Things You’ll Never See On The CBC

Passed along via email – This is a fb post from the current host of CBC Radio Noon in Halifax. In the comments, Rob Gordon a former long time reporter claims there is a ‘Royal Family” within the CBC.”
Update – I’ve added a screenshot for those without FB access, for the gist of things.


18 Replies to “Things You’ll Never See On The CBC”

  1. Nice to see the honesty and integrity from some CBC employees. Hopefully they will survive the “re-education” that will follow when the Mother Corp reacts to their comments.

  2. Couldn’t get to the post, ‘cuz it’s a Facebook post. Same with a number of Tweets on other blogs. Getting a bit tired of being unable to access because of fb/twitter exclusivity. Not Kate’s fault, just an annoying circumstance for those of us who prefer our privacy and stay away from ‘social media).

  3. Don’t they usually say “private”? Think this one was nuked?
    Not sure as I don’t do FB, but I do see all the tweet feeds that get linked here, there and everywhere and I don’t have a tweet account.

  4. Panic at the quisling clinic – one got of the prog mind control meds and regained a conscience – red alert! _ Definitely no pix @ 11

  5. When the insiders start to publicly grouse about the situation at work you have to think there is major discontent going on at the corpse. The place is imploding one news cycle at a time.
    As the poison in the workplace become more widely known you have to think there will be more revelations and leaks from the inside. Stay tuned kids it’s going to get real interesting watching the intelligentsia cannibalise each other. haha

  6. “… and stay away from social media”
    In my head I always hear the term anti-social media. Because it is.

  7. I’ve been telling this to my socialist friends for at least 7 years. The reply is always the same. ”Redneck.”

  8. Thanks for sorting out that Bidini post – I think. I read through the Damn things and just about threw up. Oh, the CBC is so bad – but so good! It’s just gone astray a little bit. And after all, we all love it, it’s ours and it loves us!!!
    Just waiting for the Kumbaya…Barf

  9. Dave Bidini! I occasionally start reading his columns in the Post when I don’t notice they are by him. The stupidity and bad writing usually bring me to a stop by the sixth or seventh sentence. I’ve made more of an effort to avoid him since his piece on how he not only doesn’t support the mission, he doesn’t support the troops, because their courage, decency and willingness to sacrifice themselves make him feel like he’s inferior to them (I paraphrase from memory).

  10. Volunteering for the CBC is akin to contributing to Vladimir Putin’s retirement fund.
