Research Corruption Disorder

23 Replies to “Research Corruption Disorder”

  1. Gagdag Bob at One Cosmos used to say that academia was totally corrupted by the Left, with the exception of the hard sciences. Well, why do we assume the Left won’t insinuate itself into that realm as well? Their spiritual antecedents certainly didn’t balk at co-opting science to serve a sinister agenda (see Lysenkoism).

  2. Just goes to show that all the vitriol directed at “tobacco scientists” can be spread around. This is human nature, which is contrary to the scientific method. Any “pay for science” setup, or ideologically driven researcher, can follow the same model. Anyone who has a vested interest in an outcome who finds evidence pointing to that outcome will publish. Anyone who has a vested interest in an outcome who does not find evidence pointing to that outcome will redesign the experiment to get the desired evidence, and seek to hide.
    This is why full publication of data sets and details of the methodology need to be published in order for science to advance. To paraphrase Sir A C Doyle, sometimes it’s the dog that doesn’t bark that’s important.

  3. Exactly.
    Lysenkoism has been openly with us since Rachel Carson and the DDT ban. I do not trust anything that comes out of any government/science discovery announcements. They lied about 2nd hand smoke, now this, and who knows how much government policy has been infected with one lie after another. AGW and “carbon” taxes are more examples.
    It seems everything is tainted by ideology these days. Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler would be proud.

  4. I read somewhere that the UN had figured that the number of beehive was at an all time high globally. Not the sort of thing ya would expect on a great die off.

  5. “I’m shocked, shocked to know that there’s gambling here.” My apologies Cpt Reynaud if misquoted.

  6. These “scientists” were probably motivated by the cabal of Global Warming schemers, scammers and crooks in lab coats and figured if they can do it, why can’t we do it?

  7. They banned DDT becuase of Racheal Carsons lies and her use of junk science and Global Warming is all junk science the entire eco-wacko movment is based on lies and junk science

  8. I’ve been asking myself this question for a while. Now I ask you. WHY? What is the reason for all this effort to ban these pesticides? And please, don’t just hand me the “they’re ideologues” or “they’re progressive liberals” answer. The people doing the research and writing it up as a conclusion are in fact scientists. If it’s true they’re playing fast and loose with the facts, then why?

  9. ‘If it’s true they’re playing fast and loose with the facts, then why?’
    Why Indeed? You can read about boondoggles like this for hours on
    Why does mankind constantly ‘yearn for the cave’?
    W.B.Yeats has been dead for 75 years but his words hold currency today in fields other than politics:
    ‘The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity’

  10. This Global warming bunk it all has to do with money and coruption if there was no money involved we wouldnt be hearing a darn thing about this Global Warming poppycock

  11. Why am I not surprised. There is no science of note in the 21st century. Just con games for research money or political motives.

  12. It is interesting to note that one of the four involved in this alleged conspiracy to commit fraud was a top figure in establishing the World Wildlife Fund in the Netherlands, Maarten Bijleveld van Lexmond, who apparently felt confident the WWF would be a willing participant.
    He is a great example of how the radical left infiltrates seemingly benevolent non profit organizations as a means of pursuing their radical goals under the radar. I wonder if WWF used its members contributions, to promote this fraud, rather than conserve wildlife. Waiting for the WWF to disown him ( crickets chirping ), and to come clean.
