9 Replies to “You May Now Rub Your Amulets”

  1. “….ecology and anarchist group building”.
    Yes of course, nothing say’s love more than tearing down every fabric of humanity and civilization while holding a beating heart to the moon god’s.

  2. I think we’ve found the female counterpart to the male Star Wars and Dungeons & Dragons geeks who live in their parent’s basement and play out their silly fantasies. The only difference is the men know what they’re doing is not reality.

  3. Making their sacrifices of unborn babies to their pagan earth godess GAIA and lets never forget Hillary escorted by her flying monkeys I;LL GET YOU MY PRETTY AND YOUR LITTLE DOG TO

  4. Then there’s right wing nut job and religious bigot Pat Robertson:
    “The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” — 1992

  5. The main problem with people wishing to become witches is not that it is foolish (we do lots of foolish things which are more or less harmless) but that it is wicked.
    The sources of wealth and power in our society are more or less public. We can all read science or engineering or finance online, or even in a library whee those exist. Politics is largely a public activity as well.
    The would-be adept in magic and witchcraft, however, seeks hidden powers not generally available. The use may be benign, it may be malevolent, but it is secretive or secret. Whether the witch intends to do good or evil is not known to anyone but the witch.
    Remember, too, that while we do not think that these magical powers are real, it is suspected that in past centuries witches were not beyond augmenting their occult “powers” with poisons and such.
    It says much that these would-be witches are attracted to left-wing and feminist politics. Evil is as evil does.

  6. “Evil is as evil does.”
    Quite true.
    I’m not one to believe in any hocus pocus, Illuminati, Satanist whatever, the problem is that many of these freaks do believe. So when they do, ‘believe”, they act on those beliefs when they think they can get away with it.
    Unfortunately today we have a hijacked culture, nurtured by a variety of corrupt elements that wish it destroyed and replaced by all that is wicked and corrupt.
    A dumb, lazy, morally vacant society, dependant on government bread & circuses is the goal, and they have almost achieved it.
    Whether or not one wishes to call these elitist interests “evil” is a moot point, psychopathic and greedy they most certainly are.
