16 Replies to “Pollspotting”

  1. I am outraged! A curriculum that expects young adults to show up washed, shaved, groomed, shoes shined, clothes clean, and with their hair cut. Then they must be respectful to their elders and superiors and address them as “Sir”. In doing all of this they acquire self discipline, pride and self respect. Imagine that! This will never do. What aboot their right to grow their hair long, smoke dope, and become a burden to the rest of us?

  2. Si vis pacem, para bellum.
    When ISIS or ISIL are training children at the age of 9 and 10 to be “soldiers of the prophet” and the liberals in this country oppose a high school ROTC program then we know that the war is going to be lost.

  3. – as opposed to students getting credits in 5th columnist activism or enlistment in the agenda 21 zombie corps.
    Gaia forbid any young people would want to defend their nation rather than destroy it from within or sell it out to globalists.

  4. Kid is in Navy League. This year’s drill and seamanship competition omitted “Drill With Arms” due to complaints from parents. Seems that many parents did not want their Precious Snowflakes doing anything militaristic.

  5. Don Morris’ comment needs some minor edits:
    ISIS IS recruiting in our schools, counting on these “activists” to not say a word.
    There. Fixed if for you.

  6. Oh.the horrors..! No rifles for rifle drill eh..unbelievable..but not surprising from parents brought up in the blue beret “peace keeper” mentality.
    We need a draft in Canada…2 year mandatory service…and teach every 18 year old how to lock n load among other things.

  7. Don’t know how to copy the picture to here but was sent a US map of all the muslim terror groups in the various states by my mountie buddy. These groups like Hamas, muslim brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad are almost everywhere except fly over states. Texas and New York and many others have well over a hundred mosques.
    When TSHTF the left will be screaming, do something, you should have been prepared. I don’t just dislike the left, I despise them.

  8. Suggested follow up question:
    “Are you comfortable with parasitic, sanctimonious, commie
    peaceniks being conscripted into punishment battalions and
    sent to do lots of hard labour under fire in far away places
    with strange sounding names?
    Ex Nigeria.

  9. Over 80% currently on both polls but when the results are revealed on the news shows will they actually give these overwhelmingly positive results. I’m afraid that I’ve lost all confidence in our left of center main stream media.

  10. Some kudos from here to MLA Lawrence. While accepting the petition for delivery to the Minister he was prepared to say publicly that “we don’t agree” with it.
    Brickbats to the Navy League group to which you refer Lickmuffin. During my membership years ago, they were a military cadet organization. Not so much anymore?
