Ah, the Life of the Mind

Don’t forget the self-described “bacon-eating vegan” who was left shocked and tearful upon discovering that her degrees in “social justice studies” and “gender studies” have zero value in the job market. “My degrees mean NOTHING,” tweeted she. “I don’t even know how to process the reality that is my life now.”

On pretentious students, their enablers, and the misplaced moral glamour of defaulting on student loans.

31 Replies to “Ah, the Life of the Mind”

  1. “”My degrees mean NOTHING,” tweeted she. “I don’t even know how to process the reality that is my life now.” “
    Ha. A gotcha moment for reality. We can only imagine the future unraveling and mental decay to follow as life and reality hand this deluded “culture warrior” one disappointment after another. It’s the cost to pay for abandoning a productive life-centered philosophy for indoctrination in utopian fallacy.
    The only good thing about the selfie-based nature of social media is we get to witness the failure of a generation of these “culture warriors” at life and happiness. I wonder if there will be a cathartic moment for these sad delusional indoctrinates – then until that happens the kindest thing we can do is ignore them and marginalize their activities.

  2. Lots of job waiting in welfare ow and mental hospital department work as social worker. Unforttunatly the word science misused we have social science generak scieence engineer science physic scientist etc now in facebook you can see too many fraud scientist fake sell herbal remedy made new religion scientist need to have licence upgraded one and pulication proof their number conference for debate agree with their paer or disagree or we can see researcher lead to corruption make money out of false news liecence like engineer doctor lawyer need for scienttist so many facebook must get blocked wrong info to public is work of social worker need watch facwbook accounts

  3. Lots of job waiting in welfare ow and mental hospital department work as social worker. Unforttunatly the word science misused we have social science generak scieence engineer science physic scientist etc now in facebook you can see too many fraud scientist fake sell herbal remedy made new religion scientist need to have licence upgraded one and pulication proof their number conference for debate agree with their paer or disagree or we can see researcher lead to corruption make money out of false news liecence like engineer doctor lawyer need for scienttist so many facebook must get blocked wrong info to public is work of social worker need watch facwbook accounts osap is fraud only help banks interest came from mark arris hillry weston over jelousy that smart must work low for them we need end of diploma one test all top smart can go free to university with courses for sure big salary wait for them cruculum courses are fraud at uoft. Only people not pass test can go college or if you super richh can send your child to private university again loan only give some who are not top students or poor but if couses work. As right progrm student can fins job smart new inovation should get percentage profitt too. Talent is not free to big cooperation steal ideads anymore.

  4. Pfffft. I have TWO degrees that aren’t worth anything. Difference between me and Ms. Special Snowflake is I’m not surprised.
    It’s called CREDENTIALISM, and it is just one more curse laid upon us by the socialists. Also by the astounding retards who apply the factory model to everything from education to farming to medicine.
    The factory model works in factories where all the units under production are the same. It does -not- work in a school, where all the units under production are unique. In education every “unit” is a kid, every kid is a custom job. Good teachers realize this, bad ones treat them all the same.
    Luckily the Internet is going to destroy the entire education system, probably very soon too. This is an inevitable development, as the world is brimming full of people like myself who are just -dying- to tell everyone every single thing we know about that one subject we are the complete master of. Whether it’s nuclear physics or how to change the bearings in a Dana 60 rear axle, there is a YouTube of how to do it out there. For free.
    The current power grab by the FCC against the Internet in the USA will slow this process a bit, as they do their best to protect these socialist edifices of government sponsored and controlled education. But they’re trying to turn back the tide with a bucket.

  5. “What language are you using?”
    Foundational (as in basement) English.

  6. She’s a perfect candidate to join the Vagina Jihad in Syria. Can we all chip in a send her a one way ticket to Istanbul? She’ll have to lose the bacon, though.

  7. ok-
    if you look at the screen, you will see red lines under the misspelled words.
    click your right key button on the mouse and it will show you the most correct word as spelled.

    paer or disagree or we can see researcher lead to corruption make money out of false news liecence like engineer doctor lawyer need for scienttist so many facebook must get blocked wrong info to public is work of social worker need watch facwbook accounts osap is fraud only help banks interest came from mark arris hillry weston over jelousy that smart must work low for them we need end of diploma one test all top smart can go free to university with courses for sure big salary wait for them cruculum courses are fraud at uoft.
    pear or disagree or we can see researcher lead to corruption make money out of false news lenience like engineer doctor lawyer need for scientist so many Facebook must get blocked wrong info to public is work of social worker need watch Facebook accounts asap is fraud only help banks interest came from mark Harris Hillary Weston over jealousy that smart must work low for them we need end of diploma one test all top smart can go free to university with courses for sure big salary wait for them curriculum courses are fraud at tofu.

