Y2Kyoto: Planetary Fever Update


The National Weather Service (NWS) in New York City is calling the potential for epic snowfall “historic,” while the Boston office says the incoming storm is a “textbook case for a major winter storm/blizzard.” Three-day snow totals could reach 24-36 inches in each city–good enough to rival the biggest Northeast snowstorms on record.
What’s making this particular storm so potent? In sharp contrast to last week’s nor’easter, there’s no shortage of cold air this time around. A blocking high-pressure system to the north will slow the storm’s advance to a crawl–with the center spending up to 24 hours just off Long Island–right as it is peaking in strength. Combine that with a roaring, perfectly kinked jet stream, and you have all the ingredients for an explosive storm that will reach “bomb” criteria, funneling Arctic air southwards and converting it into a thick blanket of wind-whipped white. All the extra cold air may also boost snow totals, because “drier,” colder snow is up to 50 percent fluffier than “wet” snow that falls with temperatures nearer the freezing point.

20 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Planetary Fever Update”

  1. I love it , maybe the poles are shifting , I love it either way plus 11 in airdrie I will take more please. Better than shovelling global warming off my sidewalk every 6 hrs. Bring on the heat I say !!! Can’t wait till human achievement hour!!

  2. I suppose it is a form of natural justice that it is warm north of the 49th parallel and cold below – gee, do those Americans have polar bears and igloos in the Lower 48 with snow piled up on their side of the border?
    That said, 11C right now on Vancouver Island 😉

  3. Meanwhile, on the West Coast, we had a balmy 72F this afternoon. A lovely day here in the Cascade Foothills!

  4. I’ll only believe it after it hits mainly because DeBlasio is going ape with the Armageddon warnings!!1!!!

  5. Gee, with all that global warming this was supposed to be a thing of the past. Don’t they know the planet is burning up ? Keep hearing it on the MSM so it must be true. Deblasio is running around in true chicken little form yelling the sky is falling and New York battens down in sheer panic waiting for the first snowflake to fall. Or maybe we should tell them this happens every few years and just stop paying attention to all the climate mongers, because nothing is out of the ordinary. Too easy and you can’t fix stupid.

  6. “That kinked jet stream is giving the southern prairie a nice break from winter.” Yeah, but being just on the other side of it gets me normal January temps (-15c)and pleasantly sunny days. It almost beats a slushy and dirty +2c.

  7. This global warming is sure getting cold.
    What does that buffoon Suzuki have to say? Is he hiding behind his fruit flies?

  8. Glowball warming measured in feet Not inches .
    The rats have long ago jumped off of this floundering hulk, the UN registered vessel UN Team IPCC ™ CAGW/CC/GCD…
    All that is left on board are the delusional and their presstitutes.
    Soon as the costs come home to the beleaguered taxpayer, the search for a scapegoat will begin in ernest.
    Better than reality TV, It will be Wynning Ways.
    Or wicker king of the climatology cult.
    As the cold grows, we will find creative ways to extract useful energy from the hysterical class.

  9. I’m in southern new jersey and i’m a little pissed we’re only supposed to get about 12″. I want to be buried damnit!

  10. ural – dry snow is much easier to shovel and lift. Wet snow is heart attack territory if there’s enough. That is snowblower time.
    To continue with the thread, it is easy for the AGW folks to call the storm another result of, well, AGW (always backed up by the MSM whackjobs). Those turds will continue with their ‘schick’.

  11. I hope David Suzuki is freezing his toes off and Al Gore and the United nations are marooned in the streets

  12. Nice to see someone use the word worser. I use it. My wife says there is no such word. Well there is worse, worser and finally worsest. Pretty well covers the degrees of worse.

  13. I believe it is a symptom of modern times that a snow storm is international news. Its winter. Expect snow. Duh.
    For my part, I am singlehandedly protecting the entire Canadian coast of Lake Erie and perhaps all of Southern Ontario from significant snow accumulation. How can one man do this, you ask?
    Well, back in November we had a heavy snow and my old, hot rodded crazy snow-blower finally blew up. That’s what happens when you stick a Princess Auto 13hp engine on a 1965 International snow-blower that came with a 6hp motor. Engine still works awesome of course, its just the entire rest of the machine is scrap metal. ~:(
    So I went to the tractor store and bought the King of all snow-blowers. ~:) It slices, it dices, it has heated handles and everything. Because as we were told, this was going to be The Worst Winter In Living Memory, For Sure, This Time We Really Mean It.
    Naturally it hasn’t snowed more than an inch at a time since. Sometimes I take it out and drive it up and down the bare gravel, pretending to make great plumes of snow fly for hundreds of feet.
    Denizens of Southern Ontario, you’re welcome.

  14. Yeah well, because the Great Lakes are pretty much frozen over we are spared the usual “Lake Effect” snow.

  15. Yep, frozen hard. You can skate on Lake Erie. Spring breakup is going to be fun along the Grand River again, because of the ice dam down at Port Maitland. They had to clear it with an ice breaker last year, I expect they will again this year.
    High water again come March/April. Hope everybody got their docks up nice and high in the fall…

  16. Welcome USA to Canadian prairie winters and to be honest you can keep it, we’re rather enjoying your weather this winter.
