Stifling Opinions Amongst Muslims in the West

One common trait amongst Religious Cults is that dissent is not tolerated. Dare to disagree with the prevailing narrative and you’re kicked out of the cult … or worse. Such has also been the case for several decades with the Cult of Leftism. Though they changed their public moniker to “Progressives”, their core tenets and modus-operandi have not changed, and arguably have gotten much worse. When it came to acts of terrorism from Muslim extremists, a constant horde of “Progressive” talking heads could be readily found to regurgitate the same PC pablum:

  • Islam is a Religion of Peace
  • Not all Muslims are terrorists
  • Anyone who dares to criticize Muslims or their religion is an Islamophobe = Racist + Bigot

Different violent event. More innocent people killed or maimed. Same repetitive talking points to not criticize the perpetrators, their motives, or their religion.
What has not been quite as clear to non-Muslim Westerners is what has been going on within the Muslim community. I a recent Washington Post article, journalist Asra Nomani shed a little light on the subject:

Alongside the honor brigade’s official channel, a community of self-styled blasphemy police — from anonymous blogs such as and to a large and disparate cast of social-media activists — arose and began trying to control the debate on Islam. This wider corps throws the label of “Islamophobe” on pundits, journalists and others who dare to talk about extremist ideology in the religion. Their targets are as large as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and as small as me.
The official and unofficial channels work in tandem, harassing, threatening and battling introspective Muslims and non-Muslims everywhere. They bank on an important truth: Islam, as practiced from Malaysia to Morocco, is a shame-based, patriarchal culture that values honor and face-saving from the family to the public square. Which is why the bullying often works to silence critics of Islamic extremism.

Brave woman for speaking out. It’s beyond reprehensible that her non-Muslim sisters of a Leftist bent continue to sabotage her with their inane ramblings. But they’ve consistently shown that they don’t care one whit about “those” brown-skinned women. Sad.

3 Replies to “Stifling Opinions Amongst Muslims in the West”

  1. Wow. Go to the website mentioned, and you’ll find them ‘throwing shoes’ at those we consider apologists for radical Islam – Rep. Keith Ellison and CAIR, to the Syrian American Council – which they label a front for the Muslim Brotherhood.
    That’s casting a pretty narrow net, when those acting as fifth columnists in the west are still not ideologically pure enough to avoid a thrown shoe.
    I guess John Baird could expect no less.

  2. You know your a appologists when you demand all christians make amendments to the pagan aztecs for their(Aztecs)brutal acts of Human Sacrafice after all they only sacricied the natives from various neighboring tribes

  3. ” It’s beyond reprehensible that her non-Muslim sisters of a Leftist bent continue to sabotage her with their inane ramblings. But they’ve consistently shown that they don’t care one whit about “those” brown-skinned women. Sad.”
    It is simply stunning to witness the hypocrisy of much of the left. In their zeal to unoffend Islam, they betray every other cause for equality they claim to hold dear.