    Well- th hell wit th rest of yu, at least i tride to hep.

  8. Ah. Poor baby. So she wasted 4 years learning that her vagina made her a female, versus a penis. And just WTF is a bacon-eating vegan, besides stunned and in the low end of the gene pool? Is that like a fruit-fly doctor saying he is a climate scientist? Oh. And can I get fries with that?

  9. […] the world is brimming full of people like myself who are just -dying- to tell everyone every single thing we know about that one subject we are the complete master of.[…]. For free.
    Once upon a time this was the sort of thing fathers did with their sons. I sometimes wonder if the free learning trend isn’t being driven by a combination of divorce and low birth rates in Western countries leaving a lot of knowledgeable people with no one to pass their legacy on to.

  10. When education becomes an end in itself it likely is not education at all but rather indoctrination. However indoctrination does not serve the marketplace and thus has no value. Education begins with developing basic skills and ends with the most basic skill of all knowing how to think. Indoctrination begins with leaving out the skills and jamming a young person’s mind full of nonsense so they can never see a need to think.

  11. “Well- th hell wit th rest of yu, at least i tride to hep.”
    This just goes to show that it would be great if there were a “thumbs-up” or “thumbs-down” icon on postings. Your comment is a “thumbs-up”
    Perhaps Kate can look into this and see if it would be easy to add on comments from posters.

  12. Emotion and feel good based education. Then they crash headlong into reality like a semi slamming into a concrete abutment.

  13. I heard that all the African-Americans lynched for rape were innocent. How does this information accord with the feminist dogma that all men are rapists and women never lie about rape?

  14. Universities in Canada should adjust the tuition according to the value of the degree. For example, the tuition for REAL science faculties should be heavily subsidized while the tuition for the crack pot faculties – like social “justice” studies and “gender studies” (i.e., most of them which have surfaced in the past 30 years or so) should not be subsidized at all and the person who wants to engage in such hobbies (and that’s what they are) should be required to pay the full cost of the “education”.

  15. Tution only part of big salary president upgrade building and less pay attention to hire smart teachers or professors because very smart already absorbed by business company make million out of university and not show interest to teaching skills if university can recruitt big smart with high salary part time even help them learn first teachhing skills then student end up learn from master. Science is collecttion of some facts bundle as a group has name theory attached to it such as political science. Such as you want figght group of mob mafia organized crime called themselves isis terrorist. Need first social science put their behhaviour in list then like play playstation soccer team, need team work who can play wining game with isis. Who is not. Such as shia are good team because isis hate shia and that is why US brought iran golee in and saudi is out and need some one not helped under golan border so then isreal is out now and qatr and turkey are in. Is called political science.

  16. You know…it just occurred to me that OK might actually be deaf, which would account for the strange syntax.

  17. Well- th hell wit th rest of yu, at least i tride to hep.
    It was somewhat hepful but spellcheck is not infallible. For example, it mistakenly corrected ‘uoft’ (obviously U of Toronto) to ‘tofu.’ Much as we all may like tofu, this causes the whole essay, otherwise an incisive analysis of political science at the university level, to make no sense.

  18. Buying a car with a credit card is a bad thing? News to me, and I have done it several times. Some sellers, like Crown Assets Disposal, like credit cards. That’s how I bought my current ride, an ex-RCMP Suburban, and it runs like a pup.
    Of course, I paid off the credit card at the next billing cycle, too, so there’s that.

  19. She really should. A class action lawsuit from a bunch of students who were conned into bankrupting themselves for worthless degrees.
    And where were her idiot parents to tell her to get a grip?

  20. The degrees that used to be worthwhile are still worthwhile. We still needs engineers, docs, chemists, geologists, accountants, business managers, and the like.
    The degrees that have been developed over the last fifteen years were primarily designed to provide a spot for those who would not have attended college fifteen years ago. Those degrees have always been worthless except as identity-club passwords.
    But now, even those identity-clubs are full, and the initial crop of Post-Western-Modernistic-Writing grads and Black Womyn’s Deconstructive Mythal Justice grads aren’t letting in any new grads that might dilute their primacy.
    Ayn Rand almost had it right. It’s now the Aristocracy of Pule.

  21. Luckily the Internet is going to destroy the entire education system, probably very soon too.
    I had better stock up on popcorn.

  22. Why anyone on earth would spend 40 grand (more or less) on a degree that the job market is not asking for is beyond me. Think many go in big, expecting to get GOV jobs. How we wind up with duplication in GOV and excessive taxes.
