25 Replies to “Imagine the Laughter”

  1. “Great holiday fun – nobody finishes before the others.”
    Just like in the planned Socialist Utopia.
    Young and old, whether you were born rich or poor, everyone will finish up life at the same time, dying of starvation together while freezing in the dark.

  2. “Who wants to be a bootlicker?”
    Me! Me! Me!
    “Who wants to be Supreme Leader?”

  3. -and of course the overall hands down grand champion of the game is the player who damages themselves the most by self-destructive altruism – instant winners are those who take a bullet for the collective and off themselves to eliminate their carbon footprint – followed by those who neuter themselves with a blunt instrument to reduce world population from damaging mother gaia, extra points to lemmings who off themselves and leave their property to the global state.
    Is it any wonder hoodies play the knock out game with this generation of suburban Eloi masochistic socialism has produced.

  4. I’m surprised that the voluntary human extinction movement hasn’t come out with a board game to let people have “fun” achieving that group’s goals.
    I don’t care what they say, http://www.vhemt.org/ is a joke.

  5. “Fair Go” is an ozzie thing, closely related to the British sense of “fairness”. My question is, what if the person has their fair go, and flops? Also, philanthropy is for the rich.

  6. Who decides what a “fair go” is anyway?
    It’s not a fair go that I’m forced at gunpoint to “share” half my hard earned wages with a lazy welfare bum, or someone else an education simply because they have black skin.

  7. The key question, as raised by a commentator at the site, is will this thing be sold for a, gasp . . . profit????

  8. didn’t the government outlaw potlacs a century ago to prevent self-impoverishment in the coastal tribes of BC?

  9. This is just another propaganda trick for the Liberal Establishment to keep black people poor and defenseless on their ghetto plantations.

  10. I pointed this out on David Thompson’s site earlier: there already exist a ton of very well-designed and fun cooperative board games that require working together and making hard decisions while playing against the game’s rules or a time limit. There are even games which are neither cooperative nor competitive but allow you to choose your strategy.
    It’s almost as if the free market solved this problem already.

  11. *
    or, as one of my colleagues used to gleefully announce whenever he got tired of his mind-numbing cubicle existence…
    “safety break!!! nobody works, nobody gets hurt.”

  12. I actually forced myself to watch the “Instructional Video”. Interesting that the currency is FG2,000, FG50, etc. No trace of $ or Euros or Pounds – can’t have that can we? And did I get this right? – If someone lands on property you own, YOU pay THEM? Yeah, that’d work
    Give me ‘RISK’ any day.

  13. The funny things you guys think us “socialists” must do in our spare time, just because we believe in stuff like universal healthcare and affordable public education.
    First of all, I doubt most of you would survive a game of Monopoly in my house where we play a version called “Bootstrap Monopoly”. In this, you start out with less than half the money the game suggests. (And when we played Monopoly Junior… you started out with just $2.) Makes the game more interesting.
    I can’t say I’d rush out to buy this game, but it’s not a terrible idea. The idea of helping other people is pretty core to our civilization. Having a game on the shelf that supports this activity actually makes a lot of sense.
    It might seem like super Lefty BS, but that’s only because you guys are so far to the right.

  14. Are political kickbacks and money laundering allowed?
    Six figure incomes for NGO “board” members paid by the taxpayer?
    Just wondering how real it is, and greeting from BC, land of the scam.

  15. “The idea of helping other people is pretty core to our civilization. ”
    Charity starts at home. The socialist idea isn’t about voluntarily helping other people, which is what the churches were already doing, it’s about government robbing people at the point of a gun and picking who is justly deserving based on their politics.
    And education isn’t affordable when public union teachers are delivering less education and more self enriching demands every year.
    What the game needs is to start all the players with all the money distributed, have the rules force them to give it to government to waste, and then whoever still has money left at the end gets to be President-for-Life. That’s socialism.

  16. If this game catches on, the inventor stands to make millions of dollars. How can she justify that, or will she, in the spirit of the game, give it all away to food banks and local charities?
    Socialists love the “equality” bullshit as most of them stand to do very well under that system, being mostly government paid workers of one sort or another.
    I met a lawyer a few years back, who was one of the top personal injury suit lawyers in his area, yet was a staunch NDP supporter.I never could figure that one out.
    btw,I’m going to buy a copy if there’s no profit on the sale price.

  17. “just because we believe in stuff like universal healthcare and affordable public education.”
    And Man Made Global Warming, more gubmint, less freedom, no borders, gun registries, thought crimes, un-elected UN dictator world government, more taxes, spending our way out of debt, teaching third graders anal sex, can I stop now?
    Let us know when “universal healthcare and affordable public education” gets invented please, because for now they’re unicorns.

  18. JawKnee
    one helping themselves is core to our society. Your take on this is what one would call social castration. If that is your desire, move to the Nodick (Nordic) countries, they’ve achieved a population of eunuchs.
    One who helps themselves hires others to help them, and creates wealth for others as well as themselves, it’s called capitalism.
