The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire

TaxiCab Depressions;

I wake up every day around two or three in the afternoon, make a cup of coffee and turn on the news, just waiting for the day when it finally happens, the day that something finally snaps, and I am listening to Sheppard Smith breathlessly trying to describe shaky video of a mob of 500,000 or 800,000 pissed off taxpayers that has invaded Washington and are lining every street in D.C., armed to the teeth, and erecting scaffolding on the National Mall.
Actually, that’s not how I think it is going to go, but I promise you… what can not go on, will NOT go on.

A worthy rant.
h/t David

23 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. The Murrcans voted Obamugabae into office . . . . . TWICE. They can now live with the consequences. That $US Reserve Currency Of The World gig is wearing a little at the edges, isn’t it? Third world standard of living is approaching quickly.

  2. Theres a old one by Brett Strong called MONEY THATS WHAT I WANT sounds like aperfect song for trial lawyers and the goverment under Obama

  3. I am saddened by the author’s repeated bleat,”they can’t DO that”!
    Yes,they can. And no one is saying anything about it.
    And there won’t be a revolution.

  4. “And there won’t be a revolution.”
    True enough. You can’t have a revolution without a leader and with the NSA spying on everyone, they’ll just eliminate any viable leader before he/she ever gets out of the starting gate.

  5. America in the 21st century runs little risk of becoming Honduras Grande, but if current politico-economic trends continue much longer, we might well wind up a lot like Yugoslavia. That statement is sure to be controversial, since few Americans, citizens of the global hegemon and to many of them a most exceptional country, like to be compared with a relatively small Balkan federation that collapsed into wars and genocide a generation ago.

    Yet the collapse of Yugoslavia offers several cautionary tales to Americans today, and if they are wise they will heed them and set the United States on a correction course before it is too late. As one who witnessed the dreadful collapse of Yugoslavia and its terrible aftermaths — including the seemingly permanent impoverishment of Southeastern Europe, mired in crime, corruption, and extremism — I would very much like America to discover a far happier fate.

    However, some of the parallels are eerie and troubling. The differences must be explained up-front. Yugoslavia at its collapse had less than one-tenth of America’s population now, and its system of government was a socialist dictatorship, albeit one of a relatively enlightened kind. Notwithstanding a very nasty secret police force, Yugoslavia as nurtured under the charismatic Tito was a good deal more pleasant place to live than anywhere in the Soviet Bloc. Yugoslavs were free to travel abroad and, after the early 1950s, the repressive state apparatus didn’t have to throw many dissidents in prison, as public shaming, including threats of unemployment and loss of housing, cowed most would-be complainers into towing the party line, at least in public.

  6. I liked the FCC part the best. Thanks David. I e-mailed it to all friends and families. That rant needs to go viral

  7. A very heart felt plea to see the land of freedom recover from the governmental insanity it suffers.
    He makes a few very good points about the state of the nation:
    * America’s federal ruling cabal has gone truly “lawless” and unaccountable. If it cannot be corrected by ballot the founding document allows for the people to dissolve it and arrest the criminals running it. It seems they are nearing the point where the second option is the only choice.
    * a free people in a constitutional republic will only remain so by vigilance (patriotism) and being informed voters – zombies who undergo a daily MSM lobotomy are incapable of maintaining a free nation.
    * America’s autocrats are following a global trend of government-private sector partnerships (AKA crony capitalism AKA fascist economics)
    * The American political class and media have redefined patriotism as being blindly loyal to malfeasant government and autoritarian political dogma. True patriotism is a loyalty to the original idea of America and its founding document, not some bureaucratic body which has achieved political power by cheating those ideals and the constitution -true patriotism is branded as domestic terrorism by the new criminal cabal running Washington.
    * The unilateral takeover of the internet by the federal government is the beginning of the end of free info flow and free speech in America – American fascism is mobilizing against her people and they are marching right out of Washington DC.
    * the light is going out on the torch of liberty in America and the zombie horde either cheer it on or watch in self-interested indifference. However it only took 10% of Americans to rebel and form the nation, perhaps 1776 will reoccur but in a more effective less violent form – a mass strike of the productive class would topple the parasitic political power structure – it was done in Poland and Russia.


  9. It does appear that this is exactly where the US is heading.
    Occam, I agree, but it is hard to predict what will come of this. The vast majority of people are pretty complacent until their latest episode of survivor does not appear on the scheduled time.
    No one will do a thing to arrest this slide until people have trouble putting food on their family table, then all *ell will break loose.
    Aspects of the next thread about the state of US and Canadian universities are a large part of the problem. UCI is only one of many in the grip of Marxist revolutionaries, as are many of the governmental departments. As I have related in the past, with specific examples, this takeover of our universities by the radical left started in the late 1950s.

