16 Replies to “Operation Broad Strata”

  1. Time to discuss the root causes. I think we may be able to find some common denominator if we look really carefully.

  2. If one of these ‘Canadians’ being were held for ransom by one of the hundreds of militant islamic terrorist groups (that are not in any way related to Islam), how far should our gov’t go to obtain their release ?
    How about if they were only trying to smuggle small drones and go-pro cameras into Palestine?
    How about if they were only living in Lebanon/Egypt/Libya/etc. with a Canadian passport?
    Where do we draw the line and say, ‘you go there, you are on your own?’

  3. Religion of Peace Woo Hoo Yeah Sure tell me about it who ever called Islam the Religion of Peace is out of their minds

  4. I used to wrap a towel around my head when I was about six, and pretend that I was some sheik of Araby or other Flynn-like character. Then, at about 7, I moved onto more western garb, you know, cowboy hats, boots, six-shooters!

  5. Ottawa sure seems to have more than its fair share of terrorists.
    Could it have anything to do with the University of Ottawa?
    They have Amir Ataran teaching there. He is the guy that had the documents that proved our soldiers were committing war crimes in Afghanistan, but could never produce the documents or the man who had them. He was also mentored by Michael Igntiaeff at Harvard.
    Michel Chuddofsky teaches there. He blames the Jews for pretty well everything and is a fave of Press TV, the Iranian news agency that also likes JT’s brother.
    There are likely many more that do not make it into the news.
    The place is run by Allan Rock, the Liberal who forced the gun registry on Canada because Gamil Gharbi killed Canadian women.
    It probably can all be attributed to coincidence.

  6. “Ottawa sure seems to have more than its fair share of terrorists.”
    Aye, indeed. And Ottawa U, like many other institutions of “higher” learning in the west, is chock full of fanatics and leftist losers.
    But, I kind of like the idea that the shit is happening on the government’s doorstep. If it was taking place a thousand miles away there would be no hope that anything would be done. What we really need are a few incidents in Rockliffe Park to really get the ball rolling.

  7. It looks like 2 of these guys were likely imported into Canada by Immigration loving Jason Kenney and the Conservatives.
    All of this has led to more money for CSIS and the RCMP and who knows who else. There are many vested interests involved in continuing this importation of potential criminals.
