28 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. This is a tip without a link: If you have HBO (I subscribe for the boxing) they’re periodically airing a very good documentary called “Terror at the Mall: the Nairobi Siege”. It’s harrowing viewing, with lots of footage (security cameras and other), but it gives a good sense of timelines, the incredibly bungled response, the courage of particular Kenyans, etc.
    It doesn’t take a didactic tone on Islamism, leaving it as the subtext rather than the topic, but it doesn’t pull any punches either and lets the events and actions speak for themselves, often through the survivors.
    More than a bit enraging, but highly recommended.

  2. Apparently, in a show of solidarity, Obama supporters have attacked the Pakistani power grid with measurable success.

  3. That is *exactly* what welfare was intended to be. It just wasn’t sold that way. Google: LBJ “voting Democrat for 200 years”

  4. Me too. Mainly Disney. I never liked Disney, even as a child.
    I divide the world into people who like Looney Toons and people who like dancing/singing/sassin’ teacups and related schmaltz.

  5. And we have learned nothing from the Nairobi siege as right now in any large shopping centre an empty store can be rented and arms smuggled in to be used as the base for killing infidels. Do you know the name of Mohammed’s mother and the first lines of a Islamic prayer? Better memorize it now.

  6. I never liked Disney, even as a child.”
    You knew Walt when he was a kid? Wow! You must be really old! :~D

  7. AGW Kills.
    “… it’s apparently another to tell some drivers that physics is a real thing.”
    “More than 4000 flights cancelled as ‘life-threatening’ blizzard bears down on …
    National Post”
    “Careless under-bridge crashes are no laughing matter”
    “… it’s apparently another to tell some drivers that physics is a real thing.”
    “It was on a very narrow bridge in the maritimes I discovered the side mirrors on an RV are like a cat’s whiskers: if they don’t fit, your arse doesn’t fit.”

  8. A great interview here where Winnipeg rock jock, and morning, man Wheeler asks the author of the hit piece MacLean’s just put out on Winnipeg some hard questions about her “article”. -Shocker- the problems really aren’t about ‘racism’. Something they obviously don’t teach in journalism school is that if you can’t properly define a problem you are not helping, you’re actually making it worse.

  9. “Obama Will Not Attend 70th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation
    Heads of state from France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, and Denmark will be present”
    “Spanish newspaper: Europe got Muslims for Jews”
    “The truth must be told! All European life died in Auschwitz
    By Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez*
    I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a terrible truth – Europe died in Auschwitz.
    We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, and talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world.”

  10. AGW Kills.
    Abyssus abyssum invocat.
    “Pope on Climate Change: Man Has ‘Slapped Nature in the Face'”
    “We have in a sense taken over nature.”
    “University College London Professor Of Climatology Mark Maslin Claims Mankind Now Able To Control Climate!”
    “We are now at the point where we can decide how the climate of the future will look. When we as a collective world community, all nations working together, are able to really prevent global warming, that would be fantastic. That would be the first time that the climate doesn’t control us, but rather us controlling it. We could make sure that all future generations will have a stable climate.”

  11. O’narcissist’s work:
    Joe Stalin’s communists vs Adolf’s National Socialists.
    “Tsipras, who at 40 becomes Greece’s youngest post-war leader, is a deft communicator with an army of (mostly) US-trained advisers.”
    “Alexis Tsipras pays homage to Greek communists at site of Nazi atrocity
    Greece’s new prime minister lays red roses as a symbol of ‘liberty from German occupation’, says his Syriza party”

  12. “Europe’s Populists Hail Syriza Win From Left and Right
    Anti-Establishment Parties See Greek Upstarts Blazing New Trail for Populism Across Europe”
    Raibeart MacIlleathain said:
    “… the Nazis ARE the hard left. Stop perpetuating the myth Hitler was a conservative Republican. He was a hard core socialist and ally of Stalin and Mussolini. Nazis despise freedom. Communists despise freedom. Fascists despise freedom. Democrats despise freedom. And the other thing they all in common: They all hate capitalism (economic freedom and individual choice).”

  13. Wonder if that means Tsipras would turn down a German bailout? Not likely that the German’s will offer on though.
    Greece will implode under this guy.
