Scott Walker

Has been my #1 pick for a long time. He knows how to turn around a troubled state, and he knows how to win against the worst the left can hurl at him. And for his running mate…Carly Fiorina.
Share your own early picks for the 2016 Republican slate in the comments. Bookmark this post, and I’ll figure out some prize for the person whose prediction turns out to be most accurate when the Republican nomination dust settles. One prediction per reader, and entries close midnight Friday.

54 Replies to “Scott Walker”

  1. Sorry Kate, I have to say a big NO to Carly as his running mate! Hewlett Packard was a fantastic company until she became CEO. It was a slow motion train wreck in action watching how she ruined that company. She was all about saying what people wanted to hear, and not about good or unique ideas. See this article for reference:
    But I like Walker…1 out of 2 ain’t bad, and the one you got right is the most important.

  2. Fiorina has absolutely no chance. Last thing the GOP needs is a female Romney. Americans want to see a work ethic and a heart. Walker for president, and someone like Palin (although not necessarily her) for VP.

  3. Scott Walker won’t make it to candidate or president. He’s successful and sane, both no-nos in Obama’s collapsing America.

  4. Carly might be better running again in California, this time for Boxer’s seat. She is a good person, and would probably be excellent in a cabinet position. At HP she was indeed a turn around expert, and was rightly fired.
    Before Barry ever took office, I thought that the ideal team to replace him, hopefully in 4 years, would be Romney-Petraeus. It didn’t happen, and both are damaged goods, but we will need an equivalent team to even begin to repair the damage. As fast as things are deteriorating internationally, we may not have the time.

  5. Scott Walker/Marco Rubio
    The Veep candidate has to be “establishment” in the same way that GHWB was the contrast to Reagan’s insurgent. Rubio has occasionally proven he can play the establishment role. If there is a more establishment choice that also checks off a prominent identity group, that could unseat Rubio. Kelly Ayotte could be it, except she’s NH, which would make two northern republicans.
    Nope. Rubio is the Veep pick.

  6. Bush for President, Walker for VP. You got to know the GOP will do everything it can to lose yet again and nominating Jeb would be about as good as handing the election to Hillary, hence that is what they’ll do.

  7. 1) Fiorina killed HP. When she took over HP was one of two technology leaders and producer of the most reliable computer gear made. Since her tenure (marked by corruption and scandal) the company has long joined the walking dead – a latter day unisys.
    2) My prediction is Sarah Palin with one of Scott Walker, Michelle Bachmann, or Newt Gingrich as VP.
    And, yes, wishful thinking does color that.

  8. Well, an Allen West/Mark Levin ticket is my preference but that probably isn’t going to happen. So, yes, I’m with Kate – SW is battle tested and understands what it will likely require to reverse this out of control federal government – both financially and its insatiable absorption of individual liberty.
    John G is likely on to something with Haley as VP (plus she’s kind of hot) I do like Pence too though. Don’t like Fiorina.

  9. Walker….long time fan glad to see him rising in the field
    VP – Carly demon sheep Fiorina….not my first choice. But I like her
    Walker Martinez
    Walker Rubio
    Either ticket works for me, but partial to Walker Martinez

  10. American parties do not nominate a ticket from the same state, for example, Walker/Ryan, because of the potential loss of electoral votes.
    That was the reason, for instance, that Dick Cheney became a Wyoming resident again, shortly before the 2000 election. But you couldn’t move Ryan or Walker quite that easily.
    (Here’s an explanation, for those interested in the history, the details, or both.)

  11. The GOP should run – not walk – away from Carly as fast as their legs will carry them. She was considered a joke in the highest business circles in North America and that view was validated by her many failures at HP.

  12. Something to consider is the quadrants of the GOP – conservative – establishment and state-based (governor) – Washington-based (senator congressman).
    I think the governors have the upper hand in the party and the conservatives will be capable of vetoing any candidate that isn’t trusted to be conservative.
    Wth that in mind a split ticket with a gov as the pres nom and a senator as the vp nom seems the most plausible.
    With that in mind a walker or jindal for the pres and Cruz or Rubio as the veep. Walker Cruz covers all for quadrants as does jindal Rubio. I would be happy with either and I think the gop and the country would be too.

  13. GOP 2016 nominations …
    * For president > SCOTT WALKER, current (R) Governor of Wisconsin
    * For VP > SUSANA MARTINEZ, current (R) Governor of New Mexico
    I like Carly Fiorina; she’s a very accomplished woman who I sincerely hope will be in the next Republican President’s cabinet. However, Susana Martinez is a Hispanic female leader who has been successfully managing her state and can also speak authentically / credibly on “women’s issues” AND against Obozo’s amnesty for illegals, so Susie gets my nod.

  14. Walker/Mayer.
    Marissa Mayer (CEO of Yahoo) won’t hire anyone without a college degree so should catch any votes Walker misses.

  15. Walker certainly, running mate I’m not sure. I’d love to have Sarah but so would the MSM. Fiorina maybe, good conservative philosophy with executive experience; maybe Condi of course.
    But why the PC woman? Because of La Clintina? How about Bobby Jindal?
    Certainly NO RINOs! NJman, Bush baby, etc.

  16. Martinez! Of course! Good call. I saw her in the last campaign, although most of America didn’t gratis MSM. Brill choice!
    I’m on the Walker/Martinez ticket.

  17. I want Perry/Jindal.
    I predict Bush/Martinez.
    I would prefer to lose my prediction and win the election, but the establishment Stupids want to stay in power by losing elections.

  18. Ted Cruz / Marco Rubio are my picks in spite of the commonalities in their heritage, from Cubans…
    … I’d be pleased with Sarah Palin / Donald Trump … (as teased on Saturday Night Live this past week) but they’re not my *official* SDA picks this week.
    Worst case scenarios amongst the serious candidates, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Lindsay Graham.
    Here’s a helpful list:,_2016
    Some polling data on those candidates:
    I comfort myself with the above cited polls that have Bush leading as being merely a result of his name recognition.

  19. I suggested the Walker/Fiorina ticket a few weeks ago on PJMedia. Great minds think alike or fools seldom differ?

  20. Jeb Bush/Sen. Kelly Ayotte (NH)
    Bush should win FL,NM, and NV on his own. The race will come down to VA, CO, and NH. Ayotte is smart, knows foreign and defense policy, and will appeal to independents as well as conservatives.

  21. @KG Bingo, I think you have the ticket. Ted Cruz goes to SCOTUS, Bolton becomes SoS. Off and running-

  22. Definitely the best by far of national Republicans; a true Reaganite. And he governs in Madison from a throne made from the skulls ofhis political enemies. His running mate? The honorable Dr. Ben Carson.
    I especially like that Gov. Walker had the guts to decide that for him a college degree would be a waste of time, and instead got out there and worked and worked to achieve his aspirations.

  23. Whoever is elected will almost certainly treat Canada better than Obama has. Way better. (I think most informed Americans would agree with me in wishing that will be so.)

  24. I would like to see
    Walker or Jindal for Pres
    Cruz or Carson for VP
    Carson needs to earn his chops in the political arena, this will give him a chance.
    Cruz needs more time in the spotlight to dispel the hard-line far-right label.
    Walker has the most widespread appeal – and will bring along an almost ‘unwinnable’ state with him. Proven campaigner.
    Jindal has the best handle on the most critical issue of our time, and has some powerful political assets – son of immigrants, converted to Christianity, visible minority…
    We will see
    Why? Bush will outspend everyone else in the race. Hopefully I’m wrong.
