15 Replies to “Beepocalypse Now”

  1. So since there are more hives since the introduction of neonicotinoid pesticides, that pretty well takes away the raison d’etre of the anti-neonicotinoid brigade, doesn’t it?

  2. What’s going on? Nothing that nature hasn’t been doing for a billion years. Bees are like rabbits. They go through cycles of ups and downs. So what to do?

  3. Anyone else notice that this post is date marked 18 February on the comments, but has a proper date of 23 February on the main page?
    Lance – something happened here.

  4. I think I saw somewhere that neonicotinoid is being banned in many parts of Europe because “they” say it kills bees. If true, I hope that translates into a decade of strong canola and other crops for are farmers and farmeretes.

  5. neonicotinoid has the same effect on bees as DDT had on birds….NONE. Rachel Carson and the EU are just mass murdering commies. Feral and outdoor cats and raptors kill a million times more birds per year then DDT did. Same as acid rain, the Freon ban, and cAGW. Just a scam on the LIV’s. Unfortunately, the innocents have to pay for it.

  6. half truth mixed with bullshit just don’t cut sonny boy. I water sanded and compounded a lot of cars because of acid rain, yes it was a problem, if it’ll eat into paint it is not benign to every thingelse, git yer facts straight Mr Lefty

  7. NO. You “I water sanded and compounded a lot of cars because of acid rain” because of salt on the roads in winter. And yeah, you can call it an acid. You believe CO2 is a pollutant too, right? Now back to your mommie’s basement, or your gubbermint/useless nations job.

  8. Exactly, and Justthinkin also.
    The Luddite Sky is Falling crowd will always be with us. It is just that they seem to have the ear of gullible wannabe Luddites.

  9. I can live without honey!! Have you ever seen natural honey before they run it through the centrifuge?? It’s full of bee legs, wings and little turds!
    Give me Aunt Jemima (Butter Flavor) any day!!

  10. What ever happened with those killer afican bees was heading our way back in the 70’s not a darn thing about those killer bees ecept a few bad movies

  11. I started beekeeping 10 years ago. It was fun, and still is.
    But in the ten years it has been a constant stream of terror and mayhem for the bees, at least to read about it.
    I got into it in the middle of the varroa crisis. But before that…foulbrood is the terror of the bee world! Africanized bees! Tracheal mite wiping the bees out! Varroa mites gonna wipe them out, all the wild bees gone! There’s a mite in asia worse than all our mites combined!
    It really has been one crisis after another. Are beekeepers just that much more wimpy than other farmers that we cry about it more when something happens, or is it just that all the other farmers already have big farm subsidies set up??
    But in 10 years…my bees have been fine. Since I got off the forums I haven’t worried about varoa or any other kind of mites. I have winter losses (mostly because I’m lazy) but some have always made it through the winter, and built back up.
    This winter and last have been hard on them, but that is because of the extreme cold caused by global warming.

  12. Heh…I forgot all about nosema cerana, neonics, and colony collapse disorder in the list of bee problems…guess i’m not paying enough attention….
