28 Replies to “Watch Your Mouth”

  1. This is very dangerous. If you ban the means to express a thought, you ban the ability to conceive it, and soon the thought or idea itself disappears. I believe this is the aim of these people. It is the very essence of Orwell’s dystopian future.

  2. Went to their site, noticed that no comments are listed – even though one can post as a guest. I did so, it is pending – doubt it will see the light of day.
    Chris is correct, the people that implement this stuff are not there to protect the vulnerable, that is just the cover. The real aim is control, control speech and you control the discourse. This is how nightmares become real.

  3. Being labeled hurtful (a cardinal sin of our time) for using the expression “illegal alien” is a prime example. Nancy Pelosi recently reprimanded a reporter for using that expression as Obama eliminated the illegality of it through fiat.
    When I was a child, a common expression in California for “undocumented immigrants” from Mexico was “wetback.” For those to young to know, it was a reference to Mexicans crossing the Rio Grande to enter the U.S. in an undocumented kind of way.
    Imagine what would happen to anybody who uttered that word now.

  4. This sounds like an excellent opportunity to make a t shirt with every word on the list made into a sentence. I bet you sell a bunch at that school.

  5. Luther prefaced The Freedom of a Christian with a letter in which he addressed Pope Leo X with deference, but blasted the Roman curia as “pestilent, hateful, and corrupt … more impious than the Turk”
    Or how about Jesus Christ referring to the Saducees and Pharisees as “vipers”. Christians are encouraged to “speak the truth in love” but there are times when hard language is required for egregious offenses. How far Pacific Lutheran University has fallen!
    And if you trace back to the original article, you would have noticed that no one has commented (despite their claims about the poster campaign and its effectiveness. There is a comment now…

  6. If you stop using all these non politically correct words do you get a participation ribbon?

  7. so many stupid people and such a small amount of time. I guess the only way to create more stupid people is through a university course.

  8. How long before they ban the English language entirely. After all it’s the language of WHITEY so it must offend all those who are non white or simply, wogs to have to hear it at all anywhere … white people are the new Jews.

  9. Oh yes words that might hurt the feeling of some whinning little liberal whinner Stupid libberals reject the constitution These stupid collage adminastarors all need to be deported one way from america

  10. Compare today’s University with Supertramp’s lyrrical intellectual sweatshop of the past:
    ‘But then they sent me away
    To teach me how to be sensible
    Oh, responsible, practical
    And then they showed me a world
    Where I could be so dependable
    Oh, clinical
    Oh, intellectual, cynical’

  11. Yep, those were the good old days.
    You know what? Its awesome being a crusty old b@st@rd. We lived through a time when it was safe to let a ten year old ride his bike all over everywhere, all summer, and the music was… musical!
    Supertramp’s Crime of the Century came out in what, 1974? Its FORTY YEARS OLD. I still have my copy from 1974 buried here somewhere. I remember yelling that song out the car window in high school. Can somebody name me one Top Forties song that came out in 2014 that there is any chance at all its still going to be playing on the radio (or whatever) in forty freakin’ years? Is Nikki Minaj of artificially inflated bum fame going to be heard singing “Lookin’ @ss” in 2054? (No really, that’s the name of the song. “Lookin’ @ss”)
    What do kids in high school have to look forward to now? Prissy gender studies profs telling them to shut the hell up, and pr0nz. Everything else is illegal, or fattening, or sometime both.
    The Seventies and Eighties were AWESOME. You under thirty punks missed it.

  12. I personally liked the 60’s and 70’s. now there was some great music! it is funny how an old tune comes on the radio I haven’t heard in decades and I am instantly singing along, right words and almost right notes. the good stuff sticks way back in your mind I guess!

  13. I was a little young for the ’60s. Totally great time to be a kid, but all the music and hippie nonsense pretty much went over my head until about 1968.
    I do remember the Cuban Missile Crisis though. That sucked. People were terrified.

  14. Yes,so were the 60’s, but lest we forget,the 70’s was also the time of “disco” when every song ever written was discoed to death,even the national anthem.
    For a while there I had planned to assassinate John Travolta, but decided to smoke a joint and think about it instead.
    Mainstream music today makes me feel my age, the recent Super Bowl half-time show left me with a “this is considered entertainment?!” feeling.
    The music I enjoyed most in my entire life though, was not watching Led Zeppelin in a hockey rink or Canned Heat at an outdoor farmer’s field, but in my Dad’s fishing camp shack every Summer when two of his friends, a fine old Metis fiddler and another guy on guitar would entertain us while we kids took part in a jigging contest, winner got a chocolate bar.
    That was the early 60’s,and if I could go back anywhere to enjoy the music,that’s where it would be.

  15. This stuff has been going on for a while. I used to fly an aircraft which had the manuals and checklists originating with the U.S. Air Force. If there was a problem on take-off, we would call “abort” and then it was retard (another nasty word?) the throttles, pop the spoilers and stand on the brakes. No, that word has a “sexual connotation” so we had to change it to “reject”. That sounds an awful lot like “eject” in the confines of a cockpit so I wonder how many pilots have found themselves in a flying seat at low altitude just to be politically correct?

  16. Ummm…if it’s “my choice”, why are you presuming to dictate to me what words I may or may not use?

  17. The retarded teaching the brainwashed and no one taking a stand against the destruction of common sense policies. This attack against free speech and freedom of association is still in its infancy but it will become mainstream if the activists get their way. Their main source of attack is by shaming anyone who disagrees with their notion of the new world order or defies their interpretation of political correctness. This entire drive in how we must act and think has its genesis in the gay pride movement and has spread out from there. Politicians are afraid to touch it and in some cases (Wynne) continue to forge forward even though the original goal of acceptance was achieved a long time ago. It has reached the Supreme court stage and they are also willing to throw thousands of years of tradition under the bus in the name of political correctness. Anyone arguing against this is homophobic, or a bully, maybe a denier or a knuckle dragging red neck and should crawl back under their rock. See how well it works ? And that’s what’s drilled into the young airheads going through our education system. No capitalist system can survive the the end game here, but its made to order for the socialist dream. Stll not too late to turn it around but impossible if the next POTUS turns out to be a democrat or a Justin Trudeau for Canada. Just my opinions of course.
