39 Replies to “Why Is There Always A Big Screen TV?”

  1. The focus should be on the two Children that were “allegedly” left with a Grandmother (she, it is said, got out OK). Why didn’t the reserve attempt to save the Children? Does anyone think that a phone call to a village volunteer fire Department would be able to respond in time to save the children? Did the caller even know the children were in the house by themselves? Did the Village Fire Department know there were children alone in the fire?
    Those questions call for an inquest into the death of those children. Dysfunctional financial affairs become secondary to systematic abuse of children by a culture that may be unable to provide for their welfare.
    Canadian Society must not ignore their responsibility to ALL children. Indifference is not a virtue!

  2. Sorry Phillip, but barring any sudden revelations that Grandma was doped up on meth or something, I can’t get behind any blame on the father or the grandma in this case. It’s a Monday night at 1am, so I’m sure she and the kids were both asleep. I’ve been at my Grandma’s place overnight, and if a fire suddenly broke out at 1am we’d probably both be dead. Daddy may have been out at the bar or shooting meth himself, it doesn’t matter if he left his kids with a responsible adult. Relatively responsible adults can still have sudden fires burn their homes down: I’m sure a cigarette will end up being the cause of this blaze. Tragic, but not really worth “blaming” anybody. She got out while the kids died, true, but we weren’t there so unless again any special revelation appears as to misconduct on her part I’m not comfortable even asking.
    As for whether anybody could have saved the kids, the RCMP says no. As a practical matter whether kids died or not doesn’t really matter: we can’t set fire policy on the basis that we need coverage sufficient to save lives in the event of a house fire. Even in a big city you still need to get the people out. By the time fire crews show up, anybody in the house is dead and it’s a miracle if they get out alive. The issue to me this past week has been: if we’re going to be upset at somebody for not having any fire department servicing Makwa Reserve, that conversation starts and ends with Chief Ben and the other councilors who combined for 3/4 a million annually in salary but can’t provide the level of service the $964/yr mayor down the road can.

  3. Its difficult to decide which tribal industry pays better… is it the artificial french language industry or the Indian industry? They both cost the taxpayers billions of dollars every year… Personally, I bet the french language industry pays better, either way, paying people to be Indians and francos is a hell of a racket. I guess a thorough accounting of these Government manufactured race industries will never happen, cause racism or some such bullshit.

  4. I’d like to get $100K a year to sit on the council of White People.
    Hell if it was someone elses money I’d prpbably vote raises to all my white friends as well.

  5. “Canadian Society must not ignore their responsibility to ALL children. Indifference is not a virtue! ”
    Errrr…ummmmm…can’t do that. Then the squaws and the “noble savage” would have to admit their slavery, their raiding parties on other tribes, and just their general barbarism for all to see. Can’t have that in a PC f#cked-up country now, can we? As far as the indians, frogs, and leftards are concerned, indifference to the truth IS a virtue!

  6. How many more moons, how many more generations of Indians will it take for them to get real, to decide they’ve been paid in full for anything the white man of generations ago supposedly did to them? How many would have survived had the white man not civilized them, educated them, at a time when the Indians themselves were constantly in tribal warfare, wiping out whole tribes?
    When beggars show no respect for handouts, they can’t expect respect.

  7. Entitlement culture on crack. Only in a prog-befouled nation can you expect an 60$K-80$K salary simply because of your genetic make up.
    Paying people to become totally dependent wards of the state based on their ethnicity is the deepest kind of racism.
    Are we ready for a tax revolt yet people?

  8. Reserve budget, 16 million. Salary of chief and councilors, 750 thousand. That is close to 1/16 the annual budged. Chief Ben is a POS. How dare he blame the white taxpayers from down the road for this. Especially when a fire truck sits in a snow bank and neglected.

  9. The comments at 3edges are outstanding:
    Shame on Loon Lake for even just not showing up as a jester of friendship…

  10. Exactly. Our local rural municipal council does not even earn 10% of those amounts, and it actually does something for the indemnity.

  11. That malapropism reminded me of an old joke.
    What did the native chief say who found out he had 1 leg shorter than the other leg?
    ‘Not Even’

  12. I would like to see a chart like this for Alberta Health Services. It would make the first nations look like skilled financial planners.

