9 Replies to ““When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal””

  1. Collusion, conspiracy to target groups and individuals on a ‘hit list’…?!?
    “Wanker House” might be a better description courtesy of the Infernal Revulsion Service.
    CORRUPTION at “Wanker House” via the Obama-Nation™ leader of the ‘free world’…cough, cough you don’t say?
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. It’d be interesting to see who those individuals have given money / support to over the past few years.
    Possibly, the B. Hussien administration simply wants to know who to thank for devoting so much time and energy to support their policies.

  3. Whenever I read about stuff like this and wonder: “what would Nixon say?”
    He dealt with the original corruption masters – the Boston democrats.
    But were he ever to have done one one thousandth of what obama and the Chicago mob are doing he would have been impeached tried and executed.

  4. The IRS files are probably of the White House staff, double-checking their math.
    “Math is hard” is the one thing the Obama administration internally agrees on.

  5. Word is that US Sen. Elijah Cummings, on the Senate Committee investigating, and who has been blatantly attempting to derail that Senate Investigation….was also getting private taxpayer information….and conspiring with Lerner, by email, to target specific “TEA party” organizations.

  6. Nah…Obumbles and the rest are just seeing how the well the system will work with 5 million new “tax payers”. Although were they are going to find 5 million jobs for them so they can pay taxes may be a bit of a snag.

  7. “Is anyone going to be arrested?”
    Of cus not….
    They look after their own…..it’s like the RCMP investigating High River……
