37 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Directly related to the above (h/t American Digest), Cold Fury quotes a PJM commenter under a post in which Roger Simon suggests that the reason Obama redirected blame to Christians and the Crusades is because he’s ashamed of Islam, “the religion he, in part, came from”:

    Attributing shame to Obama for some connection to distantly past Islamic influences is frankly guesswork. What is not guesswork is his clear identification with all nonwestern, nonwhite, noncapitalist, nondemocratic people, cultures and systems. He is a smallminded, testy, twisted little man with an inferiority complex masked by narcissistic acting out and a confused, incoherent ideology. An abandoned child raised by communists, mentored by a pimp, marinated in college dorm radicalism and Alinskian mischief. A profoundly defective mind and character, elected by a weak, lazy, gullible culture not worthy of its heritage.

    Can’t really improve on that description.

  2. Hmmm. Monday evening with the usual TV dreck. So what’s on Discovery Channel?
    Oh, here we go, Alaskan Bush People, a Reality series with Billy Brown and his wife Ami (his sister’d be my guess) and their seven retarded offspring trying to make a go of it in the Alaskan wilderness. The stupidity…it boggles the mind! But undoubtedly there are millions of rabid viewers vicariously living the adventure.
    So, a search at Ask.com has this to say: http://www.adn.com/article/20141022/stars-alaska-reality-tv-show-charged-pfd-fraud
    Discovery- a new low for you, but works well with the LI gullible audience. Time for a house-cleaning there too.

  3. Philly Convention Center prez: Union workers vandalized auto show
    A MONTHS-LONG labor dispute allegedly kicked into high gear Saturday when about 200 unionized carpenters descended on the Philadelphia Auto Show, officials said.
    John McNichol, president and chief executive of the Pennsylvania Convention Center, told the Daily News today that “belligerent” members of the Metropolitan Regional Council of Carpenters vandalized cars, accosted vendors and generally disrupted the show, which ended Sunday.

  4. The Hitler piece on Brian Williams is terrific. I particularly like the bit about “the circus freaks at MSNBC”. Beautiful!!!

  5. Did Eve Adams bring her blow-dry boy with her for her appearance with Justin? Notice how it so fashionably frames her face – or did Justine give her a few hints?

  6. Mathews. Then the editor of their McGills Birdcage Linner is a total idiot like many collage indoctrinated little zombies

  7. The best and most ironic was the last command:
    “Reactivate OLBERMANN!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  8. The Hitler piece kinda coincides with comments from former GE chairman of NBC “Wright” He blames NBC News Executives for not protecting the Network from the fallout. It might be relevant to know that the British President of NBC news… Debra Turness is a protégé of the Anti-American Australian John Pilger.
    Google Pilger .. No doubt about the NBC agenda. They most likely encouraged Brian to embellish & left him to cover, clumsily,for himself.

  9. Hey Plains Drifer;
    I read that piece and I think Mr. Coyne might be admiring le Dauphin’s Machavelian streak. The piece is ambiguous.
    The key line was this: “That he chose to receive her, not with a shrug of “hey, a seat’s a seat,” but in the same spirit of feigned high-mindedness, proves beyond a doubt his fitness for the rigours of high office.”
    I think if your a Liberal, like AC, you chuckle and think the Boy may be without principles but he’ll do what is needed to win.
    The big catch was not the cosmetic surgeons dream but her boyfriend.

  10. See no. 5 on the Frankfurt School’s 1928 Manifesto of Cultural Marxism:
    1. the creation of racism offences
    2. continual change to create confusion
    3. the teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
    4. the undermining of schools and teachers’ authority
    5. huge immigration to destroy national identity
    6. the promotion of excessive drinking
    7. emptying the churches
    8. an unreliable legal system with bias against the victim
    9. dependency on the state or state benefits
    10. control and dumbing down of media
    11. encouraging the breakdown of the family
    12. “community of women” to undermine patriarchy
    13. the abolition of private property and of labor itself
    The good news is it won’t necessarily work as planned. Immigrants don’t like to be patronized any more than anyone else.

  11. To the intellectual giants out there that believe Leisuresuit Larry made a smart move getting hold of Eve’s significant other, one word of reason.
    Soudas was the guy taking orders not giving them.
    His expertise is in spin, a resourse the liberals have an embarrassing wealth of.
    Ask yourself this.
    If Soudas was advising Leisuresuit Larry, would he have warned him against taking Eve into the party?
    Is he going to give good advise to Justin? Or give “advise” that benefits his meal ticket?
    And remember why Harper fired him.

