26 Replies to “I’m Impossibly Delicate, Now Do as I Say”

  1. “Freedom of speech, in a space that aims to be as inclusive as possible[,] can be interpreted as hate speech”
    Really? You can butter your ass but that doesn’t make it a biscuit.
    So in their bizzaro universe ‘inclusive as possible’ means excluding their national flag.
    Pharmaceutical grade stupidity right there.

  2. Notice how they state up front, with no hedging, that patriotism is a bad thing.
    But if we question whether someone on the left is – you know – patriotic, the media collapses to their fainting couches.
    I’m sure to a good university-educated communist, it makes sense.

  3. Never dreamed that wearing an American Flag on the back of my combat jacket might cause some poor liberal hair headed bastard distress, tears, and maybe piss in his/her pants.
    I plan to sew another on the back of my hat.

  4. The collapse of civilization is inevitable at this point. I think we should just get it over with and let it happen. The sooner it happens the sooner we can start rebuilding.

  5. Marxist intelligentsia (there’s an oxymoron) have finally jumped the shark.
    From the madness of white guilt stigmata they now have assigned freedom, liberty and self determination to a guilt called “American privilege”.
    I feel anyone who thinks individual freedom is not worth the price America has paid for it, should be given a one way ticket to North Korea.

  6. Now I know where all the retards from the shut down insane asylums went. Just what are they putting in the water out there???

  7. I’ve been the UCI several times when a group of 3-400 Muslim students have shouted down speakers, mostly Jewish. This request has nothing to do with the touchy feely gender studies thing, it’s the work of the Iranian born Muslims who bully and control the Student Union. The Iranians on campus don’t want the US flag hanging in their meeting space so they’re using the touchy feely language to see if they can’t get it taken down.
    It’s Sharia 101 and they will probably get away with it.

  8. Stupid bunch of stupid marxsist jerks lazy pigs sitting around all day in their dorms clicking their remotes or attending the usial leftists classes run by leftists adminastraitors im in favor of totaly defunding these stupid unisersities and collages run by leftists scumbags

  9. You nailed exactly what is going on in that rat’s nest. Unfortunately there are many such campuses. Alinksy and Ayers appear to have won, and I expect that Obama would approve. These scum are tomorrows civic leaders. Sad to see a civilization crumble.
    Good for you Fearless.
    Justthinkin, the people behind this are not retards and they know exactly what they are doing. The Bolo university professor Bill Ayers and many others like him have pretty much taken over the universities.

  10. These people need to be slapped until they regain consciousness.
    Parents need to sue universities over the fact that a premium price was paid but what was paid for was not delivered.
    Not even close.
    If these lawsuits start stacking up, maybe universities will look at who they have at tenure and make changes.
    Unless the rot goes all the way to the top, then it is up to alumni to just stop sending money.

  11. Imagine the mass angst and communal diarrhea a graffiti artist with a sense of humour could create with a few cans of red, white and blue spray paint.

  12. I say nationality pride such I am Canadian or wear American flag or some sign is used as prejudice to law makker politic under law for that nation first protect right of Nation as group of population living as perment residency to place and law and order take their pride to live safe. Later facts showed misused or mismange that prejedice used in court to give order with all facts to judge you for appearance your accent your dress code color religion corrrupt justice laws and order to one group in power bother others. Having all mental illness grows in world internationally and racist prejedice border land one over other soon day come nobody respect mass war or fightt oftwo nation killing without enough facts. As capital punishmentt in USA was on hold for review too. Nobody has right to kill anybody else for their prejedice. Soon in olympic flag over soccer team that two nation fight when country won final game flag fight that fun game changed to hate to crime bother others for nothing unreasonably

  13. To show the strength of their resolve, UC Irvine Students, backed by their mascot – Peter the Anteater, have also agreed to pay the increased tuition required to offset their refusal to accept taxpayer funding, since the currency carries patriotic symbols and language including the extremely off-putting “In God We Trust.”
    GO Vermilinguas!

  14. “Indeed, the mere sight of it could make young intellectuals burst into tears and feel terribly unsafe.”
    Please, tell me spontaneously bursting into flames isn’t totally out of the question.

  15. If these little snots think old glory is so offensive to the little pissy eyes then why dont they go live in Iran or one of those middle east nations where they burn the flag all the time im sure this little scumball would fit right in

  16. TheTooner replied to comment from Occam | March 7, 2015 9:08 AM | Reply
    I would just lend them a shovel.
    These are University students Tooner, you’d have to give them a tutorial on how to use a shovel.

  17. Uttered from an American comedian not too long ago: I’m not sure I want to spend $100K+ to a school, mostly to have my child come back 4 years later hating me and my country.
    Truer words have never been spoken.

  18. Just like wit that boy Cody Alicia he was told to remove hisamerica flag from his bike becuase some miserble littl hispanic cockroaches comlpained about it but when the public got wind of it they ended forcing the school to reverse its decision and next time these little hispanic cockroaches complain some need to tell them to GO PUND SAND or just GO HOME

  19. Ah my. Socrates, who saw combat with the Athenian army, would have no use for these thingies.
