6 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. I’m sure they are just as concerned with the rockets stored in UN schools during the last dust up between Hamas and Israel.
    Next we’ll find out that the UN is delivering petrol to ISIS; for ‘theatrical events’.
    Didn’t the UN run oil for food gig in Iraq? How did that work out?
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. Found this comment over on wk’s site:
    “both Mr T & Mr C are correct on this issue. ( http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/jean-chretien-defends-trudeaus-opposition-of-iraq-combat-mission/article21134448/ )
    An excerpt if I may ” The former prime minister says Canada should instead contribute $100-million to the World Food Program to feed refugees displaced by the extremist jihadists.”
    – See more at: http://warrenkinsella.com/2015/02/on-the-day-a-young-jordanian-is-burned-alive-on-the-day-there-are-more-jihadi-arrests-in-ottawa/#comments
    Bet that JT and JC had those comments back…

  3. What’s the world coming to, eh? You burn one guy alive, and all your friends start yelling at you because you’re making them look bad on TV. Man!

  4. How do we know who are really refugees? Is it possible they’re posing as refugees?
    Does the so-called United nations ever question the reasons there are people who need refuge and act to do something about it? Do they cringe with civilized, human beings of this earth when these brutal savages behead, torture or burn people alive, stone and rape women?
    BTW, I cannot find dates in any supermarket in my area that are not imported from Iran….. why are we even trading with Iran as the UN and the rest of the West sit by as they work at attaining nuclear capability?

  5. “… images circulating on social media showing Islamic State labels affixed to its food aid boxes in Syria.”
    Whew! When I started reading this article I thought it was going to say CSA labels.

  6. The UN(Usless Nations)yeah sure Woo Ho tell me about it fack a few years ago they held a big fancy dinner to discuse World Hunger and now Obama the Fink went ti india to talk about OBESITY
