustice set these wheels in motion very much on purpose to prevent anyone from even remotely considering Impeaching his Imperial Majesty Barack Hussein Obama the first.

  3. It is a little known fact that yodeling originated because of the antics of a travelling salesman.
    This man was pedaling his knives around the hamlets and villages in the Alps, around villages and hamlets in the Alps.
    One night he was weary, but the inns were all full because of a convention of watch salesmen. He approached a chalet and pleaded for a room. The proprietor told him that he was full, but there was a cot in his daughter’s room that could be made available.
    Well, the daughter was buxom and beautiful, and yada,yada,yada …
    The salesman left before dawn. The innkeeper was incensed and sent a telegram to the next village threatening the salesman.
    The salesman did not have the means to telegraph a response, but he did know the acoustics of the mountains.
    So he went to the valley, cupped his hands, and shouted, “laid the old lady too”.
    And that is how yodeling started.

  4. The CBC–under the Freedom of Information Act–made a request to the Canada Revenue Agency for certain documents. The CRA made an error and sent the CBC a confidential list of persons who donate large sums to a variety of charities, museums foundations etc. Thus instead of returning the documents, that were in the form of an electronic file, the CBC has made them public.
    Talk about being venomous! Now they’re blaming the CRA for ”breach of security.” Go figure!
    PS: Is it my imagine, or does is it coincidence that the list of donors are mostly Liberals!

  5. The CBC has an article up about the NDP’s MPs allegations of sexual misconduct.
    Pacetti’s accuser’s story sounds like a couple of people out drinking and the man got aggressive and thought “no” meant ‘maybe you need another drink’.
    BUT, why does the CBC not mention that Pacetti is married?
    Her name is Danielle.
    Perhaps she has an opinion?
    The CBC always protects the Liberals.

  6. So, I’ve been watching some coverage throughout the evening of the disgrace in Ferguson, MO and while I get Fox News, I decided to be open minded (I even do this with MSNBC on rare occasions when I feel like a brain hemorrhage would be in order) and I’m watching CNN.
    Guess, who the the ‘CNN Special Contributor’ is?
    Van Jones.
    I shit you not.

  7. I see it as the CBC blaming the CRA en route to blaming the Conservatives.
    Bureaucrats at Canada Revenue, many or most of whom are represented by a union that’s under the aegis of PSAC, forward tax details of prominent Canadians to – of course – the CBC, and the CBC writes…

    Previous privacy breaches under the Conservative government…

    So: an embedded bureaucrat leaks private information to a bureaucrat-laden anti-Conservative broadcaster who in turn calls it a Conservative privacy breech.
    I’m sure there’s a lot of other possible “reports” in that vein.

  8. .This is a great interview where Giuliani breaks down some of the witness testimony that supported Darren Wilson’s version of events as he discusses it with Megyn Kelly.
    One thing he pointed out though, is that despite what people like to say about witness testimony being unreliable, he says it is reliable and that the witnesses who were caught lying about their testimony should be charged with perjury. Why? Because they were lying to try and convict an innocent man of murder and there must be a penalty for that.

    (emphasis mine)
    Read more: http://therightscoop.com/giuliani-talks-to-megyn-kelly-about-ferguson-says-he-would-have-charged-lying-witnesses-with-perjury/#ixzz3K9dimY6j

  9. Vladimir Putin is attempting to reach authorities in Missouri urging authorities to use caution and restraint…they may be black skinned but they are all Americans and they are all civilians. Remember police exist to serve and protect.

  10. How ironic.
    CBC went on a witch hunt and not only got unredacted info, but info on those they tend to give blanket immunity to for past transgressions.
    Any bets the information they where looking for was on persons that just happen to be conservative or have the last name Harper.
    CBC needs to reveal who it is they are investigating.

  11. Holy crap, EBD. I really disagree with your POV on damn near everything but posting a John C. Wright piece is redeeming you in my eyes.
    Throw in some Tom Kratman and I might just have to completely reassess.

