26 Replies to “When you represent the right”

  1. The Republicans should all learn to counter-punch. But the media would probably spin it like this,
    “John Nolte’s unprovoked attack on Hilary Clinton’s support of a Woman’s Right to Choose shows that the continuing Republican War on Women is alive and well.”

  2. I don’t believe in evolution. I’m strengthened in my belief by science, especially the discoveries in the last hundred years. But for certain people who have their own moral/political agenda (I and) my beliefs are intolerable.

  3. Science/Faith is not as Love/Hate. I can have faith in science. I can have faith in my God. Each can deliver me.
    My faith and science can never be the same as my science is not my conscience. While science is my simple decision my faith invokes my morality.

  4. Liberals question President Walkers, uh, ur, Governor Walkers, politics on evolution.
    Now looking into his college backgrounds.

    Good, maybe they can also dig into our Brown Clown Residents grades and thesis, and his listing himself as a foreign student from Indonesia, who/whom paid for his education.
    Rent/housing, spending monies, and where/who/whom gave him his freaking social security Numbers that were later used for his drivers licenses and passport while never living in the state his social security Numbers were listed.
    Or- probably not..

  5. On their site I asked, “Can we say ‘Orwellian’, or is that verboten?”
    It will be interesting to see if that passes scrutiny.

  6. Sigh
    I am so disappointed in both the question and the answer. He shouldnt punt on something like that. I like Kate’s favourite answer. He should also have challenged the reporter.
    “Do you doubt evolution? With ISIS on march, Iranian Centrifuges Spinning, Weak Job Prospects, Growing Debt and host of other serious issues your question is about whether or not I think humanity evolves? Your question is more proof of devolution than evolution?
    Next question.”

  7. Joke Joke Joke.
    Joke Stewart is a joke. The MSM is a joke. News anchors are a joke. Politicians are a joke. Believing in a belief is a joke. Hollywood is a joke. The Elites are a joke. Arts faculties are a joke.
    They would be funny Jokers if not for the damage – serious misinformation, wars, terrorism, wasted economic resources, dangerous cults, lives and money wasted worshiping Elites.

  8. From Roger Kimball: Scott Walker Once Ate Two Cookies at Recess When He Was Supposed to Eat Only One
    –MILWAUKEE — Scott Walker was gone. Dropped out. And in the spring of his senior year.
    In 1990, that news stunned his friends at Marquette University. Walker, the campus’s suit-wearing, Reagan-loving politico — who enjoyed the place so much that he had run for student body president — had left without graduating.

    Would you like to know why The Washington Post commissioned this flaccid hit job? All is revealed in this sentence: “Since 1993, [Scott Walker] has run 11 races for state legislature, county executive and governor — including a highly unusual recall election in 2012 — and he has won them all.”–

  9. This is why the Left will lose. They’re so damn predictable.
    If you’re a candidate that goes to church, you’ll get a question about evolution. Easy to handle. A bit fat slow pitch coming right over the plate.
    If you’re skeptical about climate science, you’ll get a question about the end of the world. Oh, please, please ask me about the end of the world, so I can lecture you about people dying from a lack of access to clean water.
    If you’re in favour of technologial progress, you’ll get a question about big oil, polluted rivers, dead birds, and the ozone layer. Here, let me feed you some stuff about trust-fund liberals on private jets and Russian and Iranian foreign policy.
    If you’re in favour of tax cuts, they’ll ask you about whose pocket you’re in. Oh, did I mention how much we’re spending on civil service salaries and pensions, while single mothers are working two jobs so that they can feed their kids macaroni and cheese?
    Bring it on, Jon Stewart. Please.

  10. Abortion…Hillary?
    No, the honor goes to the late, and quite pickled Ted Kennedy, for the first “CONFIRMED KILL” in the “war on women”.
    Yes that quote was borrowed…

  11. He’s a wanker for punting that question, but the interviewer is an even more enormous wanker for putting a question like that at the end of a talk about trade. The last question, giving Walker maybe ten seconds for an answer?
    The punt however was decent. Evolution either way is not a question for government.
    The truth of course is that no British politician would dare debate the issue. Because the cognoscenti have decreed that the issue is settled, and to even raise the question is proof that one is an Enemy Of The People. There is nothing of science about the position, its sheer force and nothing more.

  12. the lefties trying to dictate the narrative so they can build up their preferred candidate. Whether one believes in evolution or not will not fix the fiscal problems that exist. If a candidate is overly religious or hold ridicules beliefs as some GOP’r do, then that is fair game, but in Walker’s case that does not appear to be the case. Fact is my choice, if I could vote, at the moment would be Scott Walker. He has shown he can walk on burning coals and come out unscathed:-))

  13. Is anyone shocked that the media is no longer pretending to be neutral? They might as well wear ‘Vote Democrat’ buttons.
    The important things to remember is first of all that Darwin was positing a theory, and second that Darwin refers to ‘the Creator’ several times in his theory. If memory serves he wrote of ‘the Creator’ in seventeen separate notes in the sixth edition, which was the last published while he lived. People who claim that ‘evolution proves there is no God’ obviously haven’t read the unabridged book or perhaps even the title, which is ‘The Origin of Species’ not ‘the creation and evolution of all life’.
    Ann Coulter nailed it almost four years ago.

  14. This is coming to a country near you, this fall! Set election dates not only work for the politicians, they also work for the Canadian MSM too. I’m entirely sure the MSM is already filling in their day planners with PM Harper ambushes, ask him “this” on Day 3, ask “this” on Day 6, “this” on Day 13, “this” on Day 26. It’s just a about what ambush question to ask on every campaign day. They’re being lead by the example of the U.S. media, and are becoming more brazen just as they have in the states. They’re no longer afraid to be seen as biased.
    This coming election means more to the Canadian MSM, than ever before. “Harper must be dethroned”, and they’ll do whatever they can.

  15. I would rather the Hit Job Media pounced on Walker NOW than later. He’s tough and savvy, and he will figure out the best way to deal with the sharks. Walker’s father was or is a Baptist minister, so he should expect this type of question.

  16. “He has shown he can walk on burning coals and come out unscathed:-))”
    A great mind-picture for a cartoon.

  17. Actually, evolution does not deny Christianity, or vice versa. The fact that creation is an ongoing, continuing fact can be taken as proof that God is still at work, creating.

  18. Which is why they’ll get only 1 or two questions a day every day of the campaign and they’ll get relegated to the back behind the fence where they belong. They’ll whine and snivel like a bunch of wusses and we’ll show up in droves to make it clear they don’t speak for us.

  19. What do I care about evolution if this guy has a crappy tax policy? Why is evolution (a non-issue, really) a yardstick, especially for those who have phobias of science and logic?

  20. Evolution is bunkum. Does it contradict the Christian faith. Yes.
    They are fundamentally incompatible concepts.
    People who claim to be Christian who believe in evolution either do not understand the doctrine of Original Sin, or they do not understand that evolution depends on polygeneic origination.(many Adams or Eves)
    Without Original Sin, with Adam the single father of all mankind, there was no need for Jesus Christ to die on the cross to save us all from our sins.
    Paul explains it clearly in the Book of Romans.

  21. I had one brilliant guy tell me that the origin of life on the planet has nothing to do with the theory of evolution. I was wonder how he would get the life that would evolve without that life originating somewhere.
