7 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Gee, one would think that the government doesn’t want to have to answer this. Revoking/reworking 630 laws, or a government mandated/supported company being sued back to the stone age (without the fish broth).
    That’s one horny dilemma, right there. Why do I get the feeling it’s going to be the taxpayers screwed, either way?

  2. Inside the Minister’s office, I’m sure they are thinking along the lines of, “Oh crap… we can’t actually answer this in any way that doesn’t make us look incompetent. File it under ‘ignore and hope it goes away’.”

  3. When any politician chooses to do nothing whatsoever about an OBVIOUS case of fraud as the CSA has been perpetrating on its unwilling “clients”, one is forced to think that the politician(s) with the power to address this is/are a beneficiary of the CSA’s corruption. The longer this CSA situation goes on, the more likely it is that their political masters are on their payroll.

  4. I wonder why the media, particularly Sun News or even the CBC haven’t pounced on this story.

  5. Aye.
    Sun News needs a weekly one-hour investigative show along the lines of W5, but without the posturing and melodrama.
    There are countless important stories, like this one, that just have to be told: The OSPCA and its legislated extortions; The millions and millions GTA Greenbelt directors shovel to their own NGOs; The truth about Ducks Unlimited Canada and its alignment with the greenies; the cozy relationship between Ontario’s farm orgs and the Government, etc, etc, ……
    And I’m sure that good folks from every province could supply a never-ending list of incredible stories that should be told, but which, for no good reasons, our hopelessly compromised and biased MSM won’t touch.

  6. This story would surely be picked up by the MSM if they could only find a LGBTQ-related angle to focus on.

  7. Last year hollywood liberal wanks MATT DAMON made a anti-fracking movie THE PROMISSED LAND it bombed big time
