16 Replies to “Bin Laden Is Dead And King Abdullah Is Dead”

  1. That is a plausible outcome but does not factor in Iran…..the real loose cannon on the deck.

  2. Good on ISIS, take over a few more ME countries; perhaps then our Western leaders might be able to define the “enemy”

  3. Three things.
    First, it ain’t the Saudis pumping like crazy. It’s the Yanks. Because fracking. You will see world-wide oil production going exponential as those pestiferous Yanks export their fracking technology to the world. Saudi oil production is flat and they are drilling like crazy to keep it flat.
    Two, it won’t be the Islamic State that flips Saudi. It will be the local population that flips when the welfare benefits derived from oil get cut off. Because no revenue from oil being sold at cost. The Saudi elites will get eaten alive.
    Three, if the American soldier ends up going anywhere in the mid east, it will be Iraq in two years time. When the communist muslim is replaced. Iraq desperately wants to be re-colonized by a western state. They are gagging for it. This time the colonization will permanent and will demonstrate the necessity of an outpost where we can kill ignorant muslim jihadis while at the same time keeping them away from civilized countries. Like moths to a flame.

  4. Saudi is building a 1000 Km defensive border, don’t get upset remember they are NOT a white western or Jewish nation so they get a pass.
    “…the border zone entails five layers of fencing, supplemented by watch towers, radar cameras, night-vision security, and a heavy presence of extra Saudi troops, according to the report.
    The wall is set to extend nearly 1000-km and will combine fence and ditch barriers along the northern Saudi border.”

  5. This idea of a Great wall is brilliant! The Americans built one on the US/Mexico Border,and not one single illegal has come over since!
    And, if they build it like the Great Wall of China, it will bring tourists by the thousands!
    It’s SO much better than draining the aquifer to make lakes for the Royal Family to water ski on.

  6. Don Morris >
    I’d personally challenge the idea that the American’s have ever built a Great Wall to keep out the Third World and other terrorist trash.
    They did build on at great American tax payer expense for South Korea, that has worked pretty effectively so far. But of course SK is also allowed to protect themselves.
    No I don’t think a few miles of chicken wire and some fencing in a few border towns equates to the same protection as –
    “….five layers of fencing, supplemented by watch towers, radar cameras, night-vision security, and a heavy presence of extra ________ troops,”

  7. What could make a difference is that Saudi announced a shoot to kill policy regarding any infiltrators from the north…..

  8. One of the things of interest to me is that the Arabians don’t even know where their northern border is. That fence could cause lots of problems in the future. By the way, the country is Arabia. The MFWIC is of the Saudi family. Whacha gonna call it if the ruling family is not named Saudi, but Liebowitz? Liebowitz Arabia? You might just start calling it Arabia, as it has been called for hundreds of years.

  9. With what is happening in Yeman, the Saudis might want to keep an eye on their southern border also.
