14 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. Sacked a Muslim?
    Oh oh someone just earned a trip to the Human Rights Commission.
    Get ready, there will be a lot of 2 + 2 equals 5 questions.

    LET ME GUESS…..these assistants were not named Eric, Sven, Hans…..or Leif…

  3. we may hope; but it was the Erics, Svens, and Leifs who brought the problem in in the first place.
    Nothing that a few dead Swedes won’t cure.

  4. Woo, government employees of a multi-culti goodness service getting FIRED in a socialist Worker’s Paradise like Sweden? That’s heavy duty. Looks like somebody in the Utopian Hierarchy got some scary news. Like that ISIS was planning unpleasantness in Sweden.
    Dear Swedes: you can only be neutral in a conflict if your enemies let you. This ain’t WWII, you’re not facing a civilized adversary who (mostly) adheres to the Geneva Convention. You’re facing guys who burn prisoners alive in cages on TV.

  5. I trust leaders in the muslim community are working hard to prevent an anti-infidel backlash from infidelophobic muslims.

  6. Ten thousand Swedes ran through the weeds at the battle of Copenhagen,
    Ten thousand Swedes ran through the weeds chased by one Jihadi

  7. And they all had first names or middle names or last names that were spelled Muhammed.
    Is anyone surprised.?

  8. Exactly! You beat me to it and John Lewis fingers the culprits.
    Almost as bad as having MB sympathizers in the seat of government.

  9. I hope they realize when Sharia law takes over their meatballs will have to be made with halal products.
