23 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Council members on the UCLA Undergraduate Students Association oppose the confirmation of a student to a subcommittee on the grounds that she is Jewish.

  2. Best speech I’ve ever heard him give – bar none!! That was amazing….. and truthful!! Amazing! A true orator. Churchill would be envious…. Kennedy too!

  3. EBD: Re: Obama speech.
    That’s not funny!!
    Or is it???????????? Hmmmmmm!
    A lot of leftists would be offended by this video. However their friends at CBC do this all the time. They splice the original recording.
    I was recently asked to comment on Radio-Canada. My comment was about a minute long. I phoned it in to a voice mail service at CBC. When they aired it the next day, at least 75% had been removed and edited.
    Today–I had three ”pro Harper Conservative–anti–ISIS” comments deleted on CBC. The topic was the recent threats made by Muslim terrorists where they want to attack our Western shopping malls. You’d almost swear that the CBC is supporting their efforts!

  4. There is a link to it — I live-linked the word “Jewish”, which takes you to a College Fix report on the story.

  5. In regards to the open antisemitism at UCLA, I’m sure we have all noticed that this is becoming more public and more frequent. Just as some sort of Islamic problem or threat has become the norm in our daily news. Ten years ago these two disgusting topics were rarely reported.
    I put the blame on the undermining of our society by the left.

  6. AGW RIP.
    “many elderly residents were stuck in their homes with no heat.”
    “After sexual harassment charges RK Pachauri won’t attend IPCC plenary meet in Nairobi”
    “New Delhi: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on Sunday said its chairman RK Pachauri has expressed his inability to go to Nairobi next week for chairing its plenary session apparently in the wake of a complaint of sexual harassment against him.”
    “PHOTOS: Winter Storm Snarls Travel in the Virginias, Turns Deadly in Tennessee”
    “… it could be days before power is restored, and Monterey Mayor Bill Wiggins told the paper the situation was “awful” and many elderly residents were stuck in their homes with no heat.
    The heaviest snow on Saturday fell in the West Virginia mountains, northwestern Virginia and northern and western suburbs of Baltimore and Washington, D.C. Nearly 2 feet of snow was measured in Marlinton, Pocahontas County, West Virginia.”

  7. Yes, just a poll but some interesting points:
    43% think country “headed in right direction” while 24% think it’s going in the wrong direction, and 33% are unsure.
    While Harper is tops at “negative feelings” with 40%, Trudeau, at 30% trails Mulcair’s 20%
    The Conservatives have a significant lead in Ontario
    Since March 2014, the Liberals and NDP have stagnated, while the Tories have grown 25%.
    BTW, why they chose to give the inane stupidity surrounding the soon to be unemployed Eve Adams any treatment is beyond me; others can explain why that’s in any way important.
    When one considers where the NDP needs to go to grow their support (hint: not the Tories), and votes no longer migrating from the Tories to the Liberals, this poll, though eight months out to an election, seems to be indicating we will see a fight for second place with Harper assured a majority with resultant bad hair pulling and leftie head explosions everywhere.
    As Trudeau continues to biovate and Mulcair sharpens his sword for his obvious target, Harper will benefit. Then again Mulcair could abdicate his responsibility to his party and thus lose union support to the Grits, as happened in Ontario (sorry no TV ads this time). But Ontario federally is not Ontario provincially; Toronto loses its leverage. I expect the Tories will do just as well there as last time and the NDP value this area along with their Quebec fortress. Seat redistribution really cooks Trudeau’s goose too.
    IOW it’s Harper’s election to lose. The mediocracy will do their best to make that happen and as before, they will fail. We can be assured or more shrillness from bad hair types and trapped basement suiters, still pining for the days of their guaranteed Grit patronage job.

  8. AGW Kills.
    “Vetoing Keystone is just the beginning”
    “Those are good reasons for the president to reject this bill. Then he can take the next step and kill the tar sands pipeline outright.”
    “Gas prices set to jump”
    “Demand for gas and events such as the temporary closure of a Delaware refinery, where crude normally received by barge remains landlocked because of ice, play a bigger role in the market price than the cost of a barrel of oil, he said.”
