7 Replies to “The Children Are Our Future”

  1. Give the jocks a gimme course and they still cheat on it. Morons! The course probably had 100 % pass rate without cheating.

  2. Actually they should be commended for their initiative. A sports ethics class is useless enough that cheating though it is perfectly justified. Years ago behind the iron curtain there was a phrase: “they pretend to pay us, we pretend to work”, fits other communist environments as well: “they pretend to teach us, we pretend to study”.
    Too bad the morons were stupid enough to get caught.

  3. “The alleged scandal involves hand-held electronic clickers which are used to answer questions during college classes. ”
    Seriously? Testing ethics with a f***ing clicker? Like I said: “they pretend to to teach, we pretend to study”

  4. (Palm to forehead…) I’m an alum. This is embarrassing on so many levels. Then again, the College has in my opinion fallen incredibly far from its days as a bastion of classical liberalism with a heavy dose of hardiness (men–and women–of the snow-covered mountains, famous for bonds to the 10th Mountain Division, and able to wrestle in mud, chop a cord of wood, drink a case of beer, and still speak knowledgeably about Plato and Physics). In the mid-80’s we could see the growing celebration of wimps and a movement toward irrelevant feel-good (but utterly useless) subjects. I am, sad to say, not surprised by this news. It is long past the time to clean house in Hanover (with a few exceptions); alas, those able to make this happen practice the same religion that got the College to its current state of affairs.
