23 Replies to “Fire. Them. All.”

  1. The man and the organization he heads are both useless, somewhat the Al Sharpton of Canada. Shows that Harper still has a long way to go before he becomes a Conservative. Still light years ahead of the other 2 parties, yet still a disappointment.

  2. Meanwhile, and slightly off-topic, JT averaged $80,000 a year on travel in the 4 years that he was the third party critic for ‘yute’ sports. $320,000 dollars of our money BEFORE he became leader of the Liberal party.
    His riding is a 2 hour drive from Ottawa, much closer than Winnipeg, and JT did not fly to London or Geneva on our dime.
    He likely spent the money travelling to speak at Liberal fundraisers.
    The scam works like this;
    A popular politician books a photo-op or two for the day.
    He/she flies in, speaks to students and/or concerned citizens, and then in the evening attends a political fundraiser for the MP in the riding.
    The party charges plenty to hear the featured speaker, then issues tax receipts to their patrons.
    The taxpayer gets billed for the expenses of the featured speaker. The taxpayer covers 75% of the cost of the admission charge. The taxpayer pays the salary of the MP while he is absent from his Ottawa job.
    The party fills their pockets.
    If an MP is really unscrupulous, he will fit in a speaking engagement at a charity or such and fill his own pocket at the same time.

  3. The human rights nazis in New York forcing a farm couple to hold a gay wedding on their own private property the Colorado icil rights Nazis forcing a bakery to make cakes for gay weddings This is a OUTRAGE but typical for states run by liberal demac-RATS

  4. This is just like the Portland Hotel in Vancouver, but on a larger scale.
    “Social justice” warriors making a cushy life for themselves.

  5. I took a quick look through the expenses.
    This guy charges us for meal, accommodations, incidentals, while in Ottawa.
    Who makes up these contracts, the CBC ?
    LaCroix was doing the same thing. Work in Ottawa and live elsewhere. While getting paid big bucks to do your job, you charge the taxpayer for your everyday expenses. That is wrong.
    Anyways, this Langtry fellow has at times charged us $150 for a taxi from the airport to his office and back. That is on page 762.
    Google says the price should be about $25 one-way. Langtry has other taxi vouchers that are for about $35 for a one-way trip.
    Maybe there was a traffic jam, maybe he took a limousine, or maybe he cut a deal with a friendly driver.
    The way that works is for the cabbie to issue a receipt for $150 for a round trip. The passenger pays $100 to the cab and when he turns in the receipt he collects $150.
    Everyone wins, except for those who are paying the bill.

  6. One could have some fun with that. Invite the Hells Angels or all the friends they can muster. Tell them all to bring cameras, ask them all to take many pictures but stay silent. Completely silent. Nothing says your friends can’t visit on that day. Could be that everyone spitting into a cake (or worse) before baking might add a little levity. A farm can have a lot of cow paddies where the event is held. A few religious signs stating how sinful this path of life is, Whether you believe it or not, in a few prominent places. They should just use their imagination. Personally I would be “sick” on that day (it was stress) and just shut ‘er down. Let them prove otherwise. If it means enough to them, it’s worth going to jail for, and they could all kiss my ass. The Bakery should just go ahead and make that “special” cake.

  7. Apparently we have been paying for his cable,internet, and home phone to the tune of $150. a month. This is on page 1955 and likely on other pages.
    I don’t know if that is charges for his office phone etc., but it would be odd to have separate charges for one office. If it was for the whole building, it would be much higher.
    Perhaps when he is in Winnipeg, he phones Ottawa,watches Ottawa news, and uses the internet to contact his Ottawa office.

  8. on page 2858 There is a charge for an electricity bill to his home residence im not sure if thats allowed or not but if it is it shouldn’t be.

  9. Obviously abusing taxpayer’s money doesn’t make the list on human rights abuses.
    What’s most troubling in all of this is the silence from our CONSERVATIVE government. We need to demand they get rid of all this outrageous nonsense in return for our support. This is a democracy run by the rule of law, all are equal until they come before these jackboot jackasses who then decide who is more equal than others. This is not democracy.

  10. I’ve also noticed that Langtry is claiming his flight expenses as Economy as per Treasury Board guidelines and flying Business class on his international foray’s. He seems to fly one leg economy in a small turboprop or something to make it “technically” economy.

  11. Didn’t Ray Radwanski do this sort of thing…. when he wasn’t terrorizing his subordinates?

  12. Shame is that this nonsense was pointed out to the MSM, Minister Nicholson, the Integrity commissioner, the Ethics commissioner and others over the years and they CHOSE to do nothing.

  13. The scam works like this:
    Hire Limo for $50.00 ride, pay him $125 and he gives you back $50 and a pile of blank receipts under the table.

  14. Yes, this gentleman must have been a Conservative appointee, so who’s butt in the CPC did he kiss and for how long to get this cushy appointment?
    The political class,with a few exceptions, from all Parties seem to be infected with the same sense of entitlement.
    Is there anyone here who wouldn’t move to Ottawa for a few years to take a career like this?
    Appoint ME to the job,Stephen,I’ll have my suitcase packed in 30 minutes!

  15. $760,000 in travel expense would probably buy a nice home in Ottawa…
    Nice gig if you can get it!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  16. Racially profiling and destroying White Conservative Males gets expensive – Really Expensive!

  17. Hey Ezra actually used my discovery tonight on the source itweeted it ot him on twitter lol .sweet!!

  18. Personal knowledge allows me to advise the standard annual salary for the Tribunal members is $160,000.00. i takes very little research to establish which individual has been appointed by what political party.
    Liz J did not say the egregious individual “must have been a Conservative appointee”. Just how did you come to this conclusion don morris? You have slid a drive-by previously so i am wondering where y’all are coming from or is it just a slip-up not a drive-by?