  10. “And there won’t be a revolution.”
    No of course not, Revolutions are a thing of the past, not unlike stone age axes & spears. Revolution could never happen in the great USA.
    Not now not ever – well just as long as an American hating minority of some ilk, who loves high taxes and occupies the Whitehouse with minority self interest groups – and borders are left wide open, and the US populates itself with as many Third World squatters as it can, and they successfully scrap the first and second amendments……….Revolution? Civil War? It’ll never happen.

  11. 1980 was about 17 trillion dollars ago. When people are told the debt is at 18 trillion dollars, three billion doesn’t seem like a lot. It’s like a rounding error. Doomed.

  12. soros steyer Bloomberg gellen marx alinsky Madoff emanual
    all U bible bangers make sure no one say anything against these socialist stalwarts
    when you wantonly fail to identify the problem you will never identify the solution
    even the Israelis and the rightwing Jewish pundits recognize this, ritewing bible bangers not so much

  13. All talk. Who’s going to arrest the Sheriff?
    Things aren’t like they used to be, get used to it, more to come. All in the Plan…

  14. Americans, despite their bravado, make just as craven a cabal of socialists / fascists as anywhere else on the planet. What makes them seem worse is that while their progressives are embracing all the evil of statism, they seem to exhibit that chauvinistic legacy of American exceptionalism which actually only applies to their libertarian roots. They once again demonstrate the fatal conceit that socialism / fascism can work properly if just done right this time.

  15. From the article: “Whatever… as long as my NetFlix is streamin’ good, and I can play Call of Duty without any lag, I’m chill…”
    That pretty much covers the “revolution” thing.
    And as Canadians we should all be very familiar with this, because IT ALREADY HAPPENED HERE. We called it the 1970’s. There was no revolution when the government pretty much sucked away all your rights and all your money, was there?
    Tell you when there’s going to be a revolution. It will be when all the welfare checks bounce on a Friday, because the government finally ran out of other people’s money. It will be when it takes a wheelbarrow full of $50s to buy a loaf of bread. It will be when all the supermarkets stop carrying meat the same day, because there isn’t any. And not before.
    And after the Revolution, then it will get Worse.

  16. As someone has already noted, we are about to go off the same ledge with Shiny Pony. The population is so dumbed-down that all of this will occur with barely anyone noticing. Sad.

  17. Phantom , you and I have been communicating on here for 7 years , we said the same thing then as we say now.
    As you stated , not one second before, then when we all revolt it will get even worse.
    We are doomed.
    Nme666 still trying desprately to blame christians for the actions of Marxists,communists, socialists.
    Remeber it’s the right wing evil christians that are all of the below.
    1) Want lower taxes
    2)smaller government
    3)don’t want to pay for sex changes
    4)don’t want to pay for abortions
    5)support our troops
    6)support our rights to bear arms
    7)beleive in private property rights
    Tell me again how all of this is christians fault?

  18. “And there won’t be a revolution.”
    There wasn’t supposed to be a second world war after the Great War, either.
    Agree with Knight.

  19. Tell you when there’s going to be a revolution. It will be when all the welfare checks bounce on a Friday, because the government finally ran out of other people’s money. It will be when it takes a wheelbarrow full of $50s to buy a loaf of bread. It will be when all the supermarkets stop carrying meat the same day, because there isn’t any. And not before.
    There will be no wheelbarrows of $50’s or the Weimar Republic equivalent. With credit cards, and debit cards what will happen is cash will become a curiosity of the past. So much easier to add a couple of zeros to the end of ones pay cheque that’s direct deposited (as well as welfare deposit) to go hand in hand with the inflationary rise of necessities. Of course the pay won’t rise as fast as cost of living.

  20. Phil’s on it, though I believe there will still be more than a smattering of folks conducting commerce with cash money.
    Should the revolution come, the plastic “monetary” system will be quickly shut off, turned back on, and “adjusted” to keep the masses exactly as desired by the same puppeteers who manipulate the pols to dance their dance and sing their song.
    Besides a healthy stash of cash money for commerce, commodities will be important for both personal survival and trade/barter/sale. Think Beyond Thunderdome. Think Jericho.

  21. Paul in Calgary >
    “Nme666 still trying desprately to blame christians for…..”
    No brains 666 is a freaky troll, “desperately trying to blame” is a joke right?

  22. richfisher >
    Yes it’s pretty amazing that owning Apple iPods and drinking Starbucks designer coffees somehow absolves historical trends and basic social human behavior.
    Magic it must be.
