Renegade Regulator

Restore CSA;

“I’m calling about one of your Access to Information filings, there’s a problem with some of your requested data.” This civil servant had a gift for understatement. The problem? “This, …this ‘Ash Sahi’, we don’t know who this is.” Understatement indeed, that’s quite a problem.
You see, Ash Sahi is the CEO of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and, according to CSA, Sahi was formerly the Director of Industry and Trade at Industry Canada. How can records officials at the Federal Government not know who Ash Sahi is? How could he fit under their radar?
“I can find no record of anyone by that name, or individually by that first or last name, having been employed by the Federal Government.”

7 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. In my previous job, we relied on CSA or UL certifications for our fire safety controls. This is troubling.
    That your Canadian Government is ignoring this is really scaring me.

  2. Several possible reasons for this;
    A > He or somebody else at the CSA has outright lied about his federal government background, and he has truly never worked for the feds. Outright lying by the CSA can NEVER be ruled out.
    B > The person searching for the FOI request is a low-level college intern who doesn’t know what the hell they are doing = the incompetence of government “workers”, which can NEVER be ruled out.
    C > The feds are covering up and have ‘disappeared’ him from their records to avoid a CSA scandal. I doubt the CSA scandal rises to a level that merits such an extreme response, BUT … it’s often NOT the scandal but more often the cover-up that screws the best laid plans, that cannot be ruled out either.
    If I had to bet on it, I’m going with Option A above.

  3. Surely somebody can just ask The Honorable James Moore?

  4. This story of private laws for public persecution just keeps getting better.
    i guess Moore will be making his escape to provincial power seeking any day soon.

  5. I found this interesting:
    Then I went here:
    and it seems that the only “Special Advisor (sic.)” at the Privy Council Office currently is in Human Smuggling and there does not appear to be a Director of Industry and Trade.
    Further the name does not appear here.
    sorry for 3 links
