16 Replies to “Godwin’s Law Repealed”

  1. I agree about “Godwin’s Law.” There are two possible interpretations. “There are no more Nazis,” or “Nazis must not be confronted.”
    Talk to more than a couple of Europeans, and you will soon find out there there are still Nazis. By Nazis I mean socialists who think that there own national culture is superior and who hate Jews with a passion.
    Personally I think there is some displacement going on there. They think that if they turn on the Jews, the ones they really fear, the Jihadis, will leave them alone.

  2. Off-topic
    Brian Lilley again fills in as guest host on Lowell Green’s Island of Sanity at cfra.com

  3. Yes Virginia, there are worse people in the world than Nazis.
    Communists, for example. Much, much worse if you go by body count. ISIS is trying to make up in ferocity and plain flat-out degeneracy what they lack in EFFICIENCY, but they have a -loooong- way to go before they even catch up to Stalin.
    Stalin was a piker compared to Chairman Mao. Hitler is like a frickin’ also-ran.
    I agree with Tim ion Vermont about the Eurotrash. I keep running into these middle-aged Euro w@nkers with leather jackets. All they want to talk about is how the Holocaust was a “good start”, and then they’re so surprised when Conservative Phantom guy tells them to step off.
    Modern Conservatism really is the exact opposite of what the Lefties are doing. LESS government and MORE personal freedom does not equal “kill the Jooooos!” Lefties continue to succeed at sticking us in that box, and its p1ssing me off.
    Incidentally, I happen to know that Douglas Bader was a pretty cool guy. We could use more like him.

  4. Yes he was and if memory serves me he was also a scratch golfer. On a little side note at the Duxford Air Show a few years back I was standing in front of a display case with a Bader momento in it. It was a piece of a Messerschmitt that Bader had shot down and his wing had it mounted on a plaque for Bader. There were two Germans looking over my shoulder and they were some Pi&&ed that that war plaque was on display. Go figure, eh. What did they expect?

  5. Germans seem as a culture to be very outspoken in public about things that transgress their sense of propriety.
    I’ve seen the same thing in Arizona. Lots of German tourists go to Tombstone to see the OK Corral for some reason, and there’s a gun shop in the tourist-trap part of town. They get all a-twitter when they see actual guns on display, and the men puff and pout and say it isn’t right and so forth. But they do it -outside- the shop, because they don’t want to tangle antlers with the armed and presumed to be dangerous shop owner.
    Europussies, basically. Shop owner finds their reaction hilarious, I talked to him about it at some length one lazy afternoon. He does almost all his business in hats and so forth, the guns are mostly atmosphere. Euroweenies love to come and touch an Actual Handgun! then they buy a Genuine Frontier Cowboy Hat and some jerky, with a selfie to prove They Were There.
    Same thing as Canadians who visit the Black Forest and buy Genuine Lederhosen, except backwards.

  6. No war trophys in Germany….those two were not sore losers…they just considered it in bad taste……..
    My experience with Germans is those now on pension don’t wantta talk about it….collective guilt?
    Those German under retirement age lean left and the younger the lefter….
    Those born in the 70s remember the Berlin Wall….and the Soviets….not Russians…Soviets.

  7. I followed the link to the Leo Major story. Why haven’t we heard more about him?!
    And thanks for the Godwin’s Law refresher.

  8. I have a Robert Taylor print with Douglas Bader and Adolph Gallants signatures on the back , it has caused fights among my spawn so may get donated to the Museum of the Regiments.( now the military museum in Calgary ) the only place in the world where the navy has more planes than the airforce. also have one of “hoagy ” Carmichael shooting down a Mig with a seafury . also signed .but not by the comrade

  9. I think there’s a Sea Fury at the Canadian Warplane Heritage. I used to see it fly over my house, its some guy’s private hotrod.
    Colour me green with envy.

  10. Re ; Douglas Bader, when I was a kid in the 1950’s, before TV, we listened to a radio program called “Douglas Bader,The Legless Air Ace”. I think it was a British program. We kids were fascinated by the story.
    Bader and all the rest were household names in my home, including two of my Mother’s classmates who were members of the “Dam Buster’s” squadron.
    Neither came home.

  11. I picked up a great “T” shirt in commemoration of the ‘Dam Busters’ at the Nanton Museum last year. Also a Spit and Mossie “T” as well.

  12. One of the dambusters was out of Vulcan Alberta. I think his name was terry Terham. Check out town hall
    There are six RCAF WW II out of Vulcan and lots out of nanton

  13. Islamists have never hid their evil nor have they had a reason to. The gatekeepers of leftism know what to leak out, what to white-wash and what to agree with. Most people are too ignorant and/or scared to ask any questions or criticise. With the Nazis, the powers that be could- and did to some extent- punish them for their obvious crimes against humanity. Can anyone see the head of ISIS being tried for crimes against humanity? He will be glorified.
    We have devolved morally. Had we not, there would be no Islamism on a massive scale, only a handful of fanatics scared off by a secular iron man in the Middle East.

  14. That is a funny story about the German tourists and the gun shop. One time we were entertaining clients from Europe in Texas. One of them, straight up, and this guy was former military, was afraid of getting shot while getting off the plane. We took them to a restaurant for a gigantic steak where there were TVs on all the walls showing westerns, lots of shootouts. I told them they were the security cameras from the parking lot.
