16 Replies to “Free Bill Whatcott!”

  1. And the CBC staff involved will have their wages deducted by what amount to pay back the taxpayer….? Peter Mansbridge’s lead story on this matter will air when…? Oops, forgive me. Just being silly in southwestern Ontario.

  2. “On Jan. 8, a judge at Weyburn’s Court of Queen’s Bench awarded Whatcott $20,000 in damages for the defamation, and another $10,000 dollars in aggravated damages because he found the CBC’s conduct reflected actual malice.”
    Is committing defamation reflecting malice, an offense under CBC staff regulations?
    Will there be any internal punishment for this behaviour?
    Will those employees appear on CBC TV and be heard on CBC Radio asking for forgiveness and say they are sorry?
    Will CBC Radio/TV executives promise on air that such will never be repeated?
    How many other Canadians should be contacting their lawyers about suing the CBC?

  3. Until now I was not aware of the second page of Whatcott’s flyer or its context. Would the CBC please give a full accounting of each time it has bamboozled its audience?

  4. The CBC will never report on this but it will be interesting to see if CTV, Global etc. will. Not that it matters much as CBC has our tax money to pay off what doesn’t even amount to pocket change for them. I’m just in awe that there’s still a judge out there that isn’t politically correct pro gay. They’ve all had their marching orders. Maybe be just didn’t hear them. The human rights councils must be fuming that one got away.

  5. “The judge did not award punitive damages, saying ‘I do not, however, find the defendant’s conduct to be so oppressive and high-handed as to offend the court’s sense of decency.'”
    OK, so apparently there is a level of oppression and high-handedness that remains within the realm of decency…I’d be most interested in exactly where this judge draws that particular line.
    Our tax dollars at work, on so many levels.

  6. You nailed it Johnny. The line of decency is apparently different if you have no one (including the people) that you have to account to.

  7. Why do so many sensible things come out of Saskatchewan?
    I have worked in 6 provinces and the most surprisingly sensible regulators I encountered were in an NDP run Saskatchewan — over 10 years ago. At the time I attributed it to the relatively meager resources, fewer regulators with less money, which required them to be relatively sensible and practical. Maybe I was just lucky?
    Oh yeah, I was born in Saskatchewan — maybe it was a genetic bias.
    Anyhow, good on the Weyburn Judge. And hopefully the CBC will be required to discipline the offending staff but I won’t bother watching that channel in hope of hearing them tell me about it.
    Saskatchew Ansense

  8. doesnt fit the CBCpravda narrative of supporting , nay, encouraging the likes of Ashley MacIsacc and Rufus Wainwright.
    sure doesnt fit with the sunday shows of CBC of the sixties like “Hymm Sing”

  9. Why do so many sensible things come out of Saskatchewan?
    Heh, probably why Sask only has a million people, all the sensible people left. Especially the world class doctors who left after the implementation of the ‘sensible’, tommy douglas (not dead enough) communist health non-care system.

  10. Bully for Bill!
    CBC spin doctors for the Commie Broadcorping Cartel
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  11. CBC – they sure can’t connect the dots very well. The man is an outspoken pro-life advocate yet they portray him as wanting to kill homosexuals!
    No wonder they like Justin Airhead. Weak minds think alike.
