33 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. What real war looks like when there are no rules, no Geneva convention , no political correctness , and the enemy respects nothing or anyone that does not have the same fanatical vision of the future that it has. Quite graphic and not for the faint of heart, but that’s what’s promising to come to a neighborhood near you.
    Such nice looking boys. Their parents must be proud.

  2. Anyone who has studied war and history would not be shocked or surprised by graphic battle scenes. What burns my patut is the inability of the left to understand the kind of people we are dealing with. The ignorance in not understanding that even moderate Islam will never be compatible with Christianity,any other religion or Atheism for that matter. The blinders that ignore what’s happening in Europe and the acceptance of Sharia law by many politically correct fools in order to placate a sizeable portion of the population that dreams of the day they will dominate and destroy the infidel. We bend over backwards for the Omar Khadr’s , support for Palestine is high and I don’t see the logic in it. Guess it’s just the little things that p*ss me off. Low tolerance for stupidity some days. Shouldn’t vent on Readers tips. Bad dog.

  3. peterj: can you send that to Justin, maybe he can help us understand the root causes.
    mid island mike

  4. Muslims killing muslims is never a bad thing is it? At least those men faught. they lost but at least they faught.
    The liberals would rather just skip the whole fighting thing and get right to the messy beheadings. the one guy with an angry look on his face as he gets his throat slit is priceless he is alive to watch himself bleed out. sorry y’all i would rather fight until they kill me and least i will not be on my knees!! i would not stop fighting until i was dead and if they kept me alive to send a message i would wait until they were reading then recite the lords prayer and curse mohammad and still try to run. or hop or what ever . i could just not go out like that. F that. i would bite ,spit everything until they were forced to kill me then i die on my terms not theirs!!

  5. I read one article from a reputable source that the prisoners are always told it’s just for their propaganda video and if they play along they will be sent back to their internment camp for re-education. Some are also sedated. Plausible since none look overly worried and all look rather calm, all things considered.

  6. Well my friend i have seen enough beheading to know now that it aint a propaganda video, again like i said i would fight there would be nothing they could say to me that would make me think differently i have seen enough to know they are full of crap. I will die on my own terms i would be so rude and belligerent until they either killed me or let me go.
    I would offer to calm down if i could speak to the leader. if i was lucky enough to have the opportunity i would spit in his face , and try to kill him or attack him. again i would force their hand with no fear because as far as i am concerned i would be a dead man walking anyway. so i will go out on my terms and i am sure that would piss them off and thats exactly what i would want. even if it was but a mere moment of frustration for them i would curse mohamad for hours on end i would do everything i could and ignore everything they say i would take it all as a lie.
    I would threaten them if they came close to me i would kill them. i would never show fear.Again if they sedated me i would fight while they were trying to sedate me…..lol. get it. i would be the most hostile mean SOB they ever came across because i would have said my prayers made peace with this world thanked jesus …and i would go out like a f#$kin lion. Sedated, shackled and all. F them. i would make sure they knew they were cowards and Wimps. i would challenge them to fist fights hoping they would free me.i would be just as merciless and relentless as them. What ever they wanted me to do i would do the opposite. i throw my crap at them i would pee in my own mouth just so that i could spit it in their faces. there is nothing i would not do. F those scumabgs. i die on my terms not theirs.
    Probly comes from being raised on the streets and being poor runnin with the bad crowds. you put up or shut up. ya know.

  7. Peter, well said @ 12:22.
    And to get you off the “bad dog” hook.
    “In a letter signed by Ambassador Gary Doer, the Canadian government accused the EPA of “significant distortion and omission” in its assessment of TransCanada Corp.’s proposed pipeline from Alberta, across the United States, to the Gulf Coast.”
    Was not Gary Doer and NDPer at one time? Did he see the light?

  8. Oh, and by the way, the front runner for the Ontario PC leadership has said Ontario should accommodate all the various languages of residents of Ontario….Arabic… Farci…. whatever?
    Is this what leads to a cohesive society? Am I missing something here? anyone have a conversation with a woman in full burka as she walks in our streets or malls?

  9. AGW RIP.
    “Frigid Air to Roar Into Midwest, East in Waves Through Mid-February”
    “The arctic air is being pushed along by a couple of Alberta Clipper storms”.
    “Fishing vessel stranded in Antarctic ice since Tuesday”
    “Last year, the breaker cut short its mission in January to help free a Russian ship and a Chinese icebreaker from the Antarctic ice.”
    “The seas of Antarctica are treacherous and unforgiving,” said U.S. Coast Guard Vice Admiral Charles Ray.”

  10. Doer must have figured out where wealth comes from. Maybe he actually learned something from his time as premier of MB. It might have occurred to him that wealth has to be created – it doesn’t just magically appear through government edict.

  11. @peterj: The video is just a bit too slick, too “Hollywood movie” for me to accept it at face value. Everyone with clean, pressed uniforms and trimmed beards. Even the prisoners appear clean shaven. And where is the spurt, spurt of blood when the jugular vein is cut. I’m not suggesting that beheadings are not occurring but rather that this video of a beheading seems too slick to be real.

  12. http://news.nationalpost.com/2015/02/12/mounties-improperly-seized-guns-from-evacuated-homes-during-high-river-flood-watchdog-says/
    The RCMP “watchdog”, who,it appears, has lots of “bark” but no bite, says the RCMP acted “improperly” in the High River gun thefts,er… seizures.
    That should warn the cops their high-handed actions will NOT be tolerated,and a verbal warning may be issued.
    No suspensions, no firings,perish the thought! But a scolding from the dog.
