20 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. CNN the Communists News Network is owned by Red Ted Turner who brainwashed kids with crap like CAPTIAN PLANET,NETWORK EARTH and was married at one time to Hanoi Jane its managed by Big Bad Wolf Blitzer i plain have quit watching the news entirly

  2. Perhaps it was just a bad edit. Mostly likely it was intended to say
    “Muslim freedom fighter was being considered for “honorary African
    American” citizen status by Emperor Barry’s White House staff.”

  3. Spurwing Plover
    Must agree wholeheartedly with your comment, and have also quit my LSM watching habit.
    And with nice noise cancelling headphones and portable tech, you can be in a formerly captive LSM drone pen (a.k.a. airport) and happily ignore their rubbish, by substituting it with enjoyable wholesome SDA content!

  4. Best comment was:
    “When I was young we only had an African-American and Caucasian Television!” by: ursafan40
    I’m going to use that one.

  5. I saw the mistake. CNN has also been referring to the search for the female terrorist as a “manhunt”. Apparently its on-air personnel have forgotten their political correctness lessons.

  6. This story lacks credibility. In CNN’s world African Americans do not have guns, but are extensively preyed upon by armed whites.
    Perhaps “a frican American,” non?

  7. Give it a couple of days and Obama will hold a press conference and claim that if he had lived, this would have been a boy who could have been his son

  8. Exactly. Can’t fix brainwashed stupid.
    I have not watched CNN since being able to get FoxNews.

  9. CNN?
    I agree, Ken (Kulak). Haven’t watched CNN since FNC was made available in Canuckastan.
    SunNews is just as good and getting better.

  10. On second thought since the young killer has dark coloured skin and identifies himself and Muslim maybe CNN should use the Arabic word “Slave” in describing him.

  11. What do you call an African American raghead in France that uses up all his ammunition?