  12. Already re-activated at CTV in Canada….. Don Martin…”powerplay” at 5:00 pm eastern time ….
    LIzzy May & Thomas Mulcair Martins’ regulars ……….!

  13. This was the deliberate reason of the mass immigration policy of the Labor Blair government in the UK. How’s that working for you in Rotherham, guys?

  14. Adams looked like she just got out of the shower and forgot to comb her hair, it wasn’t very professional looking, it was a mess. Also she should have been wearing a red scarf instead of the very large blue one she was fighting to keep out of the way. I’m sure Doc Bennett or Freeland could have supplied her with something in red for the short time she’ll be in the party.
    It’s being rumored she might seek the nomination in Joe Oliver’s riding…..the key word here is “seek”, she may be chosen by her new leader, it’s too risky to let the riding peons choose their own candidate.

  15. PET Cemetery Report.
    Justine Narcissist: H/T “Darryl Dyck”.
    “A woman uses her phone to take a photo of herself with Liberal leader Justin Trudeau during the Vancouver Pride Parade in Vancouver, B.C., on Sunday August 3, 2014. Organizers expected more than half a million people to take in the parade which is one of the largest in North America. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck”
    “Liberals abruptly postpone Vancouver East nomination battle after party membership controversy”

  16. Just listening to CALGARY radio reporting that scientists are getting serious about testing ways to cool the planet with sulphur pollution into the upper atmosphere . !!
    These arrogant asses falsify the temp. Records and now want to play God with the atmosphere ????
    Why does the plot line from The Matrix keep entering my mind ????

  17. Anyone else notice that the swastika tattoo on Manson’s forehead doesn’t line up in the 2 pictures.
    The 1971 snap shows it at a different angle of rotation from that in the more recent picture.

  18. Maybe the “correctional” function of jail is working its magic, and he is becoming less twisted? I know, I know.

  19. http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/former-conservative-adviser-dimitri-soudas-to-join-liberals-with-eve-adams-1.2227221
    Former Conservative adviser Dimitri Soudas to join Liberals with Eve Adams
    Which of course was the bigger prize in the LIEberals desperate attempt to defeat the “EVIL DICTATOR Harper”.
    The LIEberals are nothing, if not desperate, by taking on these, cough cough, true blue ‘conservatives’ er I mean political opportunists.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  20. PET Cemetery Report.
    “Over my dead body”.
    “Toronto: Liberal MPP appalled at Eve Adams move by Justin Trudeau; says she’ll get Lib nomination “Over my dead body” in Facebook posting”
    “Michael Den Tandt: What in the world is Justin Trudeau thinking by taking on Eve Adams? “One of Liberal leader’s biggest errors thus far, utterly unforced”
    TO RedStar:
    “Voters lose in Trudeau’s deal with Adams: Editorial”
    “It was just weeks ago that the Liberal leader told the Star in a year-end interview that almost nine years of Conservative rule have produced a legacy of “cynicism” among voters.
    He was right about that. Too bad he has chosen to add to that legacy with such an opportunistic maneuvre.”

  21. Mao* Strong Report.
    “Why China poses the next great risk for a deflationary world”
    “China is trapped. The Communist authorities have discovered, like the Japanese in the early 1990s and the US in the inter-war years, that they cannot deflate a credit bubble safely.”
    “China faces a Morton’s Fork. Li Keqiang has made it his life’s mission to stop his country drifting into the middle income trap. He says himself that the investment-led model of last 30 years is obsolete. The low-hanging fruit of catch-up growth has been picked. China passed the point of no return five years ago.”
    “Tesla CEO Musk threatens firings after dismal China sales”
    “Tesla Motors Inc. chief executive Elon Musk is prepared to fire overseas executives, people with knowledge of the matter said, after weak Chinese sales of the company’s luxury electric cars cast doubt on his ambitious global expansion plans.
    Tesla sold about 120 cars in China last month, one of the sources told Reuters, well below the company’s aggressive targets. Musk has previously said he expected China sales could rival those in the United States as early as 2015.”
    *Liberal Justine’s favourite dictator.

  22. Mr. O’narcissist Goes To War.
    Idiot O: “President Barack Obama wants Congress to clearly legitimize the bombing war he launched six months ago in Iraq and Syria against Islamic State.”
    George is laughing.
    “Published Tuesday, Feb. 10 2015”
    “Obama seeks authority from Congress for Islamic State war”
    “It will be the first such “war vote” Congress has taken in 13 years, since it approved George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq.”