  13. Thread winner comment from the Twitter photo of the unserviced firetruck liked in the report:
    elton morrow ‏@eltonmorrow1 Feb 19
    @MadelineKotzer @JohnnieOil does it Idle at least? Or no more?
    Good one, Elton!

  14. Ottawa has to take full responsibility for this entire fiasco. The funding shortfall is abysmal in that there should be a built-in contingency of let’s say 20% to cover off misdirection of funds, “lost” funds or outright theft. In this example, the $11,000 per annum for fire protection should have been $13,200 with the result that some of the funding might have ended up where it was intended. And why does Chief Ben not receive an honorarium? Maybe if he was entitled to this additional payment he would smarten up and do his job or, at the very least, hire an assistant to keep track of things on the reserve. He seems to have a problem with remembering important facts.

  15. So let me get this straight. A village of 400 has a functioning volunteer fire department but a ‘nation’ of 1,000 with 37 times the budget does not?
    Yeah, they’re really ready for self-governance.

  16. these self governing warriors make us’n gypsies look like complete amateurs at theft
    have to wonder how one joins the warrior class
    go visit one of these culture enclaves before pontificating out of ignorance

  17. As long as it’s more “politically correct” and lucrative to some to keep the remnant ancestors of conquered people in racial communal ghettos more like zoos than communities, this will continue.

  18. Nice to see the Mitsuing family doing so well………..I know this is harsh but isn’t time to identify ALL the reserves whose members are in poverty while the council members live high off the hog and install government administrators in those?

  19. I’m a native of Chicago, so I think that I need help understanding here. Is and “honorarium” in Canada the same thing as a bribe in Chicago?

  20. I just checked, how much has the taxpayer ponied up to the natives; no judgment here, just the facts:
    To the end of 2012 – inflation adjusted – $235 billion.
    Sorry for the racist remark:
    Yes I know, it’s just the evil Fraser Institute whose sin, apart from being extreme right wingers, is their rigorous research standards.

  21. From comment at 3edges by Patricia M.
    “A jester of friendship.”
    This comment about the relationship between the town and the reserve comes under the category of unconscious wisdom known as “Out of the mouths of babes.”
    You just can’t make this stuff up!

  22. “Canadian Society must not ignore their responsibility to ALL children”
    It takes a village to raise a child, eh? Nope. No to socialism.
    I believe in individual responsibility and the individuals responsible for those children are their parents. Not me and not the government of Canada.
    Now if you want us to hold the parents responsible for 2 counts of ‘neglect of a child leading to death’, that’s a different proposition.

  23. Where is page 2 of the schedule? The world wants to know where you go to pay $4000/year for a cell phone ($6000 for one councilor); does SaskTel charge an extra special high rate for First Nations? Perhaps a better question is why do the seven people who look after a village of 900 souls all need cell phones paid for by their constituents?
    Would be interesting to learn what individuals in comparable local governments gets; say for example the mayor and councilors of Loon Lake SK?

  24. This is the response to dysfunction that ALL Canadians need to consider. When you have dead Children & young girls lured into cities, forced into prostitution and then go missing.. it is obvious
    The Northern Territory National Emergency Response (also referred to as “the intervention”) was a package of changes to welfare provision, law enforcement, land tenure and other measures, introduced by the Australian federal government under John Howard in 2007 to address allegations of rampant child sexual abuse and neglect in Northern Territory Aboriginal communities.
    “I am for the intervention because I’ve seen progress. I’ve seen women who now have voices. They can speak for themselves and they are standing up for their rights. Children are being fed and young people more or less know how to manage their lives. That’s what’s happened since the intervention” Central Australian Indigenous leader Bess Price
    “What is detrimental about the protecting of children, the protecting of women against sexual assault, physical assault? […] When Aboriginal women or Indigenous women I should say, are being raped then we need to have policies in place that deal with the rape of those women” Aboriginal leader and former Australian Labor Party president, Warren Mundine

  25. “Children are being fed and young people more or less know how to manage their lives. That’s what’s happened since the intervention”
    We had that intervention in Canada already. It was called ‘the Residential School System’. The Indians painted it as cultural genocide and a kind of Sexual Abuse version of Auschwitz.
    I knew people who were teachers at a Residential school. They lived right there with their own children. They were real ‘salt of the earth’ people who sacrificed financially to help the Indians find a better way by removing the children from the Dystopia that is life on an Indian Reservation, giving them 3 square meals a day, routine, and an education. That sort of ‘intervention’ is the only real answer, but it now cannot be done because of the lies Indians told about Residential Schools just to get a payout. It is now a political impossibility. Deal with it.

