Oscar hypocrisy? Say it ain’t so.

Thanks to Kate for the opportunity to post here.
Grab a coffee and enjoy today’s episode of The Brian Lilley Podcast or download to listen in the car.
Topics – Patricia Arquette, millionaire actress wants wage equality, Kathleen Wynne pushes radical sex-ed to dodge bribery allegations and GOP candidates face a special kind of attack.

21 Replies to “Oscar hypocrisy? Say it ain’t so.”

  1. Wynne has a very definitive logic for imposing the Levin sex ed curriculum. No matter that the opposition is based on moral or religious reasons, because those reasons are behind the times and the subtext is a phobia of a kind not welcome in liberal Ontario. Her reasoning is that without having this subject matter taught in school the little dears risk finding it themselves and will be left to interpret it without a co-parent present. Because we all know how parents can’t be trusted with their own children. After all its common knowledge that if you gave “those” unsophisticated lot even $200 they would just waste it on beer and popcorn. So you see its important the children be guided through the subject of human reproduction when the discussion leads to behaviours that will not result in human reproduction.
    Now armed with this impeccable liberal logic, and a defiant declaration that the time for public input on a curriculum that was only released to the public today is over, this will be in the public schools this fall….hell or high water.
    Very well, let us then take premier Whine in good faith that her logic is valid.
    The same argument applies to the danger of radical islam. Its long overdue that the curriculum for history, geography, and all the social studies be updated to include class room instruction on the danger of radical islam. Its actually been overdue since 2001, and I’ll add is a greater danger than whatever risk Whine thinks comes from a child not being taught about buggery.

  2. The lines in the Oscar winning “Glory” song (Selma) glorified the “Ferguson Hands up”… That says it all! The Oscars are just another political pig f***.

  3. WTF is Birdbrain, or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) a 2014 American dark comedy?
    Has anybody seen it?
    Does anyone care to watch it?
    It garnered more o scars than all the other future DVDs in Wal-Marts 5 dollar discount basket..

    I agree, The Oscars are just another political pig f***.

  4. Welcome to the farm Brian. the time slot in this household directly after work is generally though not always, Mark Levin’s slot, you’re up against some tough competition before 7 pm cowtown time…
    So I guess that’s one of the beauty’s of podcasts… and again, welcome to SDA

  5. While I enjoy the content I’m dismayed by the production values – very loud music at the beginning, following audio is muffled (clipped to reduce bandwidth?)
    And there’s no volume control.

  6. Concurrance.
    But any liberal that tries to tell me otherwise I advise them to stop trying to tell me that’s rain on my shoe.
    To my point. I would love to her a journalist put the question to her, if its good enough for reason to add content like this to sex ed, why is it less of a risk to not be teaching the dangers of radical islam? In my dreams of course is that any journalist actually has the temerity to ask.

  7. Brian, welcome to SDA. Awesome.
    As to ‘Birdman’, I’m interested in seeing how they managed to shoot the entire movie and make it look like it was done practically in a single, continuous take. Not curious enough to actually pay to see it outside of my Netflix subscription, however. I’ll make a point of watching it if it shows up there. My interest stems from being a photographer and videographer — you can always learn something new by watching innovative filming techniques.
    My idea of a classy movie is ‘Bubba Ho Tep’ (w/Bruce Campbell), so the Oscars were never my cup of tea to begin with. Didn’t have to watch NPH prance around in his gaunch last night, thank gawd.

  8. Have you ever noticed that many movies that win Best Pictures you almost never hear of anymore? like KRAMMER vs KRAMMER,ANNIE HALL etc theres certianly a curse on the Best Picture for oscar nightt

  9. Brian
    Hope Kate keeps you guesting, as a non Canadian visitor it is very refreshing and has been for a long while to find a place where common sense and decency still exists, I guess I’m not the only one that thinks so judging by the visitors Kate has.
    I was sorry to hear that Sun went under and whilst I could never get it this side of the world, even if I did have a TV, and the paper part didn’t publish here, the video links worked well, and like “Afterburner” and a few others, yourself and your former colleagues are always a good source of news and common sense and also a good link to send to people to show them that there are people in the media of integrity .
    Good luck for the future, hope yourself, Ezra and Michael find a suitable home and keep up the good work.

  10. Brian Lilley is too good a journalist (a real one) to waste away in obscurity – I hope he finds a venue soon that gives his national exposure for his ut of the mainstream approach to news commentary

  11. As the Oscars become more and more political fewer people watch. Why would you sit through some stupid harangue about ‘equal pay’?

  12. They gave a oscar to Micheal Moores leftists propeganda crap BOWLING for COLOMBINE and AL GORES junk science flick A INCONVENT TRUTH and the big stink last year for giving it to 12 YEARS A SLAVE which some of the judges admited they did’nt watch the OSCARS are all rigged by the leftists scum suckers after all back in 1963 they gave a undeserved oscar to Liz Taylors big stinkeroo CLEOPATRA

  13. Patricia Arquette demands equality for women and men.
    If anyone should demand equality it is men, especially men who have been morally and financially raped by divorce court.
    not to mention that the pay gap thing is a myth, a fabrication of feminists and various leftists. It has been debunked multiple times.

  14. Welcome. Good to see you in here, Brian. You couldn’t have picked a better BLOG than Katie’s.

  15. Welcome. Good to see you in here, Brian. You couldn’t have picked a better BLOG than Katie’s.
