37 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Rowan Scarborough in the Washington Times:

    A backdrop to the massacre in Paris on Wednesday by self-professed al Qaeda terrorists is that city officials have increasingly ceded control of heavily Muslim neighborhoods to Islamists, block by block.

    France has Europe’s largest population of Muslims, some of whom talk openly of ruling the country one day and casting aside Western legal systems for harsh, Islam-based Shariah law.

    “The situation is out of control, and it is not reversible,” said Soeren Kern, an analyst at the Gatestone Institute and author of annual reports on the “Islamization of France.”

    “Islam is a permanent part of France now. It is not going away,” Mr. Kern said..

    It’s all good.

  2. David P. Goldman: What Can France Do Now?

    France now faces an existential dilemma. By most independent estimates France now has a Muslim population of 6 million, or almost 10% of its 65 million people. If we assume that just 1% of this population are radicalized to the point of engaging in or providing support for terrorist activities, that is a pool of 60,000 individuals. We are not speaking of 60,000 potential bombers or shooters, but a support network that will allow a much smaller number of terrorists to blend into the broader population. In the “no-go” zones of France now effectively ruled by Muslim gangs, moreover, the terrorists can intimidate the Muslim population. France already has lost the capacity to police part of its territory, which means that it cannot conduct effective counter-terror operations.

    The whole thing here.

  3. The U.S. federal government, which has “Tomahawk” cruise missiles; “Apache,” “Blackhawk,” ‘Kiowa” and “Lakota” helicopters, and used the code name “Geronimo” in the attack that killed Osama bin Laden, officially objects to the name:- Washington Redskins.

  4. Good news! Postmedia continues to bleed itself to oblivion:
    “The media company, which owns several daily newspapers and websites, including the National Post, says it lost $10.3 million in the quarter, or 26 cents per share. That compared with a loss of $11.8 million, or 29 cents per share, a year earlier.
    Overall revenue dropped 12.6 per cent to $169.5 million — mostly because of weaker print advertising sales, which plummeted 20 per cent to $93.1 million. Companies in the automotive, technology and travel sectors in particular reduced how much they spent on newspaper ads.
    Print circulation revenues were also down, falling about four per cent to $47.4 million despite price increases, amid a declined in sales.”
    The G&M, the Toronto Star and all the other terrorist enabling and apologist media no doubt are in the same boat.
    Later in the article Postmedia mentions ahow it is stealing millions of Ontario taxpayer dollars in some digital media tax credit scam.
    If you currently hold a newspaper subscription, cancel it immediately.

  5. WOW!!!No….but I don’t use leftie,cAGW supporting search engines. And what’s the matter? No date tonight?
    And BTW….it’s just considered common courtesy to put a link, especially in Tips.

  6. Justthinkin:
    Agreed–I think it’s common courtesy to provide a link.
    To quote my late Dad. ”Tell them to go **** themselves!”

  7. Justthinkin:
    I agree that those who provide tips on this site should provide a link.
    Sadly, my comment was sent to a blog administrator for ”moral screening.”
    What did SDA say about Charlie Hebdo???
    Ya right…………..

  8. What France can do now is to throw off the dirigisme of its economy that consigns immigrants and Muslims into banlieues to subsist on the dole, and which removes most of their opportunities to become happy and productive citizens.

  9. “Muslims into banlieues to subsist on the dole, and which removes most of their opportunities to become happy and productive citizens.”
    Bwahahahahaha. And just how many bags of pixie dust and unicorn farts live in your world?

  10. Not at all surprising. I used to subscribe to the National Post and the Toronto Sun. I only get the Sun now, and I only read it if I’m at work, and I mainly get it for the crosswords that I do on break. There used to be piles of papers in the cafeteria at work, now most people use Ithings. Printed papers will fade into oblivion in the not to distant future.

  11. A hero emerges from the Islamic terrorist incident at the printworks where the terrorist were killed by police.
    “Holed up in a printworks and surrounded by police, killers Said and Cherif Kouachi were unaware that commandos were being tipped off about their every move.
    For, hidden in a cardboard box just yards away was 27-year-old Lilian Lepere.
    And he was able to alert police about the location of the gunmen and the layout of the building.”

  12. An excellent piece in the Washington Post with signal quotes from Ross Douthart and the late Christopher Hitchens.
    The Blasphemy We Need.

    in a political vacuum, it would be okay to think that some of the images (anti-Islamic and otherwise) that Charlie Hebdo regularly published, especially those chosen entirely for their shock value, contributed little enough to public discussion that the world would not suffer from their absence. [me: The CBC partially correct argument]
    But we are not in a vacuum. We are in a situation where my third point applies, because the kind of blasphemy that Charlie Hebdo engaged in had deadly consequences, as everyone knew it could … and that kind of blasphemy is precisely the kind that needs to be defended, because it’s the kind that clearly serves a free society’s greater good. If a large enough group of someones is willing to kill you for saying something, then it’s something that almost certainly needs to be said, because otherwise the violent have veto power over liberal civilization, and when that scenario obtains it isn’t really a liberal civilization any more. Again, liberalism doesn’t depend on everyone offending everyone else all the time, and it’s okay to prefer a society where offense for its own sake is limited rather than pervasive. But when offenses are policed by murder, that’s when we need more of them, not less, because the murderers cannot be allowed for a single moment to think that their strategy can succeed. .

