16 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. “The OIC has long argued that what it considers blasphemous or “Islamophobic” portrayals of Islam or Islamic personalities constitutes incitement to violence.”
    In short, blame the victim.

  2. Other than the bureaucrats on the gravy train, especially those with the Manhattan gig, the largest benefactors from the UN existence are the Islamic supremacists. The General Assembly is just like a Bull Fight with Western nations and notably the U.S. proudly walking into the arena as the Bulls. Only Israel gets treated worse. The U.S. pays the lion’s share of the bills to be continuously prodded and poked by dirt-bags from the Islamic wastelands. It would be very confusing for Obama to sit in that chamber as his first instinct would be to join with the majority so his toadies (advisers?) do that for him.
    If it won’t be shut down then at least we should move it to Somalia where the Islamists that run it would feel more at home and where the appeal for bureaucrats would be lost on those used to the Manhattan lifestyle.

  3. ‘Backed by Obama Administration’ was all I had to read to know that it would be a stupid idea.

  4. Muslims live in unpersecuted peace in the west, something Jews, Christians and non-muslims living in Islamic nations cannot claim.
    If voicing this obvious Islamic intolerance is “blasphemous” then it’s a label we wear proudly, and it is a “blasphemy” worth defending.

  5. Has anyone heard what religion the 13,000 Syrian refugees we are about to admit to Canada practice?
    I’m assuming they’re all, or at least most of them are Christians,Jews and other infidels.

  6. There is a correlation in the accelerated rise of Islamist Jihad, it’s spread to threaten more countries with the term of the Democratic Obama administration and it’s policies.
    Note his first foreign visit was to the headquarters of Sunni Sharia Law, the Al-Azhar university in Cairo.
    His first policy speech to the U.N. expounded the Sharia Law of blasphemy, promising “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”
    Thus, it’s no surprise he didn’t show up to join the 40 other international leaders at the demonstration for free political speech in Paris. That was not done inadvertently.
    Another example, Pres. Obama policy was to withdraw all troops from Iraq. However, without a core U.S. military in Iraq to hold the Iraqi armed forces and government together, massive amounts of state of the art U.S. military equipment fell into the hands of the Islamic State.
    As Shia political interests began to over ride shared power and revenue, the Sunni areas and their military members abandoned the Iraqi government project. They took with them Iraqi military equipment, knowledge how to operate it and joined the Sunni Islamist jihadis. Soon they were over running Iraqi armed forces and capturing large amounts of military equipment and money and oil wells.
    Without that the Islamic State could not have conquered the large areas of Iraq and Syria, it has done. It could not have declared the Islamic State and a Caliph.
    A Caliph has the unique authority to call on all Muslims to jihad.
    Post WW2 and the Korean war, the U.S. military supervised both countries until the idea of democratic government could take hold among the population, a few decades.
    The overthrow of the Libyan government also allowed Islamist Jihadis to take that military equipment and invade Mali and supply who knows where else in Africa.
    Whether this spread of chaos is by design or ineptness or a combination thereof is a good question.
    The international Islamist Jihad will continue to grow until there is an American President in the White House, who joins the fight to defend Western Civilization.
    Growing Islamic state influence in the United Nations to spread Sharia Law fits perfectly with political Islam’s international goals.
    One day if things continue, the Caliph and the head of the UN will be the same guy.
    In the meantime, the U.N. Security Council plans and co-ordinates counter-jihad armed forces in Africa.
    Countries that don’t pledge allegiance to the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights should not have voting rights at the U.N. and be placed on probationary status.
    The 56 countries of the Organization of Islamic Conference Cairo Declaration on Human Rights asserts the supremacy of Sharia Law(1990). They should have been given the boot back then. No one noticed this coincided with the end of the Cold War that had kept a lid on Islamist aggression.
    As for the Sharia Law of blasphemy, the best analysis in a single sentence came from a Nat. Post columnist:
    “All totalitarian systems loathe mockery and punish those who ridicule their sacred monsters.” – Barbara Kay

  7. “… Whether this spread of chaos is by design or ineptness or a combination thereof is a good question. …”
    I would say most of it is by design but the part they can not hide from us they make it look like it is ineptitude.

  8. Obama the Fink to use Executive Order to force Shara Law upon america he has already used his Executive Orders and his Pen and Phone more reasons Obama needs to be not just Impeached but tried and convicted for Treason and Abuse of the Power of Office

  9. Republicans too want a blasphemy law. From the Republican Platform 2012:
    “By whatever legislative method is most feasible, Old Glory should be given legal protection against desecration.”

  10. That’s not a blasphemy law. Republican’s don’t have a religious belief in their flag, it is a national symbol.

  11. “Islamic Bloc Raises UN ‘Anti-Religious Intolerance’ Measure Backed by Obama Administration”
    Is it just me or does anyone else believe there is no difference between the two entities mentioned above?