  12. Vote Justine: PET Cemetery Fascismo Report.
    “NDP MP says she gave no ‘explicit’ consent to Liberal MP Massimo Pacetti’s …
    “Women’s Empowerment ‘Key to Stopping Violence’

  13. Sonny Hostin is a POS as well. They have others too, same specialty. For CNN, descending down the toilet bowl IS the objective (Gawd knows why!)
    Race baiting, activism, agitation, that’s their specialty.
    Those people are obscenely stupid and narrowminded.
    And, of course, they ignore facts. The only one with a brain on there is Mark OMeara, who was Zimmerman’s lawyer. He laid a great putdown on Sonnygirl, but then strangely, his night was over, just like that!. Funny huh?

  14. Holy sheet, Brian M.
    My very first question while opening Drudge this morning was: Where is Van Jones?!
    Did he look even more GQ than King Barack?
    A few weeks ago, in these pages, I asked about the whereabouts of this marxist revolutionary and was told by a commenter that he was helping Glenn Beck pass out footballs to Dreamers at the border.

  15. PET Cemetery Report.
    Librano$ Loot + Artwood’s CanCon royalties + Trudeau Foundation’s $ta$h not rumoured disclosed.
    “Canada Revenue Agency admits it disclosed confidential tax details to CBC, blames human error”
    “Data about hundreds of Canadians — glitterati such as author Margaret Atwood and former prime minister Jean Chrétien — was released”
    “The network said the 18 pages of spreadsheet data includes the value of tax credits they were granted covering the years 2008 to 2013.”

  16. AGW: RIP. Da.
    “Model claim: airplanes of the future won’t be able to take off at some airports due to global warming”
    “Climate change and the impact of extreme temperatures on aviation”
    “Desperate passengers try to push Russian plane in -52C weather after it froze to the ground”
    “A Russian-made Tu-134 with 74 oil workers and seven crew members onboard was due to fly from the town of Ingarka on Tuesday to Krasnoyarsk nearly 1,300 kilometres to the south when the plane’s chassis breaks literally got frozen to the ground. It was -52 C outside and the passengers seemed desperate to get home.
    Eager to help, several dozen men were seen in an amateur video pushing the plane by leaning on both wings.
    Russian authorities, however, weren’t amused by the incident, and prosecutors launched an investigation into a possible breach of safety regulations.”

  17. I have always argued, uphill, that Obomber is not an American Negro, nor an African American. There is nothing American about him, except his wealthy grand-parents.

  18. Glen McGregor and his buddy, Justin Trudeau, strike again:
    The money bit, which nicely summarizes Mr. Trudeau, Jr.’s attitude towards the rest of us, and which should finally disabuse anyone still labouring under the weirdly mistaken impression that a government led by him would be more expansive of personal liberty than the current administration:
    “There’s not much politics in the stylish and largely flattering film, though some might take offence at a scene in which Trudeau posits that the Conservatives came to power by “un accident de parcours” — a blip, hiccup, out of the blue, depending on the translation one prefers.
    In the segment, Trudeau is discussing what he believes is the Canadian political class and its long devotion to building a better nation, a value he says he cannot find in the Conservatives of today.
    “It’s almost as if the Conservatives were always so excluded from the identity and values of mainstream Canadians,” he says, in French.
    “Now, by accident, they find themselves in power and they seek to destroy the values that don’t resemble their own. I find that very worrying.””

  19. “In the segment, Trudeau is discussing what he believes is the Canadian political class and its long devotion to building a better nation, a value he says he cannot find in the Conservatives of today.
    ‘It’s almost as if the Conservatives were always so excluded from the identity and values of mainstream Canadians,’ he says, in French.”
    For “nation-building”, read “socialism-building”. Except the reality is that socialism tears societies down, like his daddy did.
    Kim Justin-il does NOT speak for mainstream Canadians. If people thought for a few minutes about what he and his elitist “Canadian political class” really believe, and recall his admiration for the Chinese dictatorship, they would run in the other direction.