  13. There is plenty that France can do. It has been done in Europe in the past. All that is required is the political will.
    The thing is is that the West will wake up and see these constant attacks as an existential threat. When that happens the gloves will come off. The Germans and Japanese will confirm this as they have experienced the receiving end of the results of pushing things too far in recent history.
    The West is the first world for a reason, when the chips are down we will win at any cost. The unthinkle becomes very possible.
    I think Egyptian Preident Sisi understands this and that’s why he has started a conversation with the leading muslim imams. The poor fellow will probably pay with his life for this though.

  14. Bah, big fingers, small keyboard. A apologies for the spelling errors in my previous post.

  15. “Our universities bleat about inquiry and free speech, but they are feeble and craven, caving in to protestors and special interests, pleading “sensitivity” and the “wish not to offend” any time some topic or speaker threatens to “hurt” the professionally agitated on campus. Where was “we” when a band of fatuous progressives protested former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice giving a convocation address at Rutgers University? She worked for Bush, so free speech be dammed.”
    Rex is on target, the Muslim problem is manifested in academia.
    The low hanging fruit (terrorists) on the streets are easy to hunt down and kill, but until we eliminate the pro-Muslim propagandist from our institutions we will lose the war. A connecting of the dots will reveal a complex Anti-west, Anti-US agenda that is interconnected to Muslim support.
    All the Muslims in our Academia must be eliminated.

  16. Dylan Byers at Politico:

    New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet called an associate professor at the USC Annenberg School an “asshole” on Facebook today after the professor took a shot at Baquet for not running Charlie Hebdo’s Muhammed cartoons.

    Ed Driscoll:

    As Kate McMillan of Canada’s Small Dead Animals blog would say, “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors.”

  17. IBTimes UK correction/statement:

    Earlier today, the IBTimes India edition published a wholly unsubstantiated and offensive article linking Israeli interests to the Paris Charlie Hebdo massacre. As soon as this article was drawn to IBTimes UK’s attention, we took immediate steps to have this article removed..

    Greta K. Berlin, spokesperson and co-founder of the Free Gaza Movement:

    “MOSSAD just hit the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo in a clumsy false flag designed to damage the accord between Palestine and France….Here’s hoping the French police will be able to tell a well executed hit by a well trained Israeli intelligence service and not assume the Muslims would be likely to attack France when France is their friend… Israel did tell France there would be grave consequences if they voted with Palestine. A four year old could see who is responsible for this terrible attack.”

  18. “‘Every single French Jew I know has left Paris’”
    Video: “Europe is finished”.
    “Spanish newspaper: Europe got Muslims for Jews”
    “The truth must be told! All European life died in Auschwitz
    By Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez*
    I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a terrible truth – Europe died in Auschwitz.
    We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, and talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world.”

  19. “New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet called an associate professor at the USC Annenberg School an “asshole” on Facebook today after the professor took a shot at Baquet for not running Charlie Hebdo’s Muhammed cartoons.”
    Dean Baquet is the prime example of having a fatally flawed (diseased) mind. Compromising the truth is not an option. How many other truths are hidden from readers of the NYT in the name of social accommodation?
    He must be fired if the NYT wants credibility.

  20. I have to give credit where credit is due: In a three minute teletorial about Charlie Hebdo and media censorship, Neil Macdonald calls out “big news outlets” including, he makes explicitly clear, the CBC, for their double standards and cowardice.
    Good for him. I’ve always disagreed with him on just about everything — and will continue to — and have been outraged at some of his “reporting”, but on this one he’s bang-on.

  21. Great rant from Jonah Goldberg:
    Best part IMO: In reality, the liberal ideological comfort zone is incredibly narrow. If an issue can’t be turned into a critique of America (or: white privilege, the religious Right (variously defined), capitalism, the GOP, or some other float in the parade of horribles that is the legacy of those horrible Pale Penis People who gave us so much of Western civilization), then the conversation must be pulled in that direction. It’s simply where their minds go. Rhetorically they have to fight every fight on home turf.
    I find that quote quite illuminating in an obvious sort of way.

  22. Mental illness found in Nigeria
    YOLA, Nigeria — Hundreds of bodies – too many to count – remain strewn in the bush in Nigeria from an Islamic extremist attack that Amnesty International suggested Friday is the “deadliest massacre” in the history of Boko Haram.
    An Amnesty International statement said there are reports the town was razed and as many as 2,000 people killed.