  26. “This is the response to dysfunction that ALL Canadians need to consider. When you have dead Children & young girls lured into cities, forced into prostitution and then go missing.. it is obvious”
    1) How does a dead child get lured into a city? Anyway, children get killed all the time. Sometimes a swimming pool, sometimes a traffic accident, sometimes a fire, sometimes falling out of a window … sometimes …
    2) Who, exactly, lured girls into the city? Was she running away from something – or running to it? Who forced them to be prostitutes? Something you might want to remember Phillip, not all whores come from reserves.
    “The Northern Territory National Emergency Response (also referred to as “the intervention”) was a package of changes to welfare provision, law enforcement, land tenure and other measures, introduced by the Australian federal government under John Howard in 2007 to address allegations of rampant child sexual abuse and neglect in Northern Territory Aboriginal communities.”
    I understand this one – the noble natives were big on child sexual abuse and neglect.
    “I am for the intervention because I’ve seen progress. I’ve seen women who now have voices. They can speak for themselves and they are standing up for their rights. Children are being fed and young people more or less know how to manage their lives. That’s what’s happened since the intervention” Central Australian Indigenous leader Bess Price”
    OK, now some of them (by them I mean the Aboriginals) see this as positive.
    “What is detrimental about the protecting of children, the protecting of women against sexual assault, physical assault? […] When Aboriginal women or Indigenous women I should say, are being raped then we need to have policies in place that deal with the rape of those women” Aboriginal leader and former Australian Labor Party president, Warren Mundine”
    I wasn’t aware that Australia didn’t have any laws regarding rape. Thanks Warren and Phillip!!!!

  27. Thanks for that link; no surprise that the total remuneration to the whole council of Loon Lake is less than the “cell phone allowance” for one of First Nation councilors; likewise their travel expenses. And what about these $24,000 honoraria (“a payment given for professional services that are rendered nominally without charge”, according to the dictionary)? In my world that equates to picking up the tab for lunch and out-of-pocket expenses; not a five figure addition to an already rather plump schedule of payments.
    Another aspect of this scandal is that the citizens of Loon Lake can publically access financials that actually shows where all their tax money went, and review minutes of Council meetings that show what was discussed and when and by who. Where are the First Nation’s council minutes, and given the Chief’s confusion, do they do an annual review of protective services? If so, who attended and what was decided?
    If a town with a budget of about $450K is accountable like this as a matter of course, what is the issue of a First Nation with a budget of $16M (much of it other people’s money) not being expected to do the same? And I note that Loon Lake spent about $32,000 of their $450K of hard-earned tax dollars to have fire protection in 2013; including the expenses incurred while not being paid for actually fighting fires for the First Nation who took in $500K that year just from their cut of the Provincial gambling revenue, but doesn’t think it worth while to pay anything.

  28. Thanks for that link; no surprise that the total remuneration to the whole council of Loon Lake is less than the “cell phone allowance” for one of First Nation councilors; likewise their travel expenses. And what about these $24,000 honoraria (“a payment given for professional services that are rendered nominally without charge”, according to the dictionary)? In my world that equates to picking up the tab for lunch and out-of-pocket expenses; not a five figure addition to an already rather plump schedule of payments.
    Another aspect of this scandal is that the citizens of Loon Lake can publically access financials that actually shows where all their tax money went, and review minutes of Council meetings that show what was discussed and when and by who. Where are the First Nation’s council minutes, and given the Chief’s confusion, do they do an annual review of protective services? If so, who attended and what was decided?
    If a town with a budget of about $450K is accountable like this as a matter of course, what is the issue of a First Nation with a budget of $16M (much of it other people’s money) not being expected to do the same? And I note that Loon Lake spent about $32,000 of their $450K of hard-earned tax dollars to have fire protection in 2013; including the expenses incurred while not being paid for actually fighting fires for the First Nation who took in $500K that year just from their cut of the Provincial gambling revenue, but doesn’t think it worth while to pay anything.
