Bin Laden Is Dead And Ambassador Stevens Is Dead

ISIS setting up training plants in Libya;

Correspondents say that in the aftermath of the revolution that ousted Gaddafi, many rebel fighters left to fight with militant groups in Syria, and some are believed to have returned home.
The elected government has lost Libya’s three main cities amid the political crisis.
Benghazi, the country’s second city, is in the hands of Islamist fighters, and the internationally recognised parliament is now based in the coastal town of Tobruk in the east.

6 Replies to “Bin Laden Is Dead And Ambassador Stevens Is Dead”

  1. This is the product of the finest political minds in the Western World, Sarkozy, Cameron, and Obama. We had a “Responsibility to Protect.” So we went into Libya and threw the bum out; and replaced a functioning government with…
    Mogadishu on the Med.

  2. We did the same thing in Iraq and Egypt, and were looking to do it in Syria. What is the definition of insanity again?

  3. Foreign policy under Democrat Pres. Barack Hussein Obama has fostered the rise of Islamic Jihad world-wide.
    Inept or part of a plan or just a co-incidence?
    America has a 2016 decision to make.

  4. When Castro finanly meeting his maker you can bet the UN and liberals will be mourning his death just like they did with terrorists leaders like Arafat and Mandela as well as tyrant Hugo Chavez

  5. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”
    Especially when you’ve created it.
    “Problem, reaction, – Solution”!

  6. Oh yes never forget MOTARMOUTH KO-DAFFY and Libya and the Barbary Pirates and when they landed the marines to end their long practice of caturing ship crews and hoolding them for ransomethe marines landed and kicked their a** why else dose the Marine Hymm use the words TO THE SHORES OF TRIPOLI
