12 Replies to “And How Was Your Day?”

  1. That is impressive.
    Israel, the land of the citizen/soldier.
    Israel, the outpost of Western Civilization in a sea of primitive tribalism.

  2. Whoopppppieeeeee. The idjit didn’t finish the job. But at least his metro-sexual pants didn’t fall down. Progress, I guess.

  3. Nice to see that the concealed carrying body guard was able to unpack and point at the perp who then dropped the knife before the mayor did the takedown. There’s power and then there’s ballistic power. There is a lesson in this for all of us who argue for the right to conceal/carry.
    Good guys with the knowledge, integrity and training are able to keep the peace right in the middle of the criminal action before the police arrive so as to slow or stop the carnage. Too many “professional” peacekeepers at the donut shops don’t make a safe society.

  4. Too bad many of the eletists mayors here in america including New Yorks former chief worm Micheal Bloomberg is too busy wanting americans disarmed becuase of the liberal eletism of his leftists MAYORS AGAINST ILLEGAL GUNS

  5. When Obozo dissed Netanyaho, BiBi shoulda taken the weasel out ta the Rose Garden and “dialogued” with him.

  6. I’m sure all of this could have been avoided if the young muslim terrorist had had his grievances addressed by the social services network who would have found him a job. Then he woudn’t have felt so alienated and be forced to (s)lash out in frustration. I’m sure Obummer and Kerry could have orchestrated that, with Mulcair cheering from the (far) sidelines.

  7. ” BiBi shoulda taken the weasel out ta the Rose Garden and “dialogued” with him.”
    Nope. He should have immediately got up of his chair, flew home, and told the world that Jughead had walked out on him in a silly little fit of pique just like a miffed little girl.
    Instead, Bibi sat there like a lectured schoolboy and waited for the Great One’s return.
