6 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. a new CEO with the appearance of dynamism, intelligence and integrity, an agent of change, without in practice being any of these things. They want another civil service cog, a Fellow Traveller, and someone willing to drink from a poisoned chalice
    Sorry, guys. Jim Prentice is busy.
    Nevertheless, good work.

  2. “a critical milestone on the path to recovering the CSA as an honest regulator in the service of the Canadian public.”
    The only way to get there is to Fire Them All. Corruption doesn’t regenerate itself into an honest regulator.

  3. Sahi, is he related to Michele Mann? Sure seems to be able to start lawsuits that are self destructive, just like Mann does.

  4. Sadly Knight is right, the Federal Politicians are being wilfully blind.
    Too bad for them, this kind of corruption will cost them their base supporters, as if they act no differently than the liberal nitwits who encouraged the evolution of this corrupt bureaucracy.
    Private law , no right of self defence and loss of property rights, failure on these items will resonate with the taxpayer…Conservative , Liberal.. whats the difference?

  5. Bravo RestoreCSA
    CSA is the epitome of “Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. This Agency has managed to place itself beyond Parliamentary Oversight and beyond CRA private not-for-profit corporation regulations simultaneously. That it has managed to carry on this charade for so long is an indictment of every gov’t bureaucracy and a lesson in gov’t management. It is a self-serving, entitled, arrogant, unaccountable gov’t agency and should be the poster boy for “Yes Minister” style bureaucratic corruption. To be held up to the socialists and communists as the prime example of “How gov’t does it better”. But of course it refuses to answer to the Minister and has grown so monstrous the Minister doesn’t have a clue how to tame it.
